Four Times You Were Forced On a Date, And One Time You Weren't (2/5)

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Words: 3366
Pairing: Dick Grayson x (f)Stark!Reader
Featuring: Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd (mentioned)
Chapter Summary: Now that your first date is done, the world is more curious about this mysterious relationship. On this date, you go to Gotham for a mini-tour and a dinner, but you end up staying longer than planned.
Warnings: Jason's death/revival is mentioned, but it is not graphic.
Author's Note: Jason and his death is mentioned in this part, and I use say the "cover-up" for his death was a skiing accident. Tim and Damian even make a quick appearance!



While you weren't an Avenger, you spend a decent amount of time at the Avengers Compound and training with them. Even if you weren't going out to fight world threats, you could defend yourself, and it gave you something to do and practice. Besides, you liked having time to yourself in the training room or working with others.

"I saw the interview you did the other day," Natasha said as she dodged one of your punches. "You really thought of everything."

"What do you mean?" You asked between heavy breaths.

It took Natasha a moment to respond since both of you were so focused on the spar. "Your backstory to this relationship with Mr. Grayson," She clarified. "You guys really put it all together."

"We had to," You said. "Needed to make it believable, so we have to be on the same page on how we started dating, you know?" You told her. While most people believed in the ruse, there were a few people who knew the truth. A few Avengers, because it would be weird if your close friends didn't know and of course Dick's family, but past that, it was a secret.

"I think you pulled it off very well," Natasha said, then took a step back to give both you and her a break. "Almost like it's already true."

You rolled your eyes as you walked over to grab your water bottle. "Not funny," You said.

"I wasn't being funny. You play the role very well," She complimented, but you weren't having it.

"Thanks," You replied. "But I still can't stand him. Once we finish our last three dates, it's over and back to not caring," You told her.

Natasha smirked at you. "Mhm," She hummed when she walked into the adjoining locker room to wrap up her training. Trying to ignore her, you followed to freshen up.

The Avengers who knew about the ruse didn't make a big deal of the whole situation, but those who didn't were curious. They were confused about how you went from hating each other to going on public dates, and all you could say was that you've been secretly dating for a while, and that's why you've had to pretend to hate each other. Overall, it was a very confusing lie.

"What's your next date?" Natasha asked as you both cooled down.

"We're going to Gotham for dinner, and he's going to show me around before since it can get a little crazy after dark," You said. "I haven't been there too much, so I'm excited to see the city."

Natasha smiled. "Well, that will be fun. But do be careful; it can get crazy over there. I've seen a lot of news reports; I'm surprised your dad is even letting you go," She said.

You shrugged. "This was his idea; the least he can do is let us choose where our dates are," You said. Tony was a bit worried, but he trusted you and knew you two would be careful. Imagine the headlines if something went wrong...


The second date was already much less awkward than the first one. It was earlier in the day, so you two could walk around Gotham without too much worry, and so Dick could show you around easily. He started with Wayne Enterprises since it was a big building, but that was just the starting point. He didn't take you inside, which you didn't really care about, and he gave you background on what he knew about Gotham.

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