Lies (Multiple Ships)

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I'm was walking around school thinking about life and if I was happy enough to live. I was walking down the hall to the Blue and Gold when I ran into Fangs

B:Oh sorry Fangs didn't see where I was going

He looks at me with a soft face.

F:You good Betty
B:Yeah I'm great why you asking
F:You just look like you've seen a ghost.
B:Oh I'm just a like paler then normal it's nothing though.
F:Are you sure you know I'm always here to help or just talk
B:Im fine Fangs I promise. I'll see you at the serpents meeting after school right
F:Yeah ill send you there
B:Okay bye
F:Bye Baby B

I keep walking I'm almost to the Blue and Gold when I all of a sudden have to go to the washroom and thank God the girls washroom was right there so I walk in there and of course Veronica,Cheryl,Toni, and Peaches were in there

V:Hey B
B:Hey V
C:What's new and exciting cousin
B:Nothing but normal riverdale drama. You guys
T: The Pretty Poisons want to become one gang with the serpents. What do you think of that?
B:That sounds good but I'll have to talk to Jug and Sweets.
C:Okay cousin. But are you okay you look very pale.
B:We'll I have to get going to the Blue and Gold I'll see you guys later
V:Bye B
T:Bye Betts
C:Bye Betty
P:Bye Jones

And then I leave not caring if I have to pee or not so I continue my journey to the Blue and gold. Once I get there of course Reggie,Archie,Kevin, Jug, and Sweets were there so once I walk in they all look at me,

B:Everyone out
J:What why
B:Out now
A:Jug. Me, you, and reggie need to get to football practice anyways. And Kevin don't you have to go find fangs.
B:Okay thanks for that but out now
R:Okay Betts chill
A:Betty are you okay you look really pale
J:Yeah do you want me to call dad
B:No just get out please
J:Okay bye love you Sis
A:Bye Jones
R:Bye your highness
K:Bye Baby B
B:Bye now out

They leave leaving me and Sweets in there alone.

Sp:Babe come here
B:I don't want to
Sp:Betty please don't push me away now you look sick and not well.
B:Im fine Pea I promise
Sp:Cut the crap Betts I know you and your not fine. So ethier you tell me what's wrong or I'll call Veronica, Reggie, Fangs, Kevin,  Archie, Cheryl, Jughead, Toni, and Peaches in here and tell them somethings up.
B:Fine you want to know what's wrong.  My issue is im not good enough for life I'm nothing my life means nothing. I'm useless, I'm ugly, and I'm not loved
Sp:Betty stop you are loved, your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, and for me you mean everything, and for a fact your more then good enough. So stop saying all this God awful stuff about yourself.
B:Sweets I've been lying to everyone saying I'm okay when I'm broken, putting a smile on my face when I just want to cry, pretending I'm okay after Jb, Mom, and Dad dying. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like my world is coming down on me.
Sp: Princess your okay your world is not falling apart. Your just confused.
B:But I'm not I horrified of life now. The boys bully me, it feels like everyone is leaving me like Polly left me for the farm she was my best friend pea she was there for me when I didn't think I could he myself ever again.
Sp: Baby why didn't you tell me.
B:I was scared that you would make me get help.
Sp:NO but I would talk to you

Then everyone walks in all of them.

B:What are you guys doing here.
R:Sweet Pea was facetiming us on the Groupchat when you said all of that
V:Why didn't you tell us B we could have helped.
B:I was scared I was slowly going crazy.
J:Betts I know home life isn't the best but we're going to make it through if you don't give up on me now. Please not now after the news we got.
A:What news
T:What news
J:There kicking us out of the trailer if we don't get rest of the money they need from our parents.
C:What money
B:Hiram Lodge thinks since our parents were so "poor" he would send them on a few missions for him that would get him the money.
J:But the died before he got the money so now he's making us do it
V:My father is insane,
C:We know V we know
B:We'll figure it out hopefully. We have until tonight to give him an anwer.
T:tonight when did he tell you guys about this
Sp:Can't you guys just move out
J:Thats our second options
K:What's your first
B:Do the job
A:No you guys need to move out
R:But where would you guys go
B:Jug could go anywhere he's 18 so he's good. I'm the one with the issue.
V:Wait how old are you again B
Sp:You can come stay with me.
J:As much as I would let that she would have to go to foster care.
R:What no she can't
B:I don't have an option
C:Yes you do Betts you could live with any of us
J:You guys don't understand it Hiram doesn't want me and Betty to live together because he wants betty out of the picture he wants to ship betty off to Toledo.
T:We can't let that happen
B:We'll figure it out and if I leave i leave.
Sp:Your not going anywhere
B:You don't know that I could be here on day then the next there could be a shooter and I could die so if I move then I move it's not like I'm dead it's just I moved,
J:Betts we've talked about this the serpents wouldn't let you get shot why do you think we have serpents follow you.
C:And the poisons
B:For safety reasons
T:Now get all those negative thoughts out of your head because you know we're here for you
B:Your right T you guys are here for me.

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