Being Tony Stark's Daughter (and dating Peter!) would include...

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Words: 862
Author's Note: Part 2 of the headcanons I never posted. This is a kind of sequel to the one before this!! Originally posted on Tumblr on April 10, 2017.

You didn't go to school, Tony thought it would be easier to just hire tutors, and online school worked just fine. You and Tony do a lot of traveling; it was much better this way.

- But that also meant you didn't have many friends your age.

- Until Tony saw you watching a video online of "the amazing Spider-Man."

- Tony wanted to recruit this boy.

- He could be helpful to the team.

- And Tony knows how to get information. Tony was able to figure out who was behind the mask after just a little bit of digging.

- Peter was ecstatic to be going to the residence of Tony Stark and the Avengers Compound.

- He was so happy to get a suit upgrade.

- *oh, don't mind Peter and tony working on suit designs* *because you walk in.*

- "Hey, father, can I get onto your computer? Thanks, I want to change something in FRIDAY's code."


- Peter drops whatever he is working with because he is so stunned to be in the presence of miss stark.

- "Ooooh, who's the kid?"

- "This is Peter Parker-"

- "Spider-Boy, right? I watch your videos on youtube."

- Peter is baffled that two people figured out his identity without even knowing him, well that or you saw the suit sitting in front of him.

- You picked up his goggles, "holy wowza, no wonder you're here. You're going to run into a wall with these things."

- "I can see out of them perfectly fine...but I do need an upgrade" aka Peter thinks you and tony don't understand how his senses work, but he wants to be around you, so he admits he needs help.

- "Honey, would you like to help?" -tony

- Peter dies on the inside because woRKiNg wITh YOu.

- You help a little bit but then have to leave because you have *important work* to do with Clint...aka monthly intense cookie baking and dance-off.

- Peter ends up staying around the base much more often. He has to train to be a superhero, as much as Tony doesn't want him out there risking his life...Peter is stubborn, and he has the powers to do it- might as well let him do it in a safer suit.

- But Peter is catching eyes for you.

- He can't help it.

- He wants to talk to you.

- Peter is v scared.

- And Tony can tell he feels this way. But Tony is stuck in between letting him calmly love you or telling him "stay away from her" because tony doesn't know how he feels 100% about Peter just yet.

- But the advances happen anyway.

- After months of him and you bonding over random, nerdy, and cute things, he works up the courage to ask you on a date.

- You say yes, obviously, or this headcanon wouldn't be a thing.

- So you two go to dinner and realize, man, we aren't this fancy; wanna go get ice cream.

- So now you two are dressed up like you're going to a fancy restaurant when really you're sitting in the middle of an ice cream parlor.

- But that's okay, because it's who you are.

- And this happens a few times.

- Dates include random walks to photography outings to movies to pizza to swinging around the city to literally sitting in Peter's apartment playing Scrabble.

- You come home one day and tell your father you and Peter are officially dating.

- He doesn't know how to feel about it.

- He doesn't say anything for like...ten minutes.

- Steve is in the room and is very happy for you and Peter, but is getting worried about Tony.

- " you need to sit down? You're losing all color in your face."

- Tony doesn't say anything but slowly sits down on the chair. He should have seen this coming. He knows you two have been hanging out a lot, and he has seen how much fun you guys have. Why is he so shocked?

- After taking time to think it through and regaining the color in his face, he realized that it wasn't shock from you two dating...he was shocked he was okay with it.

- You're his baby girl!

- He's supposed to protect you!

- How can he let some immature teenager attempt to look after you?

- At least it's like a superhero and not some random boy you met on the street.


- Tony sighs and gets his thoughts together. "Well, I've seen how happy you two are. Keep the happiness; it's nice to see that."

- "Thanks, dad."

- "Thank you, Mr. Stark."

- Tony has to force himself to stand up, and by now, Pepper is in the room and already filled in on the drama.

- "I better not catch you two kissing...or you have another thing coming!"

- Pepper quickly rushes over and grabs Tony by the arm. "Shush, Tony, that's their business."

- Pepper highkey loves that you two are together.

- She couldn't be any more happy.

- She had always wanted to hear you gush about your s/o, no matter if it was a girl or a boy! She just wanted to be there to hear about it.

- And now she could.

- You two could sit up and talk for hours about nothing.

- And now you could fill her in on dates, because Peter is a fooking romantic who wants to give the best.

- "Last night, he landed on my windowsill to give me roses, but because he was swinging around so much, the petals flew off of all but one." - you

- "It's the thought that counts...right?" - Pepper

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