Lucky - Jason Todd x (f)Reader

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Words: 1126

Pairing: Jason Todd x (f)Reader

Warnings: Mentions canon-typical violence, very vague nsfw thoughts

Summary: Jason can't wait to see you, and now he's stuck listening to his older brother.

Author's Note: There is no actual jason and yn interaction in this, he just thinks about how much he loves you. Dick also has a girlfriend. This is based entirely on the photo above, it's from this Pinterest post. Bruce Wayne is a good dad. The family is happy. This is also like really based on the daydreaming and headcanoning cafeacademia and I have been doing the last week.

And, if you're more of a Dick lover, I have already written his perspective about him missing his girlfriend (you ;) )

After the long night of patrol-turned-gang-fight, Jason would love nothing more than to go back to your shared apartment, have some fun together, and fall asleep blissfully unaware that there was a world outside the door. But he knew that wasn't possible because you were out of town for work.

He's never hated California more than the fact that it's on the other side of the country from New Jersey.

Jason didn't really want to go back to his empty apartment just yet, but he also didn't want to go back to the Cave and answer a million questions from the rest of the team. It would be easier to give Bruce his verbal report before Bruce went back to the Cave, too. However, as he was carefully walking along the roof edges, the bright blue of Nightwing's costume caught his eye.

Jason changed directions and landed on the roof where Dick was. Jason called out to him, making Dick jump a little, and Jason loved that he was able to sneak up on his big brother. As Jason made his way over to sit next to Dick, Dick explained that Bruce was still talking to Gordon, so he was still waiting to give his report.

He knew Dick wanted to get home to his girlfriend, and since Jason wasn't able to see you tonight, he'd let Dick get out of here first. And, of course, that opened a whole can of worms that he couldn't close. Once Dick started talking about his girlfriend, he couldn't stop. But Jason has the same problem: once he starts thinking about you, he can't stop.

Jason has heard about Dick's girlfriend a million times, so it's easy for him to tune it out now. While Dick goes on and on about how he can't wait to get home to her, Jason lets his mind drift as he thinks about you. You two have been together for a while now, and you've known about Red Hood things pretty much since the beginning. He loves how understanding you are with his weird work schedule (even if you definitely freaked out at first), and he loves when you patch him up after a difficult night. He loves that you love his get-up; red has always suited him, you say. He loves that you're always there for him when he needs to talk about his work or vent about his family. He loves you.

Jason kept thinking about you. How you always tried your hardest to stay awake until he got home from patrol or missions. How you help him deal with his frustration in enjoyable ways only you knew. How you'd enjoy watching the stupidest movies available with him. He loved it all. He's not sure how he got so lucky with someone so wonderful, understanding, and beautiful. Jason thought about you standing in your shared bedroom, waiting for him, and noted all the areas of your body that he couldn't wait to kiss when you finally got home. Unfortunately, before his thoughts could go any further than kissing, his brother's annoyance pulled him out of his daydream.

"Are you listening to me?" Dick asked, knowing the answer already.

"Mhm," Jason nodded with his chin resting on one of his hands, sulking. Now he wasn't just sulking about missing you; he was sulking about Dick being inconsiderate and ending the beautiful images he saw in his mind. Now, Jason had to convince Dick that he wasn't being ignored and entertain his blabbing as Dick came to the realization that he loves his girlfriend. Jason usually is never jealous of Dick, but in this instance, he's jealous that he gets to go home and see his girlfriend. Jason still has two whole days until he gets to see you.

Jason missed the first half of Dick's sentence but heard, "Can't you at least pretend to be interested in what I have to say?" Dick asked. And though Jason refused to answer it, he knew the answer was definitely no. He is not interested in hearing about how much Dick can't wait to go home and watch TV reruns and eat takeout with his girlfriend. Jason's upset that he's going to end up doing that alone or get stuck going back to the Batcave and dealing with his younger siblings. He was not happy with either of the outcomes he was going to be stuck with.

Luckily, Jason didn't have to answer Dick's question as Bruce finally showed up on the top of the building. Without much fuss, he let Dick leave without giving his report and sat next to Jason. He was a little annoyed with how this situation had worked out, truthfully. Not that Dick got to leave before giving his report, no, but that Jason has never been given that same choice.

So, he'd address it with Bruce as he sat down next to Jason. "You never let me leave before giving reports," Jason complained.

Though he couldn't see it through Bruce's cowl, Jason knew his eyes squinted as he looked at him. "You don't ever wait around long enough for me to let you," Bruce shot back as he sat down. And that was true. Jason normally left as soon as the fight ended so he could get home to you, so he sees that he can't really argue. "So, how'd things go on your end?"

Jason rattled off random details of what he could remember from the fights. His verbal reports were a lot like his typed reports, if he did them: scrambled, unorganized, and chaotic. Luckily, after so many years, Bruce has learned how to organize them in his head and fix them before a final upload to the Super Secret Batman Inc. Server. Bruce let Jason ramble on about his scattered details for as long as he needed. Since it was a long night, it was a longer report. But Jason wrapped it up fairly quickly when he heard his phone chime in the specific noise that meant it was a text from you.

"I assume that noise means we're done?" Bruce asked.

"See, I knew you'd catch on one day," Jason nodded as he opened his leather jacket and fished his phone out from one of the protective pockets. Jason didn't even hear Bruce say goodbye as he opened up your text, but when he looked up next, he was long gone.

Baby <3: I saw it was a rough night in Gotham. Hope it went okay, babe. I'll see you in two days. Love you!

Jason: It was okay. Love you. Can't wait to see you. Miss you a loooooot.

Baby <3: Don't worry, we'll make up for lost time ;)

Oh, Jason could hardly wait.

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