Collage Girl, Famous Girl (Chetty)

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Cheryl Pov

Betty Cooper is of the most famous people ever. She's a singer, actress, and a writer. She also goes to my collage. I have never really talked to her but that's because she's famous and I'm just a basic collage girl. She seems really loving and caring, sometimes it doesn't even seem like she's famous more like she is just a really popular girl at my collage. I may have a slight crush on her but it's not like she will feel the same way. Right? Anyways right now I'm on my way to one of my classes that is about to start. But I was stopped when I bumped into someone.

Cheryl: I am so sorry. I didn't see you there.

The person I bumped into was no other then Betty Cooper.

Betty: No worries about it Cheryl. I didn't see you there either and I did the same thing.
Cheryl: You know who I am?
Betty: Yeah, of course I do your in most of my classes.
Cheryl: Oh, I didn't think you knew I was real.
Betty: I may be famous but I'm not like the other snobby famous people. I know everyone is human and can't live the same life as me that's why I am the way I am. I feel like I should live a normal life even if I am famous.
Cheryl: Oh, Wow. I never thought of it like that.
Betty: I was going to talk to you after class but since we're talking now. I have a question for you.
Cheryl: Sure what is it.
Betty: I was wondering if we could hangout after you finish all of your classes.
Cheryl: Sure, what time are you done at?
Betty: I'm done at 2:00 today.
Cheryl: So am I. Wait, What's your last class.
Betty: I think writting for smart people.
Cheryl: I have that too. Do you just want to meet at the door at the end of the day.
Betty: Yeah.
Cheryl: Okay, well we have to go unless we want to be late.

Betty starts running down the hall, giggling. Then she yells


I laugh at her then start running too. We both make it to class right on time then we take our seats then the lesson begins.

Last Lesson of the day

I was in my writting class. Sitting in my seat waiting for the class to begin. I then see someone sit next to me. I look over and see it's Betty.

Betty: Thought it would be easier just to sit next to you then we can leave together.
Cheryl: Okay.

The lesson begins and I bring my attetion to the front of my class but I can't stop thinking about Betty. I know I have a crush on her but it's hard to not doing anything when she sits right next to you.

End of the lesson

The lesson just finished, Me and Betty were leaving and she starts pulling me to hurry up.

Betty: Come on we need to hurry up.
Cheryl: Why. What's the rush.
Betty: We need to hurry up before my driver gets here. Wait you have a car right?
Cheryl: Yeah. It's right over here.

We begin speed walking towards my car. When we get there she is in shock.

Betty: This is your car.
Cheryl: Yeah. My parents got me it for my 18th birthday.
Betty: This is amazing.
Cheryl: Okay we have to go don't we.
Betty: Oh yeah let's go. We are going to my house.

She gives me the address as we get into the car and we take off. When we are driving I see betty living the best life she could. She looked really happy. We arrive at Betty's house. It looks really nice.

Betty: Come on. We are going to hangout in my room.

She walks towards her house, me following. We walk through the door and she says hi to who I think is her mom. Then we both go up to her room. She jumps onto her and pats for me to sit next to her. So I did.

Betty: Okay, so I know we are only getting to know each other but I want to be best friends.
Cheryl: Why with me. You could be best friends with Veronica or Josie and the pussycats.
Betty: Because you are an odd ball. Someone who doesn't stand out in the crowd much and I like that. But your fashion is going to have to change.
Cheryl: I don't know what you are talking about. I know I dress like a nerd but is it that bad.
Betty: Come on, Let's go through my closest.

We walk into the closest and start looking. After about 30 minutes we find a really cute outfit.

Betty: That's perfectCheryl: That's my new outfit?Betty: As well as changing your hair a little bit and doing your make up

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Betty: That's perfect
Cheryl: That's my new outfit?
Betty: As well as changing your hair a little bit and doing your make up.
Cheryl: Okay.
Betty: Okay now that is done we need to talk.
Cheryl: About what? May I ask?
Betty: Come sit down.

I do as she says and sit down.

Betty: Okay, I haven't told anyone this because I was scared but I get really go vibes off of you so I am going to tell you.
Cheryl: What is it?
Betty: I'm gay.
Cheryl: That's okay. I am too.
Betty: I know the whole school knows. And me telling you this is scary because the media doesn't know so if they find out everything will blow up.
Cheryl: I understand you're famous and being famous has advatages and disadvagtes. Is that it?
Betty: Okay this.

She kisses me. It happened so fast. One second I have no lips on me the next I do.

Betty: I want to know. If you'll be my girlfriend.
Cheryl: I would love that.
Betty: Yes! Also you are spending the night here.
Cheryl: Okay!

She kisses me again. Then we pull away and start getting ready for towmorrow.

The Next Day.

We both got up and got ready, We got all the way ready then got in my car and I drove to school. When we arrived Betty conacted ours hands as we walked through the doors. When we walked through the doors we had all eyes on us. It was out there now. That Betty Cooper the famous actress/ singer/ and write had a girlfriend who was normal and not famous.

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