Slow Motion - Peter Parker x Reader

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Words: 1099
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, injury
Requested by anon
Summary: When you and Peter finally have some time to hang out, he changes the plans on you. Which would have been fine, had you known how to do what he wants.
Author's Note: Tbh I can't ride a bike so I fit this request perfectly. I wrote a whole poem about it once too.



For once, you had Peter all to yourself. Typically on a Sunday, he would be working on last-minute homework, helping May, or doing his Spider-Man thing. But finally, he was spending time with you. 

Your idea was to watch a couple of movies with Peter and just talk nonsense, as it had been a while since you last got to do that with someone. You had picked out a few of his favorites and a few of your own, but Peter had other plans.

"So, listen, I have this photography project due in a few weeks, and I have the perfect idea for it, and you can be the model!" Peter smiled, holding his camera up. "The only thing is, we have to go to another part of town, and May has to work, so we have to go alone," He continued.

"Peter, we can't drive, and you know you can't hide as Spidey in the daytime-"

Peter jumped up, "That's why I had this all planned out! We'll rent some of the city bicycles and ride there ourselves!"

You froze at Peter's suggestion. "You're serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

You took a deep breath, trying not to make it obvious that you didn't enjoy what he brought up. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather stay home and watch movies, you know, like we used to?" You offered in a quiet voice.

Peter moved closer to you, "Do you not want to go with me?"

"It's not that," You told your best friend, crossing your arms to shield yourself. "I can't ride a bike," You admitted, your voice getting much quieter as you said it.

Peter stopped for a second. "That's okay! I'll teach you!" Peter grabbed your hands so your arms weren't crossed anymore and twirled you around in a circle, trying to make you smile.

You shook your head. "It's okay; I don't need to learn-"

"I'm going to teach you."


Peter threw out all plans he had and forgot about his photography project as he was now one-hundred-percent determined to help you learn to ride a bike. You sat on the bench and scrolled through your phone as you kept an eye out for Peter, who told you he would be back in a few minutes.

And truth be told, he did come back. But he was riding a bike to get to you, and that's when you started to get freaked a little. "Peter, I'm a teenager, I don't think I really need to know-"

"Yes, you do," Peter nodded and got off the bike, gesturing for you to get on. You gave him a very concerned look. "Don't worry; I'll be right here." He had you put on a helmet, as well as elbow pads. Normally, you wouldn't think to have the elbow pads, but as this is a lesson, it would probably be for the best to wear them.

You nodded and got onto the bike as Peter held its front and put his hand on your back as well. "Don't care about what anyone thinks; at least you're doing this," Peter whispered to you. He started to explain that he'd start slowly and have his hand on your back as you pedal the bike, and he would be with you the whole time until you got it.

He stayed true to his word and had his hand on your back as you made the bike move by pumping your legs. You were almost positive that you were going to fall over in the first five seconds of being on the bike, and to your surprise, you were still upright.

There weren't many people out today, as it was a bit colder than when the sane people would be in the park, but it was the perfect time to be out! You also didn't have to worry about running over little five-year-olds, which was an added bonus.

You began to move pretty fast, and you were actually enjoying riding the bike. Sure, you probably knew how to ride once when you were really little, but it's been years, and you hadn't even touched a bike. So much so you forgot how fun it was and how great the wind felt on your face. Even though, a few times, the wind did end up blowing the longer pieces right into your eyes, making for some almost death scenes.

"I knew you could do this!" Peter cheered as he continued running with his hand on you. "I'm going to let go soon and pull out my camera to get the perfect picture for my project," He warned you.

"A-are you sure? I don't know if I'm confident enough-"

"Yep!" Peter yelled and pulled his hand away, and before you even had time to process, you just had to keep pedaling. You were internally freaking out, but if you didn't want to end up in the hospital, you had to keep your cool.

Peter pulled out his camera as fast as he could to take the picture before you got too far away. He needed an action shot, and one of you riding a bike with big buildings in the background would look really cool, or so he thought.

As he was taking the picture, you ran over a rock.

You tried as hard as you could to keep your balance, but with the bike being as small as it is, it was not very easy. Like you were moving in slow motion, you saw everything in front of you turn sideways, and you leaned over. The bike fell from under you, and your right side hit the ground. You saw dust come up from under you, also in slow motion, and it was probably a really good thing you had a helmet on.

You groaned and rolled over when you heard Peter yell your name and run over to you. "Oh my god, are you okay?" He kneeled down next to you and put his hands on your shoulders, looking down at you in fear.

"I'm fine," You mumbled and pushed yourself off the ground. "But I think I need more practice before we take pictures of it," You chuckled.

Peter turned his camera around with a big smile on his face. "But this one turned out so well!" You should have expected it, yet you still glared when he looked so happy about getting a picture of you mid-fall. "I'm turning it in," He told you before helping you up to make sure everything was okay.

"I would not expect anything less."

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