Stupid Situations - Dick Grayson x Reader

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Words: 1519
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: You and Dick go to college in Blüdhaven, and it's an interesting time with two superheroes. Dick, however, chooses to mess around mostly in class, meaning you have to help him with homework.
Author's Note: I do not mention your and Dick's relationship, it can be read as romantic or platonic! Same with the fact that you have Superman-like powers, but I do not specify the relationship with Clark.

This is also a fic for girl-next-door-writes 's Bingo challenge! This is for the College AU square.



It was a normal thing for you and Nightwing to be working together. Whether it be on a case in Blüdhaven or a project for a class, you two relied on each other for help. Tonight, here you are, sitting in Dick's apartment and working on homework with him.

"You're telling me your adoptive dad is the greatest detective in the world...and you can't figure out how many gallons of milk Billy has?" You scoffed at him.

"This is entirely different than what he figures out. Besides, Bruce wasn't one to help me with homework. And why do I care how much milk Billy has? Maybe Billy is lactose intolerant and doesn't need any more milk," Dick paused. "Do you think they'd dock me points if I put he's lactose intolerant as my answer?"

You nodded as you looked down at your paper. "Oh, definitely. But I would love to see their response."

Dick sighed. "Can't you just tell me the answer?"

"Fine," You leaned over and showed him your paper. Dick scanned it, copied down the answer, and smiled at you as thanks.

"Is math one of your superpowers that I didn't know about? Is Clark also good at math?" Dick asked.

You chuckled and looked back up before you could finish reading the next question. "No, it's not a superpower; I just paid attention in class instead of texting Wally complaining about how much you hate math class. And I have no clue if Clark is good at math. Just like Bruce, he wasn't the one to help me with homework," You told him. "Now, let's finish up our work; I have to get to Smallville soon."

"Oh, right, family dinner night," Dick shook his head. "You're really making me patrol alone tonight?"

"Yes, I am. It doesn't happen that often, Dick," You said.

Dick sighed loudly and leaned back in the chair. "I'm going to start keeping track of all the times you make me do it alone; it's getting unfair."

"I mean, I just patrol with you because you get bored. I can patrol from my apartment just by listening; I do this for you, remember," You smirked. "Now, sit back up and let's finish, or I'm going to leave now and not give you my answers."

Immediately, Dick sat back up and put his pen to paper. "You got it. Next question..."


After your next math class, you were walking back to the parking lot with Dick, almost ashamed to be friends with him. "I can't believe you actually said that," You groaned.

"What? It was a valid question you and I discussed thoroughly. Plus, it actually brought some life to that professor," Dick justified it and turned down the shortcut you usually take.

You shook your head. "It's like you're asking her to be hard on you by asking a stupid question like that. No one cares if Billy was lactose intolerant!" You shouted at him.

"It was funny. Don't worry about me," Dick smirked. "What?" He said once he realized you weren't listening to him anymore.

"I gotta go," You said quickly, and before he could respond, you dropped your bag at his feet and took off into the air. It was a good thing you two took the shortcut; otherwise, someone would have seen you fly off.

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