But, Ice Cream - Pietro Maximoff x Reader, Avengers & Reader

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Words: 1008
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Featuring: Wanda, Tony, Steve, Nat, others with little dialogue
Warnings: drinking, swearing
Summary: For your anniversary, the team throws a party.
Author's Note: this was for my six month anniversary for writing fanfic on tumblr and I was excited. We stan domestic avengers.



Pietro had wide eyes as he walked into the main part of the base late in the day. "Uh, what's all the party decorations for?"

Tony quickly explained that all the preparation was for you.

His eyes still wide, Pietro began to freak out. "Shit! Did I forget their birthday?"

"No," Steve answered as he cleaned the kitchen counters.

"Oh no, I forgot our anniversary, didn't I?" He started to freak out.

"Yeah, it's an anniversary," Clint smiled, knowing Pietro would get the wrong idea.

"I'll be back later!" Pietro shouted and ran out of the base.

For the day, you were distracted by hanging out with Wanda while everyone else set up the base. You didn't think much of the random hanging out; this was a normal occurrence. Wanda did love to shop!

The day didn't even cross your mind either. It was a regular Thursday, just one where you weren't fighting any enemies trying to blow up the world.

You noticed Wanda was getting a lot of texts before she dragged you to the next store. You even heard her mumble, "How am I going to do this for two more hours?"

But you let it slide. You were having fun, and the next stop was the ice cream store. The sun was starting to go down, and you were running out of energy; maybe the ice cream would help.

"We need to get back to the base right now!" Wanda shouted and grabbed your hand, dragging you back to the car.

"But...ice cream," You sighed when you saw the shop go out of your sight. "Why are we leaving?"

"Tony's hurt!" Wanda told you and didn't stop walking.

Of course, they would choose Tony as the victim. Your friendship with him was a special one, but you two were very close. Maybe almost beating your friendship with Wanda, but you wouldn't admit that.

You drove back to the base in silence and as quickly as possible. You were really hoping Tony wasn't hurt too badly and that everything would be okay.

You didn't even notice that the lights were out until you got inside. "What's going on?" You whispered to Wanda, who had a huge smile on her face as she stood behind you.

"FRIDAY, lights?" You called out into the pitch-black room, but before you heard the AI respond, the lights flashed on with a loud shout of SURPRISE, and the whole team jumped up. There were big smiles on their faces when you tried to remember what this was for.

And once you realized what day it was, you screamed, and your hands went over your mouth. Tony walked over to you, "Don't worry, I'm not dead," He smirked and put his arm around you.

"Alright, you guys made me miss out on ice cream because of this surprise party. So, the first thing that will happen is we are going to eat ice cream. Hop to it," You smiled at the group, who just laughed in response, but did get you ice cream.

"So, do you remember the first mission you went on?" Steve asked you, cocking an eyebrow when he took a handful of chips from the bowl.

You thought months back to see if you could come up with the story. "Yeah, you guys were trying to get me to join, and I really didn't want to. Then someone attacked nearby, and guess who had to help because people were in danger," You sighed with a little laugh.

"And then you joined!" Clint smiled, lifting his drink in the air.

"We are all very glad you did join," Thor complimented, "If you were not here, I think Captain America and Tony Stark would have gotten into a huge fight."

"I wouldn't doubt that," Natasha laughed and leaned back on the couch, taking a drink.

"But I didn't want to join," You told them, "I was practically forced."

"Forced? You didn't value our friendship?" Tony put a hand over his heart.

"Tony, we were friends for a year, and for the most part, I thought you were just trying to steal my kick-ass moves," You lightly punched his shoulder.

"He probably was," Rhodey chimed in.

Everyone sat back and started smaller conversations, "It was really sweet of you guys to do this," You smiled at Tony, "How much did it cost you?"

"Not as much as a car," He replied.

"Well, at least your expenses are-"

"I'm here!" Pietro ran in, out of breath, with ten bags in his hand.

"There you are!" You smiled when you saw him, "I was wondering where my dumb boyfriend went."

"Well, I'm here now!" Pietro smiled, and you got up to go look at the things he got you.

"Awe, this is so sweet, Pietro," You kissed him on the cheek. You started to sift through the bags to find them filled with chocolates, flowers, and teddy bears. "Wow," Your eyes were wide, "It looks like Valentine's Day threw up in your bags."

"But do you like it?" Pietro smiled.

"Yes, it's very sweet, but why did you bring so much? All the stuff is already here?" You looked around the room at the decorations.

"W-wait, what's today?" Pietro's jaw started to drop, "It's not our anniversary?"

You laughed, "No," You looked back around the room and smiled, "It's my six month anniversary of being on The Avengers."

Pietro swore under his breath in Sokovian, "I thought it was our anniversary!"

"Pietro, you are so dumb," Wanda laughed, "I told you yesterday that we were having this party!"

"That's what that was about?" Pietro yelled and fell to the floor, landing on the giant teddy bear.

You stood over Pietro, smiling down at him. "Thank you for all the gifts, Piet," You turned to look at the rest of the group, "And thank you, everyone, for the very nice party to celebrate my six months with this amazing family, let's drink to that!" You held up your glass, and everyone toasted- including Pietro.

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