DNA (Multiple Ships)

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B Pov

Dark as midnight
Six pack Coors Light
You don't look the same

I am sitting on my bed right now I was woken up by my father yelling and screaming at my mother. He has been drinking a lot lately. He went to the beer store today and bought 6 things of beer and he has already drank them all.Hes been seeming off lately but I cant put my finger on whats different. I know hes been drinking but he looks older for some reason.

Past my bedtime
Blue and red lights
Come take you away

Then out of no where I see red and blue lights coming from outside.Its 1:55am why would they be here. Then I hear more yelling coming from downstairs. So I slowly make my way downstairs and at the end of the stairs I see a body. Not any body my moms body. Then I look past that and see my dad being taken by the cops. I jump over the body and the blood and run after them.

B: Where are you taking him
SK: Hes going behind bars for good.
B: No you cant
SK: Im sorry betty but I have to

Then I stop moving and they drive away. Besides some of the cops who were dealing with the body. Great so now Im alone. Just lovely.

2 weeks  later

My dad is now behind bars. Today is the first day Im going to visit him.

Hate to see you like a monster
So I run and hide
Hate to ask but what's it like to leave me behind

I have been trying to avoid coming to see him. I feel like I need to hide from him. When I get into his room where he is put there is a chair that I sit in and I look at him

H: Betty Ive missed you
B: Hows life behind bars
H: I didnt mean what I did and you know it
B: You killed mom. You killed a peice of me that night when you showed me who you really were
H: Betty come on I didnt mean it I was drunk
B: You were always drunk. You went through 6 cases of beer that night. Do you know what type of pain your putting me through right now.
H: Honey Im sorry
B: As much as I dont want to ask you this. How does it feel leaving me behind for the crimal life
H: Im not going to lie I hate it. I hate not being able to hug you.
B: Ive got to go study for SAT's but Ill see you next month

Then I got up and left

2 days later

I won't be, no I won't be like you
Fighting back, I'm fighting back the truth
Eyes like yours can't look away
But you can't stop DNA
No, you can't stop DNA

As much as I dont want to amite it. Im just like my father nothing but a liar and a bad person. I've caused alot of people pain. My mom could be alive right now if it wasn't for me. Right now Im with my friends at the bar. But then I got up and left. I heard them call for me but I kept walking. Until I made it outside they finally caught up with me.

J: Betty where are you going
B: Away from you guys
T: Did we do something wrong
B: No I did
C: What was that
B: I cant keep being friends with you guys and I can't be with you

I say pointing at Sweet Pea

SP: Why? What did I do wrong?
B: I don't think you guys relized Im the daughter of a murder I could end up just like him
A: Betty your nothing like your father
B: I could be
R: Betty come on please just talk to us
B: I could end up just like him because I have his DNA
T: SO what its DNA I have my parents DNA but I know as a fact I will never end up like them
B: Im scared Im going to hurt you guys
C: You wont just please dont push us away right now
B: I can't. If I do something to hurt you guys it will kill me inside.
J: Betty enough we love you we don't care who you father is or where he is but I sure as hell am not going to watch you put yourself through pain when your trying to "save" people who I know you would never hurt.
SP: Babe come on. Please don't do this.
B: Why shouldn't I, I'm a monster.
SP: no you're not just come inside so we can talk where it's warmer.
B: Fine.

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