Dads Death (Multiple Ships)

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I know I did something similar earlier in this story but people seemed to like it so here's another one. Also Betty lives in a trailer on the southside of town. She moved there after her mom went crazy.

FP Pov

I just told Betty Cooper, one of my favourite people in the world, that she has to kill her dad.

The judge for Hal decided that he needed to die too and that Betty needed to do it. I could see the pain in her eyes when I said it.

B: You need to be joking, please tell me your joking. You know he's a monster but he's still my dad. He raised me.
Fp: I'm sorry but I'm not joking. And you know I'll be here for you. So will the serpents.
B: I can't kill him. I have too many memories with him to hurt him.
Fp: Betty it's either you shot him or everyone in the town gets to beat him up and he gets a slow and painful death. I know it's not an easy choice but just let him get rid of the pain faster.
B: Fp please I can't do this. We're talking about the guy who raised me, the person who taught me how to fix cars and ride a bike.
FP: Betty I'm sorry.
Betty: Can't Alice do it?
FP: The judge said you had to do it, you're the closest person to him so it will hurt the most.
Betty: I can't do it. You know that I love him. Even if he wasn't the best dad ever I still want him to be in my life.
FP: I understand that. Trust me I know because I had to go through the same thing with my mom. She was a killer. The judge said that I had to kill her. I did it but it was the hardest thing I had ever done. I thought the same thing as you that I still loved her even though she was a monster.
Betty: I don't know what to do.
FP: I'll be right by your side no matter what.
Betty: What happens if I don't do it.
FP: Then you would watch your dad get beat by everyone in Riverdale who hates him.
Betty: So everyone but me?
FP: Pretty much.
Betty: I'll do it.
FP: Okay, you have to do it in 2 days. At 2 o'clock at #####
Betty: Okay, I'll see you there.

I walked off feeling horrible for what I had just said. I kept walking until I ran into Jughead and his squad or whatever they are.

Jughead: Hey Dad.
FP: Hey Boi.
Jughead: Are you okay? You look really upset.
FP: No, I'm not okay.
Jughead: What happened.
FP: I just told Betty that she has to kill her dad.
Jughead: How's she taking the news? I mean she's hardheaded and all but she still feels pain.
FP: She's upset but she'll be okay.
Toni: Should we go talk to her.
FP: I don't think that is the best idea. She looked heart broken.
Cheryl: Dam it. I have had enough of Betty being the one in pain. She is my cousin more like my sister. She has been through pain since the very first day of high school. And I can't do anything to help her.
Toni: Cheryl Calm down.
Cheryl: Where's Betty. I know she needs someone and I know how it feels to lose everything. It's like in a snap of a finger you lose all hope.
Fp: Her trailer.

Betty Pov

After Fp left I picked up my phone and called Penny Peabody. I know that I shouldn't have her number but she's my aunt so it's okay. I dial her number and wait for her to pick up.

(Penny and Betty Convo)
Penny: Hello.
Betty: Penny it's Betty.
Penny: Why is the Serpent Queen calling me.
Betty: I need a favour. And you're my aunt so I'm hoping you will do it for me.

Penny: What is it?
Betty: In 2 days I have to kill my dad. After I shot him. I--- I want you to shoot me.
Penny: The serpents would start a war with my ghoulies so why would I do that.
Betty: You should do it because I have a feeling they would be more worried about me then you dummy. And you could wear a mask.
Penny: I'll do it. Where will it take place?
Betty: ###### oh and be there for 2.
Penny: Okay. I'll see you then.
Betty: Bye Penny. Oh and don't tell Sweet Pea or anyone please.
Penny: Deal. Bye
Betty: bye.

(End of Convo)

I hung up the phone and of course someone knocked on my door at that time. I open it and it's just Cheryl. I let her in then she looked at me very seriously.

Cheryl: Betty are you 100% okay. I know you are a Blossom and you don't like showing feelings but I'm a Blossom too I know how it feels. I know that sometimes you want to give up hope.
Betty: I'm fine Cheryl I promise. I am trying to find a brightside to this.
Cheryl: Betty, I know you said you're okay but promise me if you start to lose hope you will come to me.
Betty: I promise Cheryl. I know how you feel about that. I will be okay.
Cheryl: Okay, I have to go but I'll see you later okay.
Betty: Bye Cheryl I love you.
Cheryl: I love you too Betts. Bye.

She then leaves. I close the door and walk over to my couch and sit down then put my head in my hands. "What am I going to do." Was all I was able to think. This is going to be a hell of a thing to do. I got back up and it was late enough I started getting ready for bed. I was almost done when I heard the door open. The only people I could think of were either Jughead, Fangs, Sweet Pea, Toni, Fp, Cheryl, Archie, Veronica, Kevin, Reggie, JB, or Alice.

Betty: Hey.
Sweet Pea: You are not scared I am someone who is going to hurt you. Like a ghoulie.
Betty: I could have taken them.
Fangs: We are here because we are worried.
Betty: About what I am fine here. I am safe.
Jughead: Betts could you come out here. It is almost everyone here.

I walked out of the bathroom and sure enough it was the whole gang. Everyone was there besides Fp, Alice, and Jb.

Betty: What's up guys. It's getting late.
Veronica: We are worried about you B.
Betty: Guys, I don't get why you are worried. I have my knife and my gun isn't that far away if something happens I could handle myself.
Archie: No, We are worried because of what Fp told you.
Betty: Why. All I am doing is killing one of the last people who love me.
Toni: Betts, you have us.
Betty: I know that. I mean like one of the only people left who have known me since I was born. I only just met the serpents. I met V less than 2 years ago. Cheryl only just started getting close with me. And I met Kevin, Reggie, and Archie when I was 3. No one I know has known me my whole life besides my mom who has gone crazy and my dad who is about the die.
Reggie: This is why we came over. We knew you were like this.
Betty: Look guys, I love that you came to check on me but I am okay. Tomorrow I'm going to stay here all day and then the next day I am going to do what I have to do.
Kevin: Is anyone going to be here with you tomorrow.
Betty: No it's just going to be me.
Jughead: To keep all of us calm are you okay if I order a few serpents to stay outside of your house.
Betty: No, no ,no serpents, no guards, no nothing, I want to be by myself just me on my property.
Fangs: Okay, Calm down.
Betty; Can everyone get out now.
Veronica: Betty Boop, You're scared, and upset. You're not in the right mind set. So I don't know about everyone else but I'm not leaving you like this. So go ahead and yell at me. Try to push me away but I'm not leaving you.

I just put my head down in shame and because I was about to cry. I couldn't keep acting brave. I know V is right but I don't want to admit what I am feeling.

Sweet Pea Pov

She looked down. She was at her breaking point; she wasn't okay at all.

Sweet Pea: Betts, you okay.

She shakes her. I walk over to her and hug her.

Sweet Pea: It's okay. We are all here for you. We aren't leaving you.

The rest of the squad joins us. We all needed this. Once we leave the group house Betty wipes her tears away.

Cheryl: Now, I need the honest truth. Are you okay?
Betty: As long as you guys stay with me when I need you guys I will be.
Jughead: We always will be here Betts.
Betty: Okay, I just need to think alone for a minute can you guys go please.
Sweet Pea: Yeah, But I'm checking in on you tomorrow.
Betty: No, I am going to be fine by myself.Now everyone out.
Fangs: Okay, Bye Baby B, Love you.
Betty: Love you too Fangs.
Sweet Pea: I'll see you in two days then. Bye I love you Betts.
Betty: Bye Pea. I love you too.

I give her a peek on the lips and leave. Everyone else says Bye and gives her a hug then we are all outside.

Jughead: Now that we are all out here. I know we said that we won't come here tomorrow but I'm worried. So we are just going to spy on her trailer.
Cheryl: How do we do that without her seeing us.
Toni: We throw a party like we always do.
Veronica: I'm confused why are we throwing a party. Not that I don't love a good party but still.
Sweet Pea: We throw parties when we spy on people's trailers for their safety.
Archie: Where through.
Fangs: On this grass land because then people don't try to go into the persons house because of how many serpents there are.
Kevin: Makes sense.
Jughead: I'll make an announcement to the serpents and we will party tomorrow.
Sweet Pea: Let's go to the bar. It's been a long day.
Veronica: Let's GO.

We laughed and started going our different ways to get to our vehicles then drove to the bar.

Betty Pov

I heard their whole convo. They aren't spying on me tomorrow. So I am just going to leave when they are there. Hopefully they don't see me. I start packing a few things and call my mom and say that I am coming over. She may be crazy but she's still my mom. I get into my truck and drive to her house.

The Next Day

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