Being an Avenger and Getting Injured Would Include... (Headcanon)

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Words: 811
Warnings: swearing, getting hurt, mentions guns/weapons
Author's Note: Wrote this when I was in a writing funk and I got a headcanon request. Kinda fun!



-no power specified, so it can be basically whatever

-ok, so let's say you and peter are the same age

-so, like 17/18, but still the youngest on the team

-and ofc you guys go to school together

-iw and endgame didn't happen bc honestly,,,fuck t h a t

-so normally, you and peter deal with smaller things around ny, obviously because they're all like blah blah blah they're too young and inexperienced

-but MAYBE if they'd give you guys a chance maybe you could learn things

-but no

-so while you and peter are walking around ny doing your thang, and you guys decide suit up, let's go save some old ladies

-but when you guys are zooming around rooftops, you hear some yelling and drop in to stop a robbery

-they're pretty common around ny, so you guys diffuse the situation and get the stuff back from the thief, and one of you takes them for a little walk depending on the situation, while the other talks to the victim

-so today, you two drop down on an empty street as the sun is setting and push the thief and the victim apart

-the victim is a young adult, but ofc you're still gonna help

-so as peter is standing back, getting ready to talk to the thief, you grab the backpack out of their hands and turn to hand it to the victim

-but the thief was not a normal thief

-Peter walked a little closer to the thief to start diffusing and talk to them, but the thief elbows Peter in the face, knocking him back a bit as he wasn't expecting it

-As Peter is grabbing at his face and bringing himself back to reality, he sees the thief pull something out and aim at you

-it wasn't a gun, he wasn't quite sure what it was, and it reminded him of the weapons people had a few years back when Vulture was around...but he thought those were all taken care of

-maybe it's something new who knows

-But you got hit in the shoulder, and it sent you flying back a few feet, and landed on the ground

-the thief and the victim ran in opposite directions, leaving you on the ground, barely conscious, and Peter trying to figure out what the hell just happened

-but then Peter snaps back to reality, realizing you were hurt and he had no idea what to do

-so he calls Tony, of course, freaking out so much tony has to force him to slow down and breathe so he can understand what Peter is saying

-and once Peter finally says, "Y/N got hurt...idk what to do this thief had some type of alien gun thing and shot-"

-and then tony cuts him off like, "we'll be right there"

-a few hours later, you wake up in the avenger's facility on a bed in the lab

-Tony is monitoring your vitals while on the phone with Bruce to see if he's heard anything about anything, like what you were hit with

-and Peter is sitting in the corner of the room, back in his normal clothes, playing on his phone to distract him

-"What's going on?" You ask groggily, and both Tony and Peter's heads snap towards you, confused but happy looks on their faces

-"You're awake!" Peter jumped up. "That's good. They were worried whatever you were hit with could have hurt you a lot more."

-Tony hangs up the phone to come over to you. "How are you feeling?"

-You tell him your arm is in a lot of pain, but other than that you were feeling okay. A little hungry and tired, but okay.

-Tony explained that there was some weird bullet looking thing in your arm and they had to stitch you up, so it was going to hurt, but there was no trace of any unknown substance in you, so that's good

-As Tony explains this to you, the door opens. "I got you guys lunch, who knows if you'll feed yourselves" Natasha walks in holding some plates filled with food. Her jaw drops. "You're up! Tony and Bruce were sure you'd be out for a few days!"

-"I guess I just beat odds, then, right?" You joke.

-All throughout the day, your friends came to check on you, making sure you were feeling better and if there was anything you could do. They also vowed they would teach you and Peter a bit more, because in the end it will protect you more than not letting you guys do anything

-you're like "you're telling me all I had to do to get this approval was get hurt I would have done this ages ago"

-but at least you get out of school for the next few days


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