Stress is to much (Multiple Ships)

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No Pov

Right now everyone is freaking out. The play is tonight and nobody knows if betty is coming. She's has had recent family issues and no one knows what's happening. Well until Sweet Pea and Jughead come running in.

Sp:She knows all of her lines and is coming
K:Okay great. How is she doing

Everyone turns around and sees her walking there way. Toni, Kevin,Cheryl, Archie,Fangs and Reggie going rushing over to see her, they all hug her and smile.

T:Why didn't you tell me you were coming
B:Because I didn't know if I wasn't or was
K:Are you ready for the play
C:Good because your my second heather in charge and I need you
V:I'm your main heather thank you very much
C:No your not Betty is
V:Oh so just because your best friends and cousins means she your 2nd heather in charge
K:Is there a problem with that
V:Yeah there is
R:Just because you think your so popular you think you should be lead in everything
V:Thats because it's how it should be
K:No I made Betty 2nd heather in charge
V:Then your picking favourite
A:Veronica,Kevin is running this play and we're doing it his way
V:I'm going to tell Weatherbee on you guys
B:Veronica the play is tonight we can't change anything unless you want it to be a train wreck
V:Fine whatever
Sp:Okay so let's get rehearsing
Jo:Uh Kevin there is an issue
K:And what is that
B:Uh Weatherbee called me instead of you and he is pushing everything back. He doesn't like the cast at all. He says I should be Veronica Sawyer and Josie should be Heather Duke.
K:Okay how long is he pushing it back for
B:2 days
K:Thats not enough time
Jo:Kevin me and Betty will learn all of our lines and the dances we'll work exact to make sure we know everything.
K:I don't know
B:Kev how much do you want this
B:Then let's go
Sp:Betty don't over work yourself
B:I won't
J:If you need a break take a break
K:Okay everyone go home and I'll work with Betty and Josie
T:Do you need help teaching them the dances
K:Yeah I would love that help
C:Okay well i got to go but I'll see you later Babe
T:Bye Baby

Everyone leaves but Sweet Pea and Jughead they walk over to betty and look her straight in the eyes.

B Pov

J:Betty if you need a break and aren't sure about this tell Kevin
Sp:We don't need anything happening to you
B:I'll be fine you two just breath and if something is wrong I'll call okay?

They both nod

B:Now get your asses out of here
Sp:Okay bye

He kisses my forehead then leaves. Me and Jughead hug then he leaves. Me and Sweet pea have been a thing for about 3 years now. We're known as the perfect match I'm the serpent queen and he is now the serpent prince almost king.

K:Okay let's go Toni you feel like teaching betty her dance while I teach Josie her lines and songs
T:Yeah sure. Betty come here

I run over to her and she looks me dead in the eyes and say.

T:Are you sure your about with this
B:Yeah let's do this

3 hours later

Me and Josie are now switching and I'm learning my lines and songs well she's learning her dances.

K:Okay so you already memorized some of the lines but it's going to be the songs that's the issue.
B:I already know Dead girl walking
K:Great. So do you just want to go over the lines together or take a little break
B:Break please

So we go and sit down and watch Toni teach Josie her dances.

Next day

We are doing reharals right now when my phone rings so I pick it up. Because it's my dad's lawyer. I hoping it's good new my dad's been in jail for 3 weeks and I'm really hoping he's going to be a free man soon.

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