Crying (Chetty)

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I'm sorry about that but I needed a oneshot and I wanted a girl and girl couple. Don't judge me. Hate will be deleted or reported.

Cheryl Pov

Me and my bestie betty Jones always getp together on Friday at her house and have a movie night. So I'm heading there right now. We are planning on watching 3 movies and I'm bringing pop's with me. And we already have the snacks at her house because every thrusday night we go shopping for snacks. Anyways I'm just now pulling up to her house. I get out and head right in the house because I'm like part of there family. So I don't knock I just walk in. The Jones have been more of a family to me then any one else ever has. I feel loved. I feel appreciated. I'm always happy when I'm with them.  Right now I'm downstairs still getting the snacks because I know betty only brought to half of them not all of them because she does it everytime. Then Fp walks in the kitchen and sees me.

Fp:Hey Cheryl
C:Hey Fp
Fp:Your here for your Friday night hang out with Betty
Fp:Cheryl please keep a close eye on her for me. She's been distance lately and 2 hours ago she locked herself in her room and I heard crying so I'm not sure if she is or isn't crying but if she needs you be there for her please. I don't want her ending up like Jb.
C:Of course I'll be there for her. She's like my sister and I don't want her ending up like Jb either.
Fp:Thank you honey
C:Anytime Fp anytime
Fp:You are one of Betty's closes friends, like you beat Toni and Sweet Pea any day so please don't leave her when she's broken.
C:Fp I'll never leave Betty's side.
Fp:I don't know what betty would do if you weren't friends with her.
C:I don't know what I would do without her

I then head upstairs. To bettys room and go in. When I go in I see her sitting on her bed crying. So I walk over to her and hugged her.

C:Betts what's wrong
B:I hate life. The serpents aren't listening, Jug and dad keep fighting over dumb things, and Toni and veronica started dating Cheryl after I told Toni I loved Veronica. I thought I could trust her but I can't she hurt me like no one else ever has. But i can't be made at her I told her that 3 months ago and now me and Archie are together.
C:Betts I'm here for you when you need it and as for Toni we're going to talk to her after we calm you down and clean you up. And keep your voice down no one knows your dating Andrews yet.

She cries for 5 more minutes then we head to her bathroom where we fix her make up and hair. Then we go downstairs and see Sweet pea, Fangs, and Jughead looking worried.

B:What's up boys
F: One we're worried about you
B:Im fine
Sp:really because I heard Veronica and Toni are dating
B:I'll get over that I liked Veronica like 3 months ago
C:Now what else is wrong
J:Veronica's threatening the serpents
B:But Toni's a serpent
Sp:We know
C:Okay well we're going to go
B:The bar
J:Betty there's a fighting going on
F:She doesn't need to get hurt

And with that she grabs my arm and runs out of the house. And we get on our bikes. I leave my bike and serpent stuff at the Jones because my mother would never approve. So we get on our bikes and all ready have our jackets on and then drive off. It feels so good having the wind in your hair. We finally make it to the bar. And get off our bikes and walk in side by side. And like the boys said there's a huge fight.

B:Toni first or fight first

SO we join the fight. We keep getting punched and we've been fighting for 10 minutes when we have enough Sp Betty walks on stage and yells.

B:What the hell would my father approve of this.

And then they all stop. But then one of the serpents yell.

Serpent:What happened to your face!
B:Northside was attacked by the ghoulies so I  had to fight them.

Then she walks off of stage and goes to the bar where Toni was me right on her tail.

T:Hey Betts, Cher
B:Hey Toni
T:What's up
C:You got a girlfriend I heard
T:Yeah veronica Lodge
C:Wasn't this right after Betty told you she liked her
C:No B I'm stating facts that she needs to anwer.
T:Yes betty did tell me that so what
C:Oh sow you heard how Veronica and her family is trying to get all the serpents killed.
C:Yeah the boys said they were attacked by Hirams Guards.
T:Veronica is a lying shit
B:We know

Just then all the boys walk in. We quickly look at Toni

B:Can we hide behind the bar

SO we quickly run around to the bar entrance then run through it then duck down. We are hoping the boys don't see us.

J:Hey Toni, Have you seen Betty or Cheryl
T:Sorry Jug but no
SP:Where the hell did she go
T:She was in the fight for a good 10 minutes maybe she went to the bathroom to clean her face.
Sp:She was in the Fight
F:And you didn't stop her

Then me and Betty crawled to the direction of the bathrooms then pretend to walk out. Theb be shocked to see the boys

B:What are you guys doing here
J:Looking for you
SP:And thank god we did your face looks bad
C:Wow that's rude to say to a girl
F:He didn't mean it like that
B:Sure sounded like that
SP:Listen Betty I'm sorry for saying that but we need to get you home and clean your cuts up
C:We have a Lodge to attack first
T:Oh Im coming
B:Let's go
J:Betty your going to get yourself killed
B:I don't care
C:Now bye
F:Can we at least come with you

Then we all leave heading to the Pembroke. Once we get there we get off our bikes and head inside. When we get there Veronica stood in shock.

V:Baby what are you and your gang doing her.
T: Don't call me that
V:But your my girlfriend why can't we have pet names for each other
T:I'm not your girlfriend
V:What the hell did you tell her.

She says pointing at Betty


She says putting her hands up in defeat.

C:Leave her alone
V:No I won't leave her alone she's nothing but a slut
B:Cheryl can you believe I ever liked her
C:Yeah I can't
V:I can hear you. You know that right
B:Okay here's what's going to happen Miss.Lodge your going to leave my serpents alone and Toni and you are going to break up.  And then your going to leave riverdale with the rest of your family.

Just then a truck pulls up it looks like Archie's. Just then Reggie and Archie get out of the truck.

A:Betts what's going on
B:Veronica called me a slut and is trying to kill the serpents.
A:Veronica I would watch your mouth if I was you.
V:Why Archiekins I thought you loved me.
A:VERONICA we're not a thing
V:Thats not what you were saying a few days ago.
B:Archie what is she talking about
V:Oh so your the girl that has Archie's heart that he won't be with me
C:Your with Toni
V:Was with Toni

Betty starts walking backwards she was going to have a panic attack,

C:Betty Calm down

Then she starts spinning around in circles like she didn't know what's happening.


Then Jughead runs behind and catches her before she faints. Then I walk to Archie and punch him

C:How could you Archie you know I love betty and then you do something like this to her.
J:Did you just say you love betty
Sp:Why didn't you tell her sooner she's loves you longer then Archie.
C:I don't know
R:Guys can we go home so betty can go to bed and then we can talk.
Sp:Yeah let's go

We all get on our bikes and Cheryl steals Archie's truck and we put betty in it and drive to the Jones house. And Sweet pea and Fangs put mine and betty's motorcycles in the back.

Betty Pov

I start gaining consciousness. And I look up and see that I beside Cheryl.

C:Hey Betts
B:Cheryl where are we going
B:Cher I know this isn't the time but I love you as more then friends
C:SO do I Betts so do I
B:I was hoping you'd be my girlfriend
C:Of course

And that's how I got my first girlfriend.

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