Two Weeks Before - Dick Grayson x Reader

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Words: 1131
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader
Warnings: Very cheesy holiday romance
Summary: Two weeks before Christmas, you are struggling with there being no holiday decorations in your shared apartment. After bringing it up with Dick, he demands on changing that immediately.
Author's Note: Merry Christmas! A short, fluff, cheesy fic is my present. I wasn't going to do a Christmas fic this year, but I was struck with inspiration. Other tags include established romance, very cliché and cheesy, and fluff without plot.


It started with small things. A little ornament here, a reindeer there, but it was so subtle that Dick didn't notice it at first. You knew he felt weird about the holidays. Not bad, but also not great. Just...weird.

You wanted to approach Dick about if you could decorate the apartment for the holidays, but he's been so busy that it never seemed like a good time to ask. The Blüdhaven and Gotham criminals have taken their holiday spirit and decided to make it worse for everyone instead of giving a break. Hopefully, it would calm down soon.

As you waited for Dick to get home, about two weeks before Christmas, you scrolled through Instagram, looking at all kinds of different room decorations. The apartment was still pretty empty, and you wanted to decorate, but you didn't want to put Dick on the spot and surprise him with decorations.

Though you've been dating for a few years, this is your first Christmas fully living together, and you didn't want to intrude. While you'd decorated your own apartment last year, you knew Dick's was just as bare as this year.

"Hey," You jumped when Dick's voice came from behind you. "Oops, sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Thought you heard me when I came in."

You looked up at Dick after catching your breath. He had just finished with...whatever was going on in Blüdhaven tonight, and he looked exhausted. His hair was a mess, and his face was sweaty. His mask was in his hand as he was removing the top part of his suit. "No, it's okay. I was lost in thought and didn't hear you. How was tonight?" You asked.

He groaned in response. "That great, huh?" You tried to bring some humor to the conversation. "Well, I'm hoping everything will lighten up as we get closer to Christmas and New Year's. But I know that's wishful thinking."

Dick shrugged. "I hope so, too," He sighed. "What were you thinking about?" He asked, giving up on getting out of the suit entirely and sat on the couch next to you.

"Ah, just looking at some of my friend's Instagram posts of their trees. I always love a decorated tree," You showed him your phone quickly, just a few photos.

As you showed him the pictures, Dick realized he had no decorations in his apartment. Well, now that he's looking around, he sees a few small things, but he didn't put those there. He knows you like to decorate, so why isn't there anything up? "Did you not want to do a tree this year?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I remember how decorated your apartment was last year and before. Why didn't we decorate a tree?" Dick continued his question.

You shrugged. "You've been busy. And I know Christmas is a hard time for you with your family and stuff. I didn't want to overstep," You said.

Dick sighed, now knowing he missed all of the signs. "Overstep? This is your home, too. If you wanted to decorate, then we should decorate!"

"I know it's my home too, but I really didn't want to make anything worse. You didn't decorate at all last year."

"I guess I didn't, did I?" He asked, not expecting an answer. "I think I'm just so used to being at the Manor for celebrations, and that's always decorated. I didn't think about having anyone at my apartment to see the no-decorations thing." Dick knew it wasn't a great answer or excuse, but it's all he's got. Alfred likes to decorate Wayne Manor for the yearly all-inclusive holiday party, so Dick's never seen the point in decorating his own space since no one else sees it. But now, it's different.

You nodded at Dick's little explanation. "It makes sense. Alfred does do a really good job of decorating, and I can't wait to see his work this year."

"I am, too. But just because Alfred is a good decorator doesn't mean we can't have a tree and some lights!" Dick smiled. "You know what, we should go into storage tomorrow morning and get all your decorations and set up."

"You're sure? Christmas is almost here," You said.

Dick shook his head. "I don't care. If you want decorations, then we are decorating! We can leave it up as long as we want. We can listen to Christmas music or watch a movie while we get it all together."

"Sounds perfect," You smiled.

The next morning, Dick kept his promise, and the two of you got out your decorations from storage. You weren't planning to go all out, but at least your small tree and some lights around the apartment would be a good way to get into the holiday spirit. With some Christmas music on, the two of you got to work with setting up the tree, putting the ornaments on, and displaying lights around the apartment.

You added stand-alone decorations here and there, like one of those reindeer that sings Jingle Bells and a family of gnomes. You realized too late that you only had a stocking with your name on it, but Dick didn't have one, so that didn't get displayed. You made a note for the following year.

Time flew by as the two of you danced around the apartment setting up. This was the most fun Dick had ever had decorating for the holidays, it was super casual and lighthearted, plus he was doing it with the person he loves most. He regretted not setting up earlier, but he's so glad you're decorating now. Every so often, he looks over and just watches you, humming along to the music and enjoying the decorating.

His apartment has always been so bare. He knows now he wouldn't want it any other way with you; the decorations really add to it, and it makes both of you happy.

The decorating was dying down as almost everything was set up. It was more than either of you were planning, and quite a few boxes were empty. Just as Dick was packing up a box to put back in storage, something caught his eye. He smirked when he realized what it was, grabbed it, and walked up behind you.

Dick startled you a little bit, but you knew he was there, so it wasn't anything crazy. You looked over your shoulder at him to see the big, cheesy smile on his face as he held his hand above your heads. "Oh, what are we to do, caught under mistletoe?" He sighed dramatically.

"Well, we wouldn't want to be stuck here, would we?" You answered and turned to give him a kiss. His cheesy smile stayed as you kissed, even when the mistletoe dropped.

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