Crazy Rich Gothamite (2/2) - Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Words: 2081
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: There's a lot that's going to change in Bruce's life. It's a good thing he has you.
Author's Note: Purely stupid fluff and I love it. There is no Batman stuff in this, just a mention or two. It's a fun little au, it's crazy to think about how different Bruce could turn out if he grew up differently.


"So?" You started when you picked up Bruce's phone call.

You could hear the wind on the street as he walked around, but it wasn't so bad that it was hard to hear him. "Well," He sighed. "I have officially quit my job."

"And? How'd it go?" You egged on.

"She was shocked. I told her I didn't want to quit, but I was going to work at the family business." Technically, it's not a lie. "But she really wasn't expecting it. I'll work out my two weeks and then fully start at Wayne Enterprises."

You laughed a little. "You didn't tell her who you really are?"

There was a little sigh from Bruce when you asked. "Well, no. I wanted to, but we can't risk this getting out before we're ready for it. She'll find out eventually."

"Seth is going to be so heartbroken that his work boyfriend is leaving him," You said. "Am I even allowed to go to that Starbucks anymore?"

You swear you could hear Bruce's eye roll on the other side of the phone. "I already texted Seth. He said I'm not allowed to break up with him, so he's breaking up with me," Bruce said. "And yes, you can still go there."

"Great!" You said. "But seriously, I'm proud of you. Now what?"

Bruce wasn't exactly sure, honestly. Sure, he had two weeks left of work at Starbucks and a few months left at school, but learning everything that goes into running Wayne Enterprises? He's not even stepped foot in the building in ten years, and now he's supposed to be CEO?

"How about a celebratory dinner?" He offered.

"I think that sounds perfect."

Bruce smiled. "And you know what, this one is definitely on me!"

You laughed into the phone, rolling your eyes slightly even if he couldn't see you. "It better be."

Bruce shook his head as he arrived at his car. "I'll pick you up later." Bruce smiled as he ended the phone call, surprisingly optimistic throughout this whole thing. Maybe it was because he finally told you everything and had you by his side. Now, he had to get serious and drive to Wayne Enterprises. Which he was not very excited for, but he knew he had to do it.

At least it meant he wouldn't struggle to pay rent this month like he expected.

Bruce waited in his car for you to get out of work. He had dropped you off on his way to work, so it worked out that he could pick you up. As he waited, he looked through his new checklist of things he needed to do soon.

__ Change name back ☹
__ Talk to student services center to see if the name change is an issue
X Go to bank with Alfred to get access to the account
__ Send Seth an apology chocolate basket for a laugh
__ Figure out how to arrange a press conference? To announce this?
__ Have Lucius arrange a press conference to announce this
__ Have Lucius teach me how to do that
__ Write a speech???

He was sure there was more to add to the list, but those were the ones he could think of off the top of his head. Sure, some of them weren't as important, but he needed those to break up the crazy seriousness of learning all there is to do at Wayne Enterprises. How was he going to balance the job and being Batman?

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