Sacrifice (Multiple Ships)

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Sweet PeaPov

Me and the boys were at Pop' hanging out when 8 people with masks came inside. They look at us and then walk over to us.

Nick: Hey Guys, I'm back in town and I think that you Serpents you're coming with us.So I can get a very Betty to come and see me.
Sweet Pea: Like hell we are.
Nick: Here's a little motivation. We have a camera on Betty and the rest of the girls. Right now Betty is beating the crap out of a guy that attacked her but she still is an open target.
FP: You will leave her alone and rest of the girls.
Nick: Then you're coming with us. Or the girls get shot.

Then Fangs phone starts to ring.

Nick: Pick is up. I already know who it is.
Fangs: Who is it?
Nick: It's Betty. She got our little warning.

He slowly picked up the phone.

Fangs Pov
Fangs and Betty's convo.

Betty: Fangs finally. There was a gunshot. It hit me. We need you and the boys to come here now. They tried throwing me into a truck. I don't feel safe at all even if I could handle them.
Fangs: Are you at least okay. They didn't shoot anyone else.

Betty: I got a bullet to the arm. I will deal with it later.But everyone else is okay.
Fangs: No you should go deal with it now. That can get infected.
Betty: Screw that I don't care.
Fangs: Why are you so stubborn.
Betty: Because I think I'm cute when I am.
Fangs: I'll have to ask Sweet Pea about.

Betty: So I'm not cute. Fangs that is mean.
Fangs: Off topic.
Betty: Just get here if you can.
Fangs: Okay.
Betty: Bye, Be safe.
Fangs: Bye, and get your arm checked out.
Betty: Okay, "dad".

We both hung up and I looked at the guy that is standing in front of me.

Fangs: You got her shoot.
Nick: Like I said it was a warning.
Fangs: Shooting her wasn't needed. You're just pissing us off now.

We were all mad right now.

Nick: I can call my boys and have them just kill her.
FP: Leave her the hell alone.
Nick: She is a real cutie though. Does she have a boyfriend or should I take her for myself.
Jughead: You won't touch her.
Joe: I wonder what she's like in bed.
Nick: Maybe we could just take her and each see what she's like.
Reggie: I don't think that would be very smart.
Archie: She would probably knock you before you could touch her.
Nick: oh you here that boys she's a fiery one.
Kevin: Just leave her alone.
Nick: Then you guys are coming with us.
FP: We will go with you. Just leave Betty alone.
Nick: Let's go

Sweet Pea Pov
They grab each of us by the arm to make sure we don't run. They throw us in the back of the truck that they have. Then the "leader" or whoever he is pulls out his phone and puts it on speaker. The person on the other end picks up.( I'm calling him steve)

Nick: Hey Steve,What are the girls up to?
Steve: Trying to convince the chick we shot to get her arm checked out.
Nick: She'll live, they are probably making a bigger deal then they need to about it.
Steve: She has a bullet in her arm. Where do you think I should aim next?
Nick: I have the boys with me. But you think we should do more damage.
Steve: Yeah, I do. Betty deserves what she is getting. She killed my sister. I think I should kill her.
Nick: Shoot her in the leg. But put the phone on speaker so I can hear her scream.
Steve: Okay.

The next thing we know we hear a bang then Betty yell.

Steve: Boss, What do I do.
Nick: Get out of there. We have to get the boys out of here.
Steve: On my way.

Then he hangs up.

Nick: Well let's head out.

He hops in the back with us then we start moving.

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