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T Pov

I was going to see my best friend/my girlfriend at her house I was going to her house to help her pack because we are moving in together like we have been together 3 years and we are 22 years old I think we can do that. Anyways I'm riding on my bike and was almost there. But then I saw a shit ton of smoke coming from the direction I was going. I got a really bad feeling in my stomach so I speed up. When I got to the Jones house I see lots of fire everywhere. Then I see firemen holding Jughead,Fp,Gladys, and Jellybean from going in the house. Wait but wheres betty. Then it clicks shes in the house the house full of fire.
I get off my bike and run up to Jb and Jug. They look at me with sad faces.

T:Where is she?
T:And they won't let you guys get her
Jb:They "have it under control"
J:Toni calm down
T:No. My girlfriend is inside that house. I'm not letting her melt in there. I'm going in there.
Jb:Toni no betty wouldn't want that
T:She wouldn't want to die at a young age either
J:Toni there inside trying to get to her. You need to stay here.

Then Fp comes up behind Jb and Jug. And then gives me a sad smile,

Fp:Toni there going to get her out safe and sound.

But right as he says that there's a scream. It was Betty's scream,

Jb:No no no no.
J:Jb calm down
Jb:How the hell can I calm down
B:Because you need to

Then we see betty. Burns up her legs. Scraps everywhere. She was a mess,

B:Yes mom
Fp:Sweetie are you okay
B:Im sore but good,
J:How did you get out
B:Jumped out a window
T:Betts why would you do that you just hurt yourself more by doing that
B:Because I didn't feel like burning to death.

Then Archie Andrews came running out of his house and once he saw betty he ran right over,

A:Betty are you okay
B:I'll live Arch
A:Oh thank God
B:Anyways I need to go for a walk before I lose feeling in my legs.
Fp:Sweetie I know your trying to be strong but we need to get you to a doctor,

She signs and rolls her eyes. I look at her in amazement. I've never known a girl that could do this with out crying.  Now I know why she's a serpent. But anyways we all get in Fps truck. Gladys staying back for I don't know what reason.

B:Dad what's going to happen with you and mom
Fp:That doesn't matter right now all that matters is that your okay.
B:Dad it does matter mom's the one who set the house on fire something has to happen to you guys. And if nothing happens it just prove my point I said the other day.
Fp:Which was
B;Your scared of her
J:Betty enough
B:Shut up Jughead
J:Betty it's not your problem to deal with its dads. Your problem to deal with is your body and if you health or not.
B:Fine I'll back off
J:Good now let's get you to the hospital.

Rest of the ride was quiet. No one said a word. No one had the guts to say anything. We finally made it to the hospital. Betty had tried getting out of the truck but fell right away. Jug quickly got out and got her up and put her back in the truck,

Fp:Betty are you okay
B:I can't feel my legs when I put them on the ground
J:We're going to either carry her in or get a doctor to come out here and get her.
Fp:Try carrying her and if she says it hurts we'll get a doctor.

So Jughead picks her up and starts carrying her. She doesn't whimper or anything which is a good sign. I stay right by Betty's side the whole way there. I held her hand while Jughead was walking with her. I don't know what I would do if she lost all feeling in her legs. If she wasn't able to walk again. I would be broken because that would mean she can't dance anymore, she can't do sports, she wouldn't be able to ride her bike anymore. That would be horrible. But she will be okay she's a fighter. Once we get inside one of the doctors takes betty way from Jughead and me. And we sit down.

4 hours later

Doc:Elizabeth Jones?

We all walked up to the doctor.

Doc:Her legs will heal.

We all sigh in relief.

Doc:She's healthy as can be.
T:Can we see her
Doc:Ya shes in room 205A
T:Thank you

And I head to her room. Once I open the door I she my angle.

T:Hey babe
T:How you feelin
T:Well at least your legs will heal.
B:Toni what would have happened if I couldn't walk ever again. Would you have left me because I'm too weak and you would have had to heal me with everything like I'm a baby
T:Elizabeth Jones never ask me if Im going to leave you. Honey I love you with all of my heart I don't  think I could ever stop looking you even if you couldn't walk. Okay
T:And betty I love you so much I want you to become my wife.
B:Your being serious
T:Yes betty I want you to become Elizabeth Topaz. Not Jones, Topaz
B:Yes TT a thousand times yes
T:Good I thought I was going to make a fool out of myself. And also I haven't gotten you the ring yet because I want you too choose it
B:Okay and I love you so much Toni
T:Me too baby girl me too

And with that we were happy from that day on. And we did get married and the wedding.And it couldn't have gone better.

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