Drabble Collection

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Hello! I decided to open requests for drabbles for about a week and wanted to post them here. There's 8 stories in this collection featuring a bunch of different characters (Natasha Romanoff, Pietro Maximoff, Tony Stark, Dick Grayson, Wanda Maximoff)

also, fuck canon we make our own rules here



Prompt: "That was a weird dream."
Author's Note: there wasn't a character in this, so I just went for it hehe

You walked into the training room, still a little drowsy from just waking up from a nap. "That was a weird dream," You muttered as you got ready to get to work.

"What dream?" Natasha cocked her head.

"I fell asleep on the couch while watching TV. I had a dream that we were going into an apocalypse because a giant Pacman started eating everything," You sighed, aware of how it sounded.

Natasha chuckled as she looked at you like you were crazy. "Uh, that is a very strange dream. Is your brain okay?"

"No, it's not."


Prompt: dick grayson + movie night. Send

You sat on the couch in Dick's apartment as you scrolled through Netflix, waiting for him to get back. He was supposed to be back home half an hour ago, but he was running late.

As you were about to call him for the third time, you heard the window of his fire escape opening. "Finally, you're late!" You called out.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," Dick apologized quickly. "I'm going to change, and we can start the movie. Have you picked one?" He called as he walked into his bedroom.

"I was waiting for you," You called back to him.

"Since I made you wait, just pick!" He shouted, then after your loud sigh, he stumbled out of the room as he was throwing a t-shirt on. "Anything, really."

"Anything?" You smirked.

Dick stopped before he got to the couch and realized what he had said. "Anything except the movie you've seen nine times this month," He said.

"Too late, you said anything!" You celebrated and clicked your current favorite movie that you've forced Dick to watch more than he's ever watched anything else.

Dick begrudgingly sat down and cuddled up next to you. "I guess it's only fair," He said.


Prompt: ok bestie as someone with father issues. my drabble request is just anything with an adopted teenage reader and father!tony stark. it's called therapy 😌😌
Note: the best therapy is fanfiction. i love dad tony stark. this is when stark tower still existed and before vision bc jarvis. stark tower my love. this also relates to me being directionally challenged.

Though you've lived in Stark Tower for a few years now, you still get lost from time to time. You entirely blame it on the tower being so big, and you'd think you would know your way around by now, but you don't. Every so often, Tony has to come find you and lead you back to civilization.

"Where are you?" Your adoptive father asked into the phone.

"I'm...definitely not lost. I know exactly where I am," You said, trying to sound as confident as possible. Tony could see right through you.

Tony laughed, not sure why he was surprised. "Okay, well, it's almost time for dinner. I'll have JARVIS find you so you don't miss dinner," Tony said. He called out to JARVIS while still on the phone with you, and JARVIS informed him where you are.

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