Hi (Swetty)

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Betty Jones just moved to Riverdale from New York, she lived with her dad, brother, and sister. Her mom left her and her family less then a week ago so they moved because her dad was starting to go bankrupt. Betty was a tomboy but her mom wanted her to be perfect and a girl who never messes up. Betty and her mom always fought because her mom Gladys always tried to get her to wear dresses and make up which Betty did not want at all. It got to the point where FP couldn't take it anymore and said they needed to stop fighting and that's when Gladys decided to get a divorce. Once Fp got full custody of the kids he wanted nothing but the best for them. So he decided to move away to the town he grew up in. A town called Riverdale.

Two Months Later
Betty's Pov

I've been living in Riverdale now for about two weeks now and I haven't been happier my whole life. I already have best friends and a boyfriend (Cheryl, Toni, Kevin, Fangs, Archie, Veronica,Sweet Pea and Reggie) and am part of a real family. What I mean by a real family when we moved to Riverdale I found out that my dad, FP Jones is the serpent king so then I became a serpent but more importantly serpent princess. Right now I'm in my bed waiting for my dad to get home when Toni calls me.

Betty: Hey TT, what's up.

Toni: I was wondering if you wanted to meet me and everyone else at the bar.
Betty: Yeah, Sure I would love to.
Toni: Okay, oh and wear something hot.
Betty: Always will.
Toni: Okay, I'll meet you there
Betty: Bye, I love you.
Toni: I love you too, Bye

Then she hung up. I got up and walked to my closet. The more I looked the more I realized I would just wear something casual. I decided to go with this outfit.

After I got dressed I got on my Motorcycle and drove to the bar

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After I got dressed I got on my Motorcycle and drove to the bar. When I got there I was welcomed with the smell of cigarettes and alcohol. I know I've only been here two weeks but it feels more like home than when I was living with my mom. I looked around the bar and saw Toni and our group of friends sitting at the bar talking. I was about to walk towards them but was stopped by Sweet Pea who is my boyfriend.

Sweet Pea; Hey Babe, I didn't know you were coming today.
Betty: Toni invited me . She wanted to hangout.
Sweet Pea: Oh, well I guess you better get going before she loses her mind.
Betty: Yeah, I better. I'll talk to you later though, okay?
Sweet Pea; Yeah.

I give him a peck on the lips then walked off to Toni and our group of friends. I sat on Fang's lap and lay down so then my head was in Archie's lap.

Jughead: You okay sis.
Betty: Never better why are you asking.
Jughead: You just seem off.
Toni: Oh, the hottie is here.

She says while walking over to me. She grabs my hands and makes me stand up. Then she drags me to the dance floor. We start dancing around like idiots. We had the time of our lives until we went back to the booth where we were originally. 

Jughead : I think I should head home. I got a call and it doesn't sound good.
Betty: Be safe please.
Jughead: I will I promise.
Betty: I will see you later then.
Jughead: Bye, love you.
Betty: Love you too.

Jughead went off to his bike and leaves.

Toni: What is so bad
Betty: Home life is not the best
Toni: Do you want to crash with me tonight
Betty: No but thanks. I will just sneak through my window.
Reggie: You sure Betts.
Betty: Yeah, everything will be okay. I hope.
Archie: If it gets really bad come to my place.
Betty: Okay, Arch.
Kevin: If we hear any fighting we have every right to come and get you.
Betty: What are you talking about.
Fangs: All the boys are crashing at Archie's tonight. A little pre-game sleepover. I guess.
Betty: Okay then.

We stopped that convo and started dancing again. It was 2am when we decided to call it a night. We all said goodbye and then went our different ways. I got on my bike and drove off. I got to my house the same time Archie and all the boys pulled up. 

Reggie: Rememeber what we said. We will come get you if we hear fighting.
Betty: I'll rememeber.

I went to the side of my house picked up the ladder that is at the side of my house. I put it up and started climbing up it. I made it to the top and made it through my window. But right as I made it through. I jumped in bed right away because my door started to open. In walked my mother.

Gladys: Hello, dear. How was your day.
Betty: I'm sorry but what are you doing here.
Gladys: That is no way to talk to your mom darling.
Betty: You are no mom to me.
Gladys: Sweetie, come on I've changed. 
Betty: Sure you have.
Gldays: Elizabeth Jones what is your problem.
Betty: My problem. My problem is that my mother is trying to come back into my life and say that she has changed. But when we were back in New York she wanted me to be perfect and wanted to change who I was.
Gladys: Honey.

She tries to step closer to me. But I move away from her.

Betty: No. You aren't my mom and you never will be.
Gladys: That is it. Get your stuff and let's go.
Betty: Where.
Gladys: Home.
Betty: I am home. This is as home as it can get for me. You don't understand do you?
Gladys: Understand what?
Betty: That I'm happy. I have a good group of friends and they make me happy. I got a boyfriend and the person who is dating me makes me happy too.

Just as I finish that sentence Jughead and Dad walked into my room. 

Jughead: Stay the heck away from her.
Gladys: Elizabeth let's go now.
FP: Betty stay still. She isn't going anywhere.
Gladys: She's my daughter I have ever right to have her.
Archie: She has been here for 2 months why do you want her now.
Gladys: Because she is the one I need to complete my time.
FP: What time. Wait you want to get the time you were told to do in court but with your daughter to speed it up.
Gladys: What else do you think.
Jughead: You need to leave her alone. Please mom.
Gladys: You know that last time I was called mom and I heard both of you cry was when they almost let you two stay with me.
Betty: Yeah, Because of fear. You don't realzie do you. I fear you I always will.
Fangs: Betts, come on let's just go.
Gladys: Not until I get anwers.
FP: What kind of anwers.
Gladys: First off, who is Betty's boyfriend.
Jughead:That is no ones concern.
Gladys: Really because I want what's best for my daughter. I don't want her getting knocked up by someone just for them to leave her heart broken and alone.
FP: Cut the crap Gladys. Why did you really come?
Gladys: There is a boarding school that offered me a free place for Betty. I want her to go because it is something she will like.
Betty: What is it called?
Archie: Betty, What the heck your not really asking that right now are you?
Betty: I've been looking at a boarding school that I really want to go to but haven't had the guts to say something about it.
Gladys: Is it Stonewall Prep.
Betty: Yes!
FP: That school only lets in the best of the best.
Betty: I was already offered a postin before Gladys said something.
Jughead: Why didn't you take it.
Betty: Um
FP: Jug, she did. The thing is though she has to move there.
Fangs: That's why you didn't tell us.
Betty: Yeah,
Gladys: Anyways, let's go Elizabeth we have to get you there before they decide your to dumb to go there.
Reggie: She's not going anywhere.
Gladys: But she needs to.
FP: Gladys she's already going there. But she's not leaving yet. She leaves in a month and a half.
Gladys: She needs to go now so that she keep up with those other kids that go there.
Betty: Mom, I can't go yet.
Gladys: Why not.
Betty: Because I don't know if I have made up my mind about going or not.
FP: Honey, What are you talking about. You said you would love to go there.

I sit down on my bed and put my head in my hands.

Betty: I've heard rumors that Stonewall prep has students that kill people.
Archie: Betts, You could go and figure out the mistery.
Betty: Yeah, because that's how I want to spend my senoir year.
Fangs: Betty it's your choice.
Betty: I don't know.
Kevin: Baby B, It's going to be okay either way. But that school can give you the education you need, unlike Riverdale High.
Betty: I'm going.
Gladys: Then start packing.

4 months later.

Betty Pov

I have been at Stonewall for 4 months now.Me and Sweet Pea broke up because the long distances wasn't working. I'm still close friends with everyone back home but besides that nothing is different. And the rumors about the murder here they were right. There has been 4 murder cases since I've gotten here. I need to get out of this school. I'm going to call my dad and hopefully he let's me come home.

Betty and Fp's phone call:
Betty: Hey, dad
FP: Hey darling. What's up?
Betty: I want to come home. Can I.
FP: Why. I thought you loved it there.
Betty: There's been 4 murder cases since I got here. I don't feel safe.
FP: I'll be there in an hour.
Betty: Thank you. I love you.
Fp: I love you too. Stay safe and start packing.
Betty: I will and okay. Bye
FP: Bye.

End of Convo.

I start packing up everything and put them at my door.

One Hour later

I finished packing so now all I have to do is wait for my dad. I really don't want to leave but I don't feel safe at all. I feel like at any moment I'm going to die. I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.

Betty: Come in.

My dad walked through the door with a small smile on his face.

Betty: Hey dad.
Fp: You ready to go
Betty: Yeah, I think so.
FP: I know you don't want to leave. I see it in your eyes. So why are you.
Betty: Like I said on the phone I don't feel safe.
FP: Okay, Let's go

We start grabbing boxes and bringing them to the truck and to my dad's car. Before I get into my truck I take one more good look at Stonewall Prep. The school that has a murder but still managed to become a home to me.

FP: Betty, before going home let's go to the bar.
betty: Okay.

We both drive off at the same time.

When they get to the bar 

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