Thunderstorm - Thor Odinson x Reader

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Words: 1372
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Reader
Warnings: you have a fear of thunderstorms, mentions dying, semi-panic attack
Summary: You have had a fear of thunderstorms for as long as you can remember. When a storm comes out of nowhere, you don't know what to do until your boyfriend shows up.
Author's Note: This takes place after Endgame, before Love and Thunder, and Thor never went away with the Guardians. There is also a kinda flashback that takes place during the party in AoU. This fic is different from what I normally write, there is very little dialogue! I enjoyed trying this different style a lot, though.



With the first clap of thunder in the storm, both your and Thor's eyes shot open for drastically different reasons.

Thor only lived a few houses away from yours, but he was still worried about getting to you in time. He wasn't aware it was going to rain or even storm, and he was cursing at himself for not being prepared. Thor grabbed a jacket and rushed out his door to get to you as fast as possible. Normally, you two are ready for the storms and spend the night together, but somehow, you missed this one.

In your bedroom, you were trying to regulate your breathing as you listened to the rain hit the roof, the thunder boom, and the lightning strike. In your logical brain, you knew your boyfriend would show up at your side any minute now. But on the other side of your brain, you were sure that this was the night he wasn't going to be by your side, and you would die in the storm.

You sat up in your bed, failing to keep your breath steady. You grabbed your pillow and hugged it to your chest, squeezing your eyes shut as the next clap of thunder hit and lightning lit up your room.

Though it only takes him a few minutes to get to your house, it felt like an eternity of waiting and fear eating you up. Your head spiraled as the lightning continued to strike, and even though your eyes were shut, it was so bright that you could still see it. And when it was followed by thunder only a few seconds later, shaking the walls, you squealed in fear.

Finally, only a few minutes later, Thor used the spare key to get into your house. Once he shut the door, he shouted your name and rushed to your room. He felt terrible when he saw the state of you on your bed. "Don't worry, I'm right here," Thor comforted you as he sat on the bed and engulfed you in a hug. He rubbed your back and whispered nonsense into your ear to distract you from the storm. Neither of you knew how long the storm would go on for, but now that you were together, it was immensely better. Still, you were scared, but with him right next to you, it didn't feel like you would die in this storm.

Thor talked to you about anything he could think of. He talked about his day, even though you were with him for the majority of it; he told you about the dream he was having and even brought up silly stories from his childhood. At one point, he got distracted himself and talked about the time you first met.

Sometimes it still baffles how you, someone deathly afraid of thunderstorms, fell in love with the freaking god of thunder.

While Thor talked mindlessly to distract you, it gave you the chance to drift off and think. His voice was becoming like white noise, and your eyes were still shut to block out the lightning. You thought back to that night when you first met Thor, even though you were terrified.

It wasn't long after you helped Natasha and Steve in finding The Winter Soldier, and they made sure to invite you and Sam to their party. Natasha was excited to introduce you to the rest of the team, as a highly skilled agent, and Clint couldn't wait to see you again. But when she named off the members of her team that would be there, you froze at hearing Thor's name.

Natasha knew of your fear of storms, but she didn't realize they were still so bad that you were scared to even meet Thor. She kept pushing for an answer when you finally blew up on her, explaining, "He's the god of thunder, Nat! The one thing that I always think is going to be the end of me."

It made her upset, knowing that you were scared to meet Thor. She knows him, he doesn't go around making thunder and lightning appear for no reason, and she was determined that you two would get along. But every time she told you to give him a chance, you got more upset. It got to the point where you were considering not even attending, just worried about being in the same room as him. She backed off and promised you she wouldn't push you to meet him; she just wanted you at the party.

Finally, you agreed to go with her. But not even an hour into the party did you turn around while you were distracted in a random conversation, spilling your drink right into someone's chest. And not just anyone: Thor's.

You remember freezing in the middle of the room, apologizing profusely about spilling your drink on him. Your words were coming out of your mouth, broken and fearful, scared that you would cause him to blow up and your biggest fear would come true.

But instead, he only smiled and said, "Not to worry! It was my fault. Are you okay?" And he extended his hand to help you off the floor. You finally looked up at him when you stood up and realized that Natasha was right. He had the biggest smile you had ever seen and looked at you with such gentle eyes. In that moment, Thor decided you had to be his newest best friend.

Even though you were still weary of him, you gave him a chance. Early on, you told him of your fear of thunderstorms, and he promised he would never do anything to scare or harm you.

You were brought back to reality when Thor said your name a bit louder. The day you met was so many years ago, and so many things had changed, but Thor's promise never did. "How are you doing? I can feel that your heart slowed down," He said, brushing a nearly-dried tear off your cheek.

You took a deep breath and offered a slight smile. "I...think I'm doing better. It always helps to listen to you." And it was true, even if you weren't comprehending every word Thor rattled off, it was soothing to hear his comforting voice while you thought about, well, anything.

The two of you sat on the bed in silence after that, just listening to each other's breath. It is the middle of the night, and you both are tired. Now that the thunder was getting quieter and further away, and the lightning wasn't as bright, you were feeling much better. With Thor by your side, not letting go, you knew you were safe. And there was no chance he was going to leave you alone tonight, just in case the storm started up again.

Thor took the pillow that you were still holding and set it down at the top of the bed so you both could lie down comfortably. You were still in his arms, and he was still admiring you, especially now that you were feeling better. It was still raining, but the rain didn't bother you as much as the storm did. "Thank you, Thor," You said, just above a whisper. "For always being here."

"Of course. You know I would never let you go through that alone," He reminded you.

You nodded, not sure if he actually saw your head move. "I was thinking about when we first met. The irony still isn't lost on me that we got together."

"Well, I made the promise that I would never let the storms harm you, and I intend to keep that promise," Thor replied. "I do agree, though; it is kind of funny how it all worked out."

With Thor beside you and the rain so light it couldn't bother you, you were ready to drift back to sleep. "I don't know what I did to deserve you," You said in breathy sleepiness.

Thor smiled as he watched your eyes flutter, wondering the same thing. He had never been so happy that someone spilled a drink on him and eventually trusted the exact thing they were afraid of to help them through that fear.

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