Too Normal? (Multiple Ships)

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The Ghoulies are gone, Mr.Honey has left the school, the parents haven't gotten into a fight, and teens were able to be teens again. Everything was back to normal. As for Betty, she thought it was too normal. She was finally able to live a normal life. But she thought that something was seirously wrong. Right now, Betty is walking down the halls of riverdale high making her way to the student lounge. When she walks in she sees all of her friends smiling and acting like nothing is wrong. "Hey B." Veronica says while smiling at Betty. "V..." Betty fake smiles back at her. "Well, stop standing there sis, join us." Jughead said. Betty shakes her head "no". "Why not, we haven't talked in a while. You've been distant." Archie says still smiling. "I have something to do that..... Mr.Honey told me to do before he left..... Yeah." Betty says making up an reason for her not to be there. "Mr.Honey left dear Betty. You shouldn't have to do something he told you to do. He put you to work way too much. You deserve a break." Cheryl says smiling more than normal. That's when Betty knew something was really wrong. Betty apperantly turned really pale because everyone who she is friends with walks over to her. "I gotta go." She says and runs to the Blue and Gold.

When she gets there, she locks the doors and puts a chair to them. She sits down as lots of thoughts start to run through her mind. "What the hell is happening? Why are they so happy? Does this have to do with those....." That's when she stopped thinking. She knew the answer. Everyone in Riverdale High had try a new drink that was given by a new company in riverdale, that was a few days ago but Betty was sick that day so she couldn't. She was told she would try them in a few days since she wasn't here. She knew since everyone else at Riverdale High had gotten them they must be infected by them. After doing a bit of research she realized that they must have just developed whatever the students were on and were using everyone as test dummies. Maybe if they drank enough water it would get rid of the effects, Betty quickly got up and opened the door only to see a confused looking Cheryl standing there. "Betts? What's going on?" Cheryl asks. "Cheryl... What is the last thing you remember?" Betty asks. "Drinking those juice things. I can't remember the last few days. I checked the date on my phone. I drank the thing then everything goes black. Then I snapped out of it or whatever by the water fountain. What is going Betty? I'm scared." Cheryl rambles on. "Cheryl, It was those drinks. Whoever made them put something in them to make you guys really happy. All you guys did was smile. It was really weird." Betty says

"Where's TT?" Cheryl says realizing what is happening. "Everyone is effected by this. We just need to pretend to be happy and smile like everyone else. We can try and get the gang to drink water to get rid of the effects than we'll deal with the rest of the school." Betty was grabbing her water bottle from one of the desk from the blue and gold. "Let's do this." Cheryl says grabbing another water bottle. Cheryl and Betty head back to the student lounge. All their friends still sitting there smiling and talking. Betty and Cheryl walk over to them. Cheryl sitting next to Toni, and Betty sitting on the arm of one of the chairs where Jughead was sitting. "Hey guys." Archie says. "Hey Arch." Betty says smiling as fakely as possible. "What's that in your hand?" Jughead asks seeing the bottle in Betty and Cheryl's hands. "Oh, Dad dropped them off. Said there's a heat wave so he wants us to stay hydrated." Betty says. "Oh Can I have a drink babe?" Toni asks Cheryl. Cheryl hands the bottle to Toni who drinks it. "Anyone else want a drink?" Betty asks. "Can I have it please Betts. I'll give it back later." Jughead asks. "Sure thing Juggy." Betty says giving it to Jughead. When Betty looks at Toni, she sees how confused she is. "Hey T and Juggy, can you guys come with me to the Blue and Gold room. There's something I need to show you." Betty says standing up. "What Betts? You just got here?" Kevin says. "Yeah B, all it ever is with you is Blue and Gold, Mystery of some kind, or the serpents. It's never us anymore." Veronica says. "Yeah Babe, just relax for a minute with us." Sweet Pea says.

"I promise it will be fast. It's just really really important." Betty says while looking at Toni to follow her and she looks at Jughead to see him looking confused. "Come on TT, Jughead. We need to talk." Cheryl says grabbing Toni's hand and walking over to the door with Betty following and Jughead following too. Once they got to the blue and gold again, Toni and Jughead sat down looking really confused. "What the hell is going on? What day is it?" Toni says looking around painked. "Look, we can explain. We just need you to calm down." Cheryl says. "I can say everything is going to be okay we just need to get everyone to drink as much water as possible." Betty says while walking over to one of the desk and sitting on top of it. "What do you mean?" Jughead asked. "Those juice things that the whole school was given the other day they affected everyone weirdy. Made you blank out and pretend to have the perfect lives. Like nothing bad has ever happened here. I wasn't affected because I was sick the day you guys had them. I was trying to figure out how to snap everyone out of it when I found Cheryl." Betty explained. "So we need everyone to drink water?" Toni asks. "We don't know that just yet. I have a theory where even the smallest splash of water can snap you out of it. But I need to prove that theory. Because I would hope someone would shower in between days especially the athlete but yet again they sever the drinks everyday at lunch so I just can't figure it out." Betty says again and Jughead, Toni, and Cheryl look at her weirdly because it almost sounded like she was going crazy. "Why don't we go back to the student lounge and I'll accidentally push you, Betts, and you can spill water on someone and see if it works." Cheryl says seeing how much this was stressing Betty out. "Yeah I guess we can try." Betty says standing up and the others standing up too and them heading back to the Student Area. When they get there, Betty pretends to start drinking her water when Cheryl bumps into her and Betty spills her water all over Veronica, Archie, and Fangs. "What the hell!!!!" Veronica yells. "Vee calm down." Toni says while rubbing her back.

"What the hell is going on. What's happening." Archie asks really worried. "My theory was right." Betty says than continues with. "Listen guys everyone is going to be okay. But what I'm about to do is going to get everyone really wet." Than she runs to the hall and sets off the fire alarm which makes the sprinklers go off. Students everywhere start yelling about getting wet and also in confusion on what was happening. A teacher comes and turns off the fire alarm when they figure out it was a false alarm. Which Betty thought was dumb because everyone should be leaving the building if there was really a fire. Like damn do they need to do fire drills again. Betty than walks back into the student lounge to see everyone looking at her. "Hey" she says with a smile. "God damn Betty. Like really." Jughead says while laughing. "I didn't do anything. You guys were the ones being weird." Betty says with an innocent smile. Everyone laughs even though they didn't know what she was talking about. Just than Mr.Honey walks into the Student Lounge and everyone goes quiet. 

"Miss.Jones. Do you know what you have done?" He yells really mad. "I don't know what you are talking about Mr.Honey." She says with a giggle. "Do you want to be suspended?" He asks. "I didn't do anything wrong." Betty says sassily. "You just wrecked all on my plans and Mr.Blossom's." He says while walking forward and grabbing her by the wrist. "You are in huge trouble." He says trying to drag Betty out of the room. But the bulldogs stand in front of all the doors. "Everyone move or you are next to be suspended." He yells. No one budges. "You see Mr.Honey something is clearly going on that you don't want us knowing about. So we are going to figure it out." Reggie says while walking closer to Mr.Honey. "Mr.Mantel if you lay a finger on me that is assault and I can have you put in jail for that." Mr.Honey says thinking he will have power but oh how he was wrong. "Okay, well than I explain to Sheriff Jones. Betty's dad. That you tried to drag her against her will out of the room and how you tried to brainwash all of the riverdale high students." Reggie says again. "Than I tell him that you were under the drug and that you won't know." Mr.Honey smirks. "But I wasn't under the drug and you would be admitting to putting the students under drugs." Betty says while pulling herself out of Mr.Honey's grip. 

"Whatever you say bitch." He than replys to Betty. "Three...." Sweet Pea starts. "Oh he's counting I'm so scared." Mr.Honey chuckles. "Two....." Sweet pea continues. "I'd run if I were you. He can get pretty angry espeically when it comes to me." Betty says. "One....." Sweet Pea says while walking closer to Mr.Honey, who quickly runs to his office to hide. Sweet Pea was about to follow after him but Betty grabs his hand and says. "Not today. There's been too much drama." Sweet  Pea grunts but gives in. "How did you know we weren't ourselves anyways?" Fangs asks. "You guys were being too normal? I guess is how I'm going to word it. That and Sweet Pea didn't text me the whole time I was sick when normally he's a big baby." Betty says with a laugh. "Is there such thing as too normal?" Kevin asks. "In Riverdale?Yeah" Betty says while shaking her head laughing. "Well now that everything is back to weird riverdale or our normal riverdale. Let's call your dad and get mr.Honey in prison than head back to Pop's" Archie reccomends. "Dad's already here." Fp says from the doorway. Everyone turns and looks at him. "Hey dad." Betty says while walking over to him and giving him a hug. "I see you're getting in trouble like normal." He says with a laugh. "I'm serpent queen what else would I be doing in my free time? Being nice to ghoulies? Hell nah." She says making everyone laugh. "Listen, I already have Mr.Blossom at the station, Sorry cheryl, and I have to get Mr.Honey but why don't you guys go treat yourselves at La Bonne Nuit or Pop's?" Fp says handing Betty his card. "Thanks Dad. Inner circle or friends. Let's go." Betty says while hugging her dad again before she runs off. Everyone laughs and says thanks to Fp before leaving behind her. When the last of the inner circle left, Fp thought to himself, that them leaving together will never be weird so that's where it will get too normal.

A/n: I swear I'm not dead. I just have no inspiration. I'll be trying to post more from now on I swear. I found a few things for inspiration but who knows if I'm going to post them or not. Only time will tell.

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