I'll Be Okay (2/2) - Jason Todd x Reader

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Words: 5672
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader, Bruce Wayne & Reader
Featuring: Alfred Pennyworth
Warnings: Mentions death, mentions revival, talk of grief, arguing, yelling, crime-fighting, guns
Summary: After getting your best friend and boyfriend back, you have to keep it a secret. When the secret comes out, so do a lot of emotions.
Author's Note: Cali described this as "Domestic fluff before domestic catch these hands bruce" and I agree. Lots of domestic fluff with Jason and I am in love with it. If it's not clear Y/N and Bruce have a weird found family friend relationship, kinda like "I just got Y/N yesterday but if anything happened to them i would kill everyone in this room and myself." I love this fic with my whole heart.



It was a little strange how you stopped wanting to track down and talk to Jason. But Bruce and Dick were okay with you randomly dropping it; it would probably save a lot of pain and heartbreak in the end. They wanted to believe that you talking to Jason would be good, but logically, they knew nothing would be different. After Dick heard and read the whole report from that fateful night, he lost a lot of hope that Jason was the same fifteen-year-old.

They just didn't know him like you do.

A few months had passed since Red Hood joined the Gotham scene, and in turn, a few months of you dropping finding Jason.

It was nearly four in the morning when you got back to your apartment after a busy night of helping Batman. You weren't expecting to be at the Manor that late, but some unexpected criminals broke out of Arkham, and you had to help Bruce navigate them all. Nearly had to call in backup, but thankfully you didn't. Bruce would have thrown a fit if you called Dick to Gotham.

"Jason, you here?" You called out once you shut and locked your apartment door.

"Just getting changed!" He yelled back from the bedroom. It was definitely an interesting situation, but you two were making it work. Jason had his own place near Crime Alley, but if he had the chance to be with you, he wasn't going to miss it. He was spending most nights and days at your apartment whenever you were home, save for a few days a week when both of you were too exhausted from life.

You liked it, though, having Jason with you most of the time. Once you fully caught back up and got through everything that happened over the five years, you two decided to make it work and date again. You kept telling yourself Bruce would never understand and never see it from your point of view; he'd only see Jason as a killer, so you agreed to keep it a secret.

"How was your night?" You asked as you walked into the bedroom.

Jason was just finishing throwing on a shirt. "Pretty slow, since most of Gotham was focused on Batman trying to maintain peace with all those breakouts. Heard some coincidentally ended up right in front of Arkham," Jason smirked.

You walked over to him and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. "Thanks for that. Saved me from having to call Dick and then getting scolded by Bruce for calling him."

"Anything to save you from a scolding," He chuckled. "Busy night for you, though, huh?"

Moving over to the dresser to change your clothes, you nodded. "Well, considering I was planning on being home two hours ago...yeah. Busy night."

Jason leaned against the side of the dresser you weren't using to watch as you changed your shirt into your pajama shirt. You wanted to stay up and talk with him, but you were exhausted from the busy night. "Bed already?" He asked.

"It's four. I'm going to bed," You declared. "We have a lot to go over when I'm back at the Cave since everything got postponed due to the breakouts."

You started to head towards your bed and get ready but were stopped when Jason slinked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist to hug you. "You could always tell him you're not feeling well; then you don't have to go to the Cave. We could take a day off," He suggested.

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