BABY!! (Coopaz)

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Talks about Rape

B Pov

Im scared to death right now. A few weeks ago I was raped by Chuck Clayton. And my girlfriend (Veronica Lodge) doesnt know anything about. And now Im pregant. Im scared to death of how shes going to react. Right now I'm sitting on the couch crying when she walks in. Once she sees me she runs over to me and hugs me.

V:Honey what's wrong
B:I'm pregant only because Chuck raped.
V:Is this your way of telling me you cheated on me
B:Ronnie no I didn't cheat on you. Chuck raped me
V:Are you sure because Chuck came to talk to me yestraday and he said that you guys hooked up a few days ago
B;V I didn't cheat

Then she slaps me

V:You lying bitch
B:You know what I'm done. I love you Ronnie if you really think I'm a cheather then we are over
V:B wait I'm sorry

But I leave anyways. I walk out the door and go to the second place that is my home after my parents were arrested. I went to my best friends house Toni Topaz. I knocked on the door and she anwers.

T:Betts what are you doing here
B:I'm sorry if I was a bitch when me and Veronica started dating I really am. But I need you right now I need my bestie.
T:Betts come in it's freezing out her.

So I come inside and sit on the couch. Then Toni comes and sits next to me

T:Betty Boop what happened.
B:Chuck Clayton raped me and then I told Veronica because I'm pregant now and she accused me of cheating. So I broke up with her
T:Betty I'm so so sorry and as for chuck me and a few serpents will deal with him
B:Thank you for being here for me even after I was a bitch.
T:It's not your fault. But B what are you going to do with the baby
B:I want to get rid of it I can't keep it
T:Do you want me to come with you
T:Of Course. Do you mind if I call Sweet Pea and Fangs first so they can deal with Chuck
B:I don't care

so she gets up to call them. When she was on the phone for 2 minutes there was a knock on the door so I go and anwer it and there stood Sweet Pea and Fangs.

B:Hey guys......
SP:Baby B is that really you

Then Toni walks over and sees who I'm talking to

T:Can you do this for us please
F:Yeah I missed helping my Baby B
B:I missed the nicknames
Sp:What did Miss.Lodge call you
B:Honey,B, Sweetie. There all so girly
SP:Do you have any idea how much we missed the badass you
B:Do you guys know how much I missed you.
F:Why did you stop talking to us then
V:Because I threaten to kill you guys

I look behind Fangs and Sweet Pea and see Veronica

B:Veronica Leave me the hell alone. I didn't even break up with you an hour ago
V:B I'm sorry I was just shocked.
B:Please just leave
V:Not until you take me back
FP:Miss.Lodge you are on serpent land you need to leave.
FP:Hey princess
J:Veronica you need to leave
V:Not unless betty comes with me
SP:Miss.Lodge go now
V:No unless betty comes with me
T:Not happ---

I cut her off

B:Fine as long as you leave the serpents alone

Then I try to walk to her so we can leave but Toni grabs my arm.

T:Don't leave me again please.
B: I'm trying to protect you and the rest of the serpents
T:Please don't leave me I need you and I love you
B:I'm sorry but I have to go with Veronica if I want you guys to leave.

I try to leave again but Toni pulls me closer to her then she kisses me. Then we break apart.

B:I'll come back I promies I just need to go right now.
T:I love you my princess
V:Okay that's enough get your hands off my girlfriend.

I walk to her and stop when I'm by her side. But then I look at my dad and brother who were free.

B:How long have you guys been out
FP:Almost 6 months
J:We missed you princess
B:I missed you guys too. And I still will.
FP:We'll get you out somehow. But just for now be careful
B:I'll be fine

Then I run into my dad's arms and hug him. Then I hug my brother.

J:Do you still have the braclet I gave you before I left
B:Yeah do you still have your
J:I won't let them take it away from me
B:Then we'll always be togther no matter what

Then Veronica pulls me away from them and starts pushing me towards the car. She keeps pushing me but then she trips me and I fall right on my face and start bleeding. Then all the serpents had enough and all the girls attacked Veronica and Sweet Pea and Fangs helped me up. Sweet Pea picked me up bridal style and carried me to Jughead and my dad. He then passed me off to my Dad who brought me what I think is there trailer. Toni then walks in the trailer and looks at my cuts on my face. I can see the tears in her eyes. So I grab her hand and held it to my chest so she would look at me. By now Jug and Dad are outside dealing with Veronica so we are alone.

B:TT I'm okay please don't cry
T:But you aren't I almost let her take you away from me again.
B:I would have come back sooner or later.
T:Still, Betty I meant what I said earlier I love you
B:I wish I could have been here for you sooner.
T:Then then why would you leave me for that demon.
B:Because you don't used stand TT she had guards watching your guys every move. She could have really hurt you guys.
T:Why did you leave in the first place.
B:Because I thought I known what love was but I don't I'm nothing but a loveless monster
T:Betts Love your not Loveless your perfect and you sure as hell do know how to love
B:Are you sure about that because I was with Veronica for 4 years and didn't know my own family was out of jail and I wasn't here for you and the serpents and that's because I thought I known what love was
T:Love me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me
B:I------I can't
T:And why is that
B:Because when I look in your eyes I see my whole life.I see my happiness. And when I'm not around you I feel broken like I have felt for the last 4 years.
T:Then why were you willing to leave me again.
B:Because when you feel pain I feel pain.
T:And that's how I know your not loveless because just by looking at me you told me that and you told me your really feelings.
B:TT I love you so much thank you for showing me that I'm not loveless.

Then we kissed and this time I kissed back.

T:Betty Boop will you be my girlfriend
B:Of course TT

Then we kiss again and that's the story of how I got my first girlfriend.

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