What If (Bughead)

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Jughead Pov

So my wife is pregant and is going insane she has been everywhere with emotions. Right now I'm at work and about to go home for the day. But then I get a text from Betty

Text between Jugheae and Betty

Betts:Juggie I need ice cream

Jug:What kind sweetie

Betts:Rocky road please

Jug:I'll be home in 10 minutes with it

Betts:Thank you love


Betts:Bye I love you

Jug:Bye love you too

End of text

SO I go to the store and get the ice cream then drive home.  But when I open my door I hear crying coming from mine and betty's room. I take off my shoes and coat and put everything on the counter and rush upstairs. I walk into mine and betty's room to see Betty sitting on our bed crying her eyes out. I walk over to her and hug her.

J:Sweetie what's wrong
B:I was thinking and what if our kid doesn't like me. If when they grow up they don't want me to be there mom. What if I end up being a bad mom.

She was going to continue rambling so I shut her up by kissing her. Then we break apart and I make her look at me.

J:I promise you they won't hate you.
B:You don't know that
J:Because you are a smart loving and caring girl. Our kid would be crazy if he or she didn't love you
B:Juggie I'm scared
J:I know baby I know but you will make it through the rest of the pregnancy I promise
B:How did I get so lucky with you
J:I should be saying that to you
B:Just wait until we have a little baby in 4 months I won't be your only princess
J:No you'll be my queen like you've always been
B:God Jug since when are you a romantic
J:I don't know i believe your the one who made me soft
B:Did not
J:Are you sure
B:Okay I did so what
J:so who was right
J:Excuse me who was right

I say and start tickling her side

B:Still me

Then I full blown start tickling her

B:Okay okay you you were right

She said between giggles. I stopped tickling her and wrapped my arms around her

J:Thats what I thought
B:Geez your annoying

We end up cuddling and falling asleep and after that Betty was okay after that

16 years and 7 months later

We ended up having a beautiful girl she is now 16 years old and has been getting lippy because she's a teen she has to be sassy. Right now I'm just walking through the door because I just got home from work.But as soon as I walk torugh the door I hear yelling and screaming coming from my too angels. I quickly rush into the kitchen to see them fighting not full blown fighting but they were yelling and screaming. And emetally stop them.

J:What's going on
Julliet:Mom won't let me go to a party next Monday
J:Your 16 years old you don't need to go to parties and you have school the next day
Juliet:Your just taking her side because she's your wife and a bitch of a one
J:Excuses me what did you just call your mother
Julliet:A bitch
J:You never talk about your mother that way you hear me
B:Juggie calm down
J:How are you okay with her calling you that
B:Remeber when I was pregant what I said
J:but your not a bad mom shes just doesn't understand what no means
Julliet:No your only with mom because she's a slut and you don't want to be with her you just want to screw her
Julliet:What I said nothing but the truth
J:Go to your room

She goes running upstairs and I go to hug Betty but she pushes me away.

B:Juggie I was right she hates me
J:She's just upset
B:But I'm not go enough for her you should leave me and give her a better life then what I give her.
J:Are you  sersouisly telling me to leave you for someone I could never find. Do you really think it's that easy to replace you
B:Yeah I'm nothing Juggie.You could find someone so much better.
J:But I really can't betts.So please stop saying these things about you that aren't true
B:can you go talk to her I can't not right now at least
J:Yeah of course.I'll be back in a little bit.Okay?

I walk upstairs and go to Julliet's room. I knock and she says

Julliet:If it's mom go away
J:It's me
Julliet:Come in I guess

I walk into her room and see her sitting on her bed. I go and sit beside her. She just looks at.

J:Do you know how much you hurt your mom
Julliet:I didn't mean too
J:Well I don't think she knows that. Jules I know you don't know this but when your mom was pregant with you. I came home one day I found her crying her eyes out and when I talked to her she said she was scared that you wouldn't love her and that she would be a bad mom.
Julliet:But she's a great mom
J:She doesn't know that. Her mom was a really bad person so she always thought she would end up like her.
Julliet:What do you mean Grandma was a bad person
J:When your mom was 15 Grandma made her act like she had the perfect life so she did.But then she met me and we ended up talking and I found out 2 years after we met that Grandma left her for a cult that her sister was in. When I found out I felt really bad for your mom.So when she said she would end up like her I couldn't let that happen.That's why I always was so hard on you about being nice to your mom
Julliet:Why didn't you tell me sooner
J:Your mom didn't want you knowing about her past.

Then we heard Betty scream.We quickly shot up and ran downstairs to where betty was.When we got there we saw Alice standing there. Betty stood there shook. Me and Julliet quickly made our way to Betty's side.

AL:Betty sweetie long time no see
B:What are you doing here
AL:Just came to check on you see how you turned up on your own
B:Please Leave mom
AL:But I just got here
J:You need to leave
AL:I'm sorry who are you
B:Mom this is my husband Jughead
AL:And who's the cutie behind you
B:She is none of your business
AL:Elizabeth who is she
B:She's my daughter now leave
AL:You can't stop me from seeing my grand daughter
B:I can and I will

Then a whole bunch of people walk in. I didn't relize who is was at first but then relized it was Toni, Cheryl, Fangs, Sweet Pea, Jb, My dad, Archie, Reggie, and Kevin.Alice turns around and looks at them.

T:Who's this
C;Someone who should be gone TT
AL:Cheryl Honey I missed you
C:I forgot about you not going to lie
AL:Thats rude 
C:Its the truth
A:I think you need to leave Alice
F:Wait this is the alice cooper.
AL;Thats me
FP:You need to leave Alice
AL:Wait FP
FP:Thats me
AL:I missed you
FP:And I still hate you
AL:That was years ago FP you cant still hate me
FP:I can and I will now leave
AL:Im not leaving unless Elizbeth comes and talks to me alone
Everyone but Alice and Betty:Betty
B:Ill talk to you but then you have to leave
J:Betts are you sure
B:Yeah I am
Julliet:Mom are you 100% sure
B:Yes I am.I need to talk to her anyways
J:We will be right here waiting

Then they walk outside

JB:Why do I have a bad feeling about this Jug
J:Because Alice is a bad person
R:Why would Betty agree to this
J:She isnt in the right mindset
FP:Why not
Julliet:Because we got into a fight
F:Great just great
T:Fangs calm down
F:Im not freaking out

Then we hear yelling and screaming coming from outside and we all run outside.

B Pov

Me and Alice walked outside. We stopped and she looks me dead in the eyes.

AL:You need to come to the farm with me
AL:Why not
B:Because your crazy now because of the dam farm
AL:Im not crazy
B:You need to leave
AL:Not until you or your daughter come to the farm with me

Then everyone comes running out

FP:Betty whats going on
B:Shes trying to make me and Julliet go to the farm
SP:What not happening
AL:Elizabeth chose you or your daughter

I freeze then look her in the eyes and say

Julliet:Mom no

I turn around and put my hand on her cheek and say

B:Honey I need you to be safe
Julliet:Please dont leave me
B:Im sorry about everything I said to you early
Julliet:Its was me not you and I know what I called you early wasnt nice and I didnt mean it. but please Mom dont leave me now
B:Im so sorry Honey but I need to make sure your safe I have to go

I look up at him and he had tears in his eyes.I put my hand on his cheek and wipe the tears away and look him in the eyes

B:Im sorry
J:Please dont leave me
B:Im sorry Juggie Its what was best
J:We will figure something out just please dont leave
C:Betts we wouldnt be able to surive without you please dont go
B:I have to you guys dont understand
T:Then understand this. Who is going to cover the shifts at the bar if Mustang isnt able to make it
SP:Whos going to clean my cuts when I get out of a fight
F:Whos going to help make sure I dont make a fool out of myself when I do something stupid
C:Whos going to help me fight Veronica when shes being a bitch and thinks she runs the town
K:Whos going to be my girl straight best friend
FP;Whos going to help me when I cant understand how to pay the bills
JB:Whos going to help me fix cars
R:Whos going to beat my ass in football so Im not a bitch to everyone
A:Whos going to help me warm up when its baseball season
J:Whos going to be the love of the rest of my life
Julliet:Whos going to rasie me rest of my life
B:Easy anwers Toni, I have Tall Boy covering those shifts now, Sweets, Toni can clean your cuts, Fangs, Kevin will be there for you, Cheryl you and Toni can, Kevin your going to have to find another one there are lots out there, Fp have you ever thought of asking your son, Jb, Jules knows how to fix cars, Reg that is an anwer that is more simple then you know and that is ask Archie to Beat your ass, and Arch Reggie is really good at baseball.And as for you Juggie there are so many other women out there who are perfect for you. Jules your dad will and all these amazing people who did before too.
AL:Betty I dont have all day
B:Lets go
R:No not today

Then I feel someone grab me

AL:Excuses me what are you doing
R;Shes not going anywhere
AL:I can sue you if you dont let here come with me
FP;OK well guess what Alice I became sheriff when you were gone so I can tell them everything
AL:FIne Im gone

Then she leaves. And we head inside and go sit. I go into the kitchen to get a drink and when I was I feel arms wrap around me.

B:Whats wrong
Julliet:I almost lost you today because I messed up your mindset
B:You did nothing wrong it was my choice to go and talk to her and that was the choice I made
Julliet:Did you really mean what you did out there or did you just not want to feel like a bad person
B:Jules If I ever had a choice to take your spot in a bad thing I would. I dont want you getting hurt
Julliet:God I love you Mom
B:And I love you sweetie

Then she lets go and goes back into the living room. How did I get so lucky.

AN:So this is my first bughead I dont know if its good or bad but whatever a lot of people wanted one so here it is. JugheadJones4752 heres the story you wanted

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