Memories (Chetty )

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In this they're not cousins but are best friends and this isn't like they end up dating they're just friends and Jason's not dead

Cheryl Pov

Elizabeth Jones is my best friend and I trust her with everything and she trusts me with everything. We have been best friends since grade 1. We each have our special someone's she has her boyfriend Sweet pea and I have my girlfriend Toni. I remember the day I told betty about me and Toni and the funny thing was it's the same day she told me about her and sweet pea. It feels like it was yesterday.



Cherry🍒:Hey betts.... do you want to meet me at pops

Betts💖:Sure Cherry but is something wrong you wrote "...." and you never do that.

Cherry🍒:I'll tell you when we meet up

Betts💖:Okay I'll meet you there.

End of texting real life

I'm so scared of how she's going to react to me and TT are dating. I hope she's happy I hope she'll be thrilled. But what if she doesn't care? What if she pushes me away? No cheryl don't think like that Betty is your best friend she loves you she's like your sister. She was there for you even when my own mother wasn't. The time comes for me to leave to pops so I start heading there. I'm there in a good 5 minutes. I sit in mine and betty's normal booth and wait for her. She arrives 2 minutes later with the biggest smile on her face.

B:Hey Cher
C:Hey Betts what's with the smile
B:I got news too but you of course first.
C:Betts I don't know how your going to feel about this
B:Cher just tell me ill be okay with anything you say as long as your not getting a new best friend.
C:No no no never
B:Then what is it C
C:Betts I have a girlfriend
B:Omg that's amazing C who is it
C:Toni Topaz
B:Omg my two best friends are dating finally
C:Now what's your news
B:Oh ya I got a boyfriend
C:B who is it
C:This is perfect the two best friends end up dating they're other two best friends and the double dates they'll be awesome because me and you could talk when sweet pea and Toni talk.
B:Cheryl calm down
C:Okay okay

End of flashback

Right now Betty,Toni,Sweets and me are at school sitting in the lounge waiting for our next class bell to ring. When over the speaker we hear. "Elizabeth Jones please come to my office I repeat Elizabeth Jones please come to my office" Everyone looks at Betty with weird faces. She gets up and walks to the office.

Sp:I'm going to go wait outside the office for her
T:I'm coming too
C:Same here

We all walked down there in 5 minutes and wait out there for 3 minutes then betty walks out but with tears on her face.

C:Oh my God betty what's wrong
B:M--My d-dad an--d M--mom were....... were kil--led.
T:I'm so sorry betty
B:They went to talk some sense into your mom and dad who were threatening Me,Jb,Toni and you. The police think they did something.
C:Betty i'm so so sorry
B:It's not your fault but right now I have to go pack
T: Pack why
B:Im leaving with my parents dead I'm going into foster care.
Sp:NO your not
B:I have to Jb and Jug are too so I'm not leaving them.
Sp:I'll talk to my parents
T:I'll talk to my uncle
C:I'll talk to JJ to
B:you guys don't have to do that
Sp:But we want too
C:B remember the best friend rules

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