Loki Fluff Alphabet (Headcanon)

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Words: 2864
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: Learn your fluff ABCs with your significant other, Loki!
Author's Note: J is my favorite one. Also, tried something with continuity: Ragnarok is canon here, but IW and Endgame are not. Asgard was destroyed, and Loki lives in New Asgard with Thor and the other Asgardians.

I am using the fluff alphabet template from ​queervibesmydude on Tumblr.



A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)

He is so grateful for your patience with him. It's been a rough few years working on his redemption and trustworthiness, and he is still a bit nervous about interactions with others. Thor and Loki have been living in New Asgard ever since they moved to Earth, with visits to the Avengers Compound often, but he rarely talked to anyone in fear of saying something wrong. He admired your patience and persistence in getting to know Loki and breaking him down until he was interested in getting to know you as well. His confidence for getting some trustworthiness went up when you asked him out, and you are still patient with him every day. Some days his temper can get really bad, but you know there are ways to calm him down, and it comes with your patience with him.

B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)

Truthfully, Loki loves everything about you. It took him a while to admit it, but once he realized that he does like you, he likes all of you. However, his favorite is your forehead. He's not overly affectionate, but he loves forehead kisses. A close second is your hands to make you feel like a princess when he greets you and kisses your knuckles.

C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)

He won't admit it, but he does like a good cuddle. You have to catch him at the right time, which means the longer you've been together, the more that right time occurs, but he won't let anyone else see this. He's afraid of others seeing you and him and see it as a weakness or use it against him. The Avengers are still a little wary of him even if they've forgiven him and are giving him a chance, but he doesn't want to give anyone a reason to think he has bad intentions. He will poof himself to the Compound and take you back to his house in New Asgard so you can cuddle in privacy while watching a movie or talking about life.

D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)

Ever since moving to Earth, he has been quite interested in different customs around the world. He enjoys going out to fancy dinners with you, he doesn't care where, but it's always something different than the last time. He likes seeing you dress up, and he likes you to be the center of attention, and a nice meal is always fun. He is always interested in how different customs have different meal types, and he is always ready to try something new, and loves to have a nice meal with you.

E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)

He's not great, but he's getting better. Loki has been very sheltered and protective of his emotions, and it's weird for him to express them. But he's seen your patience with him and your willingness to help him and learn how he works inside and out, and his guard is dropping. You notice the subtle things, his little tells, and he's not sure how you do it. He thinks he hides everything so well, but with how long you've known him, you've developed your observations and can normally guess what he's thinking. But when he gets overly frustrated, everyone knows, and you know how to calm him down.

F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)

Not really. He's still working through a lot of trauma and pain, along with his redemption on Earth. He's also scared to be a father, scared that he would be a bad one, and he's not sure he even wants to be around kids constantly. He'd consider an animal, but a baby? He would freak. Well, unless you guys found a child that needed a home, maybe you'd adopt. But he's not promising anything. He'll continue to be the best uncle to the kids he's sure Thor will have. However, he does love every cat and dog; it's his one weakness. And if he sees a cat or a dog while you guys are out, he pulls you with him over to the lil animal to ask if he can pet it, and he's so excited whenever the owners say yes.

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