The Very First Night - Natasha Romanoff x Reader

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Words: 2129
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Phil Coulson, other Avengers
Warnings: Drinking
Summary: Inspired by The Very First Night by Taylor Swift, you are a former SHIELD agent who now works with Stark Industries. After two years, you get to see the person you're in love with again.
Author's Note: Fluff. Takes place after Iron Man 2 and during Avengers 1. I l o v e this song so much. Italics are flashbacks or song lyrics.

Omg, it's the last fic for girl-next-door-write 's bingo challenge!! This is for the fluff square. I can't believe it's over ahhhhh




"You submit the report to Fury?" You asked Natasha when she came out of her room in the small apartment.

"Yep, he said we're good to get back to SHIELD whenever we're ready to move on," She told you with a small smile. "Are you excited?"

You didn't respond for a minute and looked down at your feet as you sat still on the couch. "Oh," Natasha sighed. "You're not coming back to SHIELD, are you?"

Slowly, you shook your head. "Pepper offered me to keep the secretary job with some added responsibilities that would fit my, er, skillset. I think I'm going to take it," You told her, still not looking up.

Even though you didn't look up, you did hear her walk towards the living room and sit on the couch. She put her arm on your shoulder, and her other hand guided your chin to look at her. "I think that will be great for you. I know you never felt like SHIELD fit you. Maybe here would be better," Natasha encouraged you. "Even though I'll miss you." She dropped her hand off your chin and sighed.

You chuckled. "I'll miss you too, Nat. I talked to Fury about it briefly, and he thinks it's a good opportunity. He did say I'm welcome at SHIELD any time if it doesn't work out."

"Then what's the harm in staying? Give it a shot. You know I'll always support whatever decisions you make," She reminded you.

That night, you two made the most of being together since Natasha would go back to SHIELD for her next mission the following day. You just enjoyed each other's company, not knowing that it would be the last time you'd see each other for years.



After working closely with Pepper and Tony in Stark Industries and Iron Man duties, you formed a close bond with both of them. You went with them when they went to Stark Tower in New York and back to California when they were out west. Your job was great, and you love working with them every day, making this friendship one of the best ones you've had. You loved SHIELD, but you fit in so much better with Pepper and Tony at Stark Industries.

Now, you were sitting in the big living room in Stark Tower, looking at the beautiful skyline of New York, taking the night off work with your friends. It had only been two years since you chose this gig, and it was already some of the best years of your life. Here you sat, lightly drinking and laughing loudly with no cares in the world. Tony just got back from flying around, and it is time to celebrate.

"I feel like we're so close, yet I know so little about you," Pepper directed towards you. "That's why I love being here because then you're stuck in the same building with us so we can learn some more," She said. It was true; when you went to Stark Tower with them, you stayed in one of the extra bedrooms, so it kept the trip as simple as possible. Plus, JARVIS recognized you, so there weren't any issues there.

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