There Is No Time For Pants - Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes, Ft. Reader

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Words: 1077

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes, Ft. Reader

Warnings: swearing, super ooc

Summary: Steve has hot gossip to share with Bucky, but Bucky is making it hard for Steve to tell him.

Author's Note: I had this funny idea with my friend about Stucky, so here it is. Technically, there is no x reader, but it is about the reader, so that's fun. 



Steve was waiting anxiously for Bucky to come into his bedroom. Steve was sitting in the middle of his bed in a long, baggy shirt and pink underwear. He also had a Starbucks latte sitting in between his legs, as it was too much for him to hold the drink and freak out at the same time.

Bucky walked into the room to find his boyfriend looking like an overgrown three-year-old. "Steve, what the hell is going on?" Bucky sighed when he got a good look at Steve.

"Buck!" Steve shouted, a huge smile growing on his face, "You'll never believe what I just found out!"

"Okay, Steve, but you should really put some pants on. You know we can't just sit around a base half-naked," Bucky sighed and walked over to the closet to pull out clothes for Steve.

"No, you have to listen! You'll never believe this!" Steve exploded, catching Bucky's attention.

Bucky turned around and sighed at his boyfriend. "Steve, please, you have time to put some pants on."

"There is no time for pants!" Steve shouted, glaring at Bucky that he wasn't listening or cooperating. Steve started moving around, irritated that he was being ignored.

"Be careful!" Bucky shouted, holding his hands out, "Your goddamn coffee doesn't have a lid!"

Steve took a deep breath and rolled his eyes like a teenager talking to their parents. "Bucky, this isn't about the coffee, so shut the hell up and sit your ass down!" Steve yelled, fire in his eyes, and pointed to the edge of the bed. He was still moving around, though, almost making the blazing coffee fall over.

"Listen to me,  be careful!" Bucky warned and slowly took a seat on the corner of the bed.

"Will you listen to me?" Steve groaned, "I have amazing gossip and- SHIT!" Steve shouted, "My leg is on fire; the coffee burns!" He groaned, grabbing his leg where the coffee spilled on him.

"Told you," Bucky smirked and picked up the cup and what was left inside to throw it away.

"Shut up," Steve grumbled as he grabbed the blanket on the bed to wrap around his leg.

Bucky gave Steve a strange look, confused about what was going through his head. Usually, Steve would be much smarter than this, and it was weird to see him acting like a teenager. "We should go get the first aid k-"

"I said shut the hell up. This gossip is more important than my sizzling flesh!" Steve crossed his arms, now pouting because Bucky wanted to do everything but hear the gossip.

Bucky took a deep breath. "I forgot, you get intense and mean when you gossip."

Steve threw his arms back and let out a large sigh. "Do you want to hear the juicy news or not?"

When Bucky realized there was no way to get out of this conversation, ever, he had to oblige. "Fine, just say it."

Then, Steve caught on that Bucky didn't really care that much. "Well, not with that lack of enthusiasm," Steve glared and looked away from Bucky.

"Steve," Bucky started out, a warning tone, "Tell me, or I'm leaving you, and you can go out alone!" He threatened.

It was evident that Steve was unaffected by this. "I'd rather put pants on, you gossip ruiner," He got up to walk across the room.

"Steve, wait, I'm curious now," Bucky grabbed Steve's hand, stopping him from leaving.

"And he comes crawling back."

Bucky begged his boyfriend to tell him the news. But alas, Steve would no longer give in easily, not with Bucky being so rude at first. It was time to give him a taste of his own medicine. "Get me a new coffee, and then I'll tell you," Steve bargained, a smirk clear on his face.

Bucky shook his head, concluding that it wasn't worth having to buy Steve a new drink. "The coffee was your own damn fault-"

"It involves (Y/N)," Steve cut Bucky off, yet again, which he seemed to do a lot.

"Wait, really?" Bucky asked, only getting a quick and long nod in reply from Steve. "They never have anything going on in their life! Okay, I'll buy you a coffee!"

Steve started to stall, seeing how long he could get Bucky to wait for him. And after five minutes, Bucky was irritated. "Get in the car!" He shouted as Steve roamed with a blanket wrapped around his waist.

"I knew you were desperate for the deets," Steve murmured, happy that he was getting Bucky to buy him a new drink, and to tell him the news.

"I hate you, and you still aren't wearing pants!" Bucky shouted as he gestured to the blanket.

"Yeah, but I have a blanket to cover up, so we're all good," Steve reasoned, shrugging with a small smile.

Bucky shook his head when he put his hand up to his forehead. "Steve, I don't think that's enough."

A sarcastic smile flew onto Steve's face. "Then you can go inside and get my coffee! You know what I get," He shrugged, Bucky turning to him with an annoyed look, but Steve didn't see it.

"Yeah, but-"

"Recite it," Steve interrupted.


"Tell me what I get, so you won't mess it up," Steve nodded, upset he had to clarify what he meant. Why couldn't Bucky just read minds? It would be so much easier! He should learn from Wanda.

Bucky sighed and told Steve the order, making Steve happy. All he hoped was that this would be over soon, so Steve would just tell the gossip, finally. Steve smiled when Bucky left the car, "I'll be waiting for my amazing coffee!"

With an eye roll from Bucky, he disappeared into the shop. Only a few minutes later, he came back outside with two coffees. "Here's your damn coffee; now tell me the news!"

"I think we should enjoy our coffee together," Steve smiled and took a sip.

Bucky internally groaned, but if Steve knew that, he would only tease him more. So he took a sip of his drink before speaking. "We can enjoy our coffees after-"

"(Y/N) is dating Natasha!" Steve blurted out.

Bucky started coughing from the sudden news, and ended up choking on coffee. "Wait, what? What the hell? They are?" Bucky started moving around so much that if he weren't careful, the coffee would be out the window.

"Don't spill your coffee; it burns."

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