Who are you? (Betty X Fear X Multiple ships)

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Betty and Jughead never used to date in this. In this one Alice and Fp got married so they are brother and sister but Betty still has the last name Cooper because she can't change it since on her real dad is Hal.
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Everyone has one fear in there life. It could be the boogie man or ghosts or even the dead.But no matter what you will be afraid at one point of your life. Well for Betty Cooper the tough serpent who no one could break her only fear was of the shadows that are around her. What is around the other corner scares her to death. It's not because she thinks that something bad will always happen when she is walking around a concern but it is because she used to never have a fear until she turned a conern one day to see her mom laying there lifeless. Now she will always be afraid of turning conerns. No one knows about this fear of Betty's and no will ever know.  Right now Betty was walking home because she motorcycle was in the shop and she didn't want to bug her friends and family to come and get her so she walked. It was a cold night on the Southside of Riverdale that night. Betty held her jacket very close to her as she was walking. She was deep in her thoughts when she heard something moving behind her. She turns around but sees nothing. She just thought to herself "That's strange" and countined walking. She was 15 minutes away from the bar and 25 minutes away from the trailer park. She thought it was just some kids messing around and ingored it. She was very alarmed right now but kept walking acting as if it was nothing.

Betty Pov

I kept walking until my feet were really sore. But I felt someone behind me so I kept walking I was so scared I wanted someone to calm me down so went on my phone. There was only one person who could do that it was Jughead. He was like my brother since my mom and his dad got together.I pulled up Jughead's conact and hit the call button.

Betty and Jughead's Convo.

Jughead: Hey sis, what's up.
Betty: Someone's following me I'm sure of it.
Jughead: Are you sure it's not just your imagination.
Betty: Well the bushes keep moving and I kept hearing vocies. So either call me crazy or someone is following me.
Jughead: You're crazy.
Betty: Fine but if I end up dead it's your fault.
Jughead: You won't end up dead.

I turn my head and look behind me and I see a body moving towards me.

Betty: One second Jug. WHO'S THERE!
Jughead: Everything okay Betts?
Betty: Someone's there but I can't see there face.
Jughead: Betty what are you doing you don't yell at the person you get the hell out of there.
Betty: I'm fine.
Jughead: Betts what if the person has a gun.
Betty: No you are using your imagination.
Jughead: Betty please get out of there.
Betty: Jug!
Jughead: Betty what's happening.
Betty: It's the black hood.
Jughead: Get the hell out of there. I'll bring a few guys and we are on our way. Send me where you are.
Betty: J---jug?
Jughead: Hey, stay on the phone with me you will be okay.
Betty: Okay.
Jughead: Betty I need you to talk to me so I know you're okay.
Betty: I'm scared Juggie.
Jughead: You'll be okay we are on our way just talk to me about something that makes you happy.
Betty: I can't think right now though.
Jughead: Well then how about you talk to me about your boyfriend.
Betty: Sweet Pea?
Jughead: Yes Sweet Pea, who else would I be talking about.
Betty: Well you don't normally like when I talk about him.
Jughead: I'm your older brother and he's your boyfriend of course I don't like it. I just want the best for you.

I let out a giggle forgetting what is happening but then I turn the cornern and someone jumps onto of me. I let out a bloodly murder scream.

Jughead Pov.

Betty just let out a huge scream and now I'm really worried about her. Me, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Cheryl and Toni were all in my truck and in front of Hogeye and a few other serpents. We were just going over the speed limit but I was really scared 

Jughead: Fangs step on it. If we get tickets I will pay for them.
Fangs: Jones I'm not okay with breaking the law.
Jughead: You're a dam serpent you should be okay with breaking the law A) and B) my sister is about the die so if you don't step on it you're the next person dead.
Fangs: Okay okay calm down. I'm going almost 90 over the limit.
Jughead: Sorry Fangs It's just she said she was scared she never is scared when it could like stuff like this. The black hood attacks and mom's death has put her on the edge.
Sweet Pea: She'll be okay.
Cheryl: Who are you trying to convice Jughead or all of us.
Sweet Pea: All of us.
Toni: We are only a minute away she'll be okay.

Sure enough we weren't even a minute away we were 20 second away. When we got there we saw two things or figures to be more clear. One was Betty and the other was the Black Hood. The black hood was on the ground lifeless almost and Betty was sitting with her head in her hands.

Jughead: BETTY!

I yelled as I ran over to her. Once I made it to her I hugged her.

Jughead: Are you okay?
Betty: H--he attacked me and I didn't know what to do so I did the only thing I could.
Jughead: Did you only fight back?

She nods.

Jughead: Did you use his gun.

She shook her head.

Betty: I couldn't he may be a killer but he's still human like us.

When she finished that sentence Sheriff Keller pulled up. All of our friends ran to me and Betty too.

Sheriff Keller: Betty are you okay?
Betty: Yeah, he barely touched me.
Sheriff Keller: Is he dead?
Betty: No I didn't stab him or shoot him I only used self-defence.
Sheriff Keller: I'm going to need a statement later though right now I'm guessing you're going to need time to wrap your head around everything.
Betty: Thank you Sheriff.

Sheriff Keller walks off and Betty just hugs me tighter then before.

Fangs: Did he hurt you Baby B?
Betty: No I'm okay.
Sweet Pea: Love, you know he's going to be gone for good now right because of you?
Betty: I know I got rid of another demon in this town but still he doesn't deserve it.
Toni: Sheriff Keller said that you needed to wrap your head around everything. What was he talking about?
Betty: Well now I have a second fear and the guy under the mask I use to know. He was a part of my life since the day of birth to 6 years into my life.
Cheryl: What do you mean cousin?
Betty: When we were younger and use to live together do you remember when you and your family used to drop me off at a garage when you went to dance?
Cheryl: Of course I rememeber because I tried to get you out of that place multiple times because you kept coming home with grease on you and I didn't like it.
Betty: Well when I was there that was when my mom and Hal were getting a divorce and well I was spending time with Hal at the garage when my parents were getting divorce even though I wasn't suppose too. But we spent the time fixing cars. We had a great bound but then my mom got full custody of me so I stopped seeing him. He's not even really my dad he is just someone from my past.
Sweet Pea: Do you still love him like a dad?
Betty: No not really. He was and still is a monster. When my parents were fighting for custody of me the main reason my mom got it was because my dad start drinking and started to treat me differently. Used to tell me it was my fault that they were getting a divorce. That's why when my mom started seeing dad and start making me talk to the serpents I was second guessing it.

By now she was struggling with her words. 

Jughead: I think it's time to head home and we let you get some rest.
Betty: Okay.

We start walking back to the truck. By now everyone was gone besides everyone who was with us. When we got there everyone got in. Cheryl, Toni, and Betty decided to sit in the trunk of the truck and me and the boys got into the truck. Once we made sure that the girls were ready we drove off. Half way home I heard someone knock on the window on the back. Fangs who is in the back opened it.

Fangs: What's up?
Toni: Who's driving?
Fangs: Sweet Pea. Why?
Cheryl: Tell him to slow down.
Fangs: Why?
Toni: Just tell him.
Jughead: How about we pull over so we know what is happening.
Cheryl: Sure whatever.
Jughead: You heard the ladies Sweet Pea pull over.

Sweet Pea did as we said and pulled over and me and the boys got out. We walked to the trunk and looked at the girls.

Cheryl: Okay now that you stopped for no reason.Betty do what you were going to do.

Betty jumped out from the trunk and grabbed a skateboard that was in the back and a string that was there too. She tyed the string to the back of the truck and hoped on the skateboard.

Sweet Pea: No!
Betty: Pea go drive just drive slow. Jughead and Fangs can sit in the back and keep an eye on me if needed.

Just as she said that Andrews pulls up beside us. Reggie rolls down the window and they look at us.

Archie: You guys good?
Betty: Yeah, They just won't let me have fun.
Reggie: Get on our back.
Betty: Really?
Archie: There's already a string there for when we do it so yeah.
Betty: You guys are the best!

She yells the gives Reggie a peek on the cheek and runs the other side and does the same to Archie. Shhe then goes to the back and grabs the string.

Archie: You ready?
Betty: Yeah Let's go.
Reggie: Bye guys.

He yells as the drive off. Betty holding onto the back as they drive off.

Cheryl: What are you doing. Get back in the truck so we can make sure she is okay.
Sweet Pea: Okay Okay.

So we get back into the truck and follow them. Half way home Betty does a trick and almost falls off. I can tell by Sweet Pea's face he is scared that she is going to get hurt. I can see Reggie peek his head out and I think he said something but I'm not sure. When we finally get home Betty let's go of the string before they stopped. She rode a little bit more beofre she stopped at our front door. When we all got out of our trucks our front door opens and my mom (Alice) and my dad (FP) run out. They both wrap Betty in a hug. Before Alice grabs Betty's face and starts looking at it.

Alice: You aren't hurt? Right? That monster didn't do anything to you?
Betty: Mom I'm fine.
Alice: I'm just worried.

She says as she brings Betty into another hug.

FP: She's been worried since she got the call. Give her time and let her be protective for a little bit to calm herself down.
Betty: Were you worried?
FP: Only a little I know my serpent princess and she could handle someone like that with no problem.
Betty: Thanks for trusting me.
Alice: We do have one concern though.
Betty: What's up?
Fp: Why were you walking home by yourself anyway?
Betty: My bike was in the shop and I didn't want to bug anyone.
Sweet Pea: You know I never mind to come and get you.
Jughead: Me too.
Toni: We would all come get you if you need.
Betty: Lesson learned.
Jughead: Now let's go watch a movie and relax.

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So that's what the kids and parents did they relaxed and tried forgetting about what had happened that night. When you looked inside the house you would see what looked like a family who were happy and had a great life.No one knows what secerts are behind the closed doors but for that family that night that didn't matter the only thing that mattered to them was that they were all safe and no one was harmed.

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