Set (Cast friendship)

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Friendship only

Lili Pov

Everyone on set have been best friends for a while now. We all met on set when the show started or people were added on I've gotten to know everyone and everyone is really sweet and nice. They are also been nothing but supportive of my choices. When me and Cole started dating the whole cast were the first people to know and they were really happy about it. Anyways right now we are on set filming the musical episode so we are at a table read for it. Everyone is talking. Me and Jordan were playing around then Roberto walks in.

Roberto:Let's get to it. How do you guys feel about the script.
Cole:It's good
Kj:I really like it
Cami:I love the part where I get to sing Lifeboat.
Lili:I don't mind it

I say with an eye rolls

Roberto:Lil you can't be mad at me for what I told you
Lili:I have every right to be
Mädchen:Lili sweetie why are you mad
Skeet:Lili honey we're just trying to help
Lili:I've got to go
Jordan:Lils wait

But I was already gone. The truth is Roberto loves me with all his heart it's just her wants drama and killing one of the main characters causes drama. So he chose my character to kill off.I'm mad because I don't want to leave but it's not like I have an option. So I start walking towards my trailer to pack my stuff up. As I'm walking up to my trailer I hear Drew call my name.

Drew:Lili we've been looking for you everywhere what's going on we all left after you left.
Lili: Drew it's nothing bad
Drew:Then why are you so mad at Roberto
Lili:He's trying to kill my character off the show
Drew: What!

Then everyone comes running our way. They all look worried but then they see how mad Drew looks and get concerned.

Madelaine:What's wrong Drew
Vanessa:Yeah it everything okay
Drew:No nothing is okay
Jordan:What's going on
Drew:Roberto's trying to kill Lili's character off the show

Then everyone gasps. And Cole walks up to me.

Cole:Lil is that true

I just nod my head,

Charles:We can't let that happen
Lili:Guys to you can't do anything about it I already agreed to it.
Marisol:Lili honey why would you agree
Lili:Because if it wasn't my character that goes then it could have been Cami, Madeleine, Vanessa, Kj, Charles, Cole, Skeet, Mädchen, Casey, Drew or Jordan's character.
Kj:You were just trying to protect us weren't you

I nod.

Casey:We'll talk to Roberto
Lili:Too late
Ashleigh:What do you mean
Lili:I already signed the thing saying I quit.
Mädchen:Why would you do that
Lili:Because no one else needs to get fired.
Casey:But you don't deserve to get fired either,

Then our phones start blowing up. We all look at our phones and everyone gasps. And a tear rolls down my cheek. It was a news report saying in big bold letters. 'Lili Reinhart being fired from the show Riverdale because her and her costar cole sprouse broke up and they kept fighting and the rest of the cast likes Cole more then Lili' how could people be so mean, I'm trying to save my costars from being fired and they think me and Cole broke up of course.

Skeet:Lil you okay
Lili:Yeah I am but I really need to go pack my stuff but I'll see you guys around I guess.

Then I walk off as fast as I can. They can't see me cry. As soon as I get in my trailer I broke. I started crying like hell as I was packing my things. I've been in here 10 minutes when there was a knock on the door.

Lili:Who ever it is go away
Cole:Lils please open the door.
Lili:Go away cole please
Cole:Lil it's me and rest of the cast. We want to talk to you.
Lili:I don't want to talk
Jordan:Lils please
Camila:Please Lils
Vanessa:We just want to talk
Lili:No talk through the door
Drew:Fine we will but your I bet your going to open the door by the end of it
Mädchen:We're worried about you Lili you kept this a secret from us for so long and now there's rumors about you going around
Skeet:SO how are you okay
Lili:I'm a fighter
Casey:Yeah you are and we talked to Roberto and he's not firing you

I say opening the door and looking at everyone in front of me. They all look happy that I finally open the door.

Camila:We talked to Roberto he's not going to fire you. We told him we would all quit if you weren't on the show.
Lili:You guys would do that
Vanessa:Of course we would your our best friend
Lili:Geez you guys are crazy
Drew:We know
Cole:Now will you come out of the trailer fully not just opening the door and give us a hug.
Lili:Someone has to catch me

I then jump into his arms and he surprisingly caught me. We went unto a group up and stayed like that for a little bit. Then Roberto came running over and started yelling.

Roberto:You lied to me. You told me you didn't take the hulsters job.
Lili:Is it the end of the world
Roberto:It's a stripper movie. How to you think that will affect the show.
Mädchen: Roberto you told us we could take other jobs if we want too so why can't Lili
Roberto:Because she can't
Cole:Why not
Roberto:Because it will affect the show
Lili:Then I won't do it okay but can you stop being my boss fir one day and be my friend instead.
Roberto:As the shows runner I have to your boss not friend
Vanessa:That doesn't make sense your a friend to us but not to Lili.
Roberto:Lili you need to explain it to them for me
Lili:Have anxiety and depression which affects how everyone has to treat me
Camila:That shouldn't change anything
Charles:Your lili no matter what
Casey:Your the light to most of our darkness
Jordan:Your our best friend
Lili:Guys I love you
Madeleine:We love you too

We go back in a group hug and just stay there in each others presents hoping that whatever comes our way we will be okay. We were praying that whatever comes our way we will be by our sides and live the life we want. Roberto will come back at me again but right now we just want to be with each other.

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