Sad to Happy (Swetty)

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Warning now mentions suicide

B Pov

I was at my trailer with only Jug and Jb home. I came home crying because I found out my best friend Veronica had died so they know I was upset. Toni and Cheryl tried coming home with me as a shoulder to cry on but I told them not to bother that they need time too. I was broken Veronica was my everything. She was my best friend she was like my sister. She was there for me when I was in the darkest place. She was there for me when I was ready to kill my self. I'm at that point of time again. Just as I was about to get a razor blade to finally end it. But i heard screams come from Jb. I run downstairs to see Penny and the gholuies they had Jughead and Jb with Knifes to the throat.

P:Hey Pumpkin
B:Hey Bitch
P: Don't talk to me like that
B: Please you are a bitch
P:Sweetie you know that's not true
B:I'll make you a deal you can leave now and Let my siblings go and not get hurt. Or I'll call the serpents and you can die
P:Or none of those
B:Fine what about you guys can have me but leave them behind.
Jb:Betty No
P:Shut up
B:I'll go with you just leave them alone
P:Fine deal. Let them go boys

They let go of Jb and Jug then penny grabbed my arm. Then they drag me out of the trailer. But when they got out the door. All the serpents were there. They stood there with Cheryl,Toni,Sweet Pea,Fangs,Kevin, Archie,Reggie, and Veronica? in the front. They were pissed off.

Sp:Hands off of the girl
V:Now Peabody
P:Veronica Lodge I thought you were dead
V:Penny we both know what happened you threatened Betty and the Jones and I went into hiding faking my death because you told me too and at the end of the day your nothing but a big lying dick.
P: Don't talk to me like that little girl
C: Peabody this is your only chance to let the girl go or you have an issue.
P:No she's mine not yours

Penny then takes a knife and runs it down my arm. I let out a scream that could win an award for most scariest scream ever. Then the serpents jumped into action. Sweet pea got me out of penny's grip. Cheryl and Toni start beating up Penny. While Fangs,Kevin,Archie,Reggie, and Jug with rest of the serpents attack the gholuies. I'm in Sweet Pea's arms while Veronica checks out my cut. The ghoulies finally leave and the inner circle stays and rest of the serpents leave.After V checked my cut it just sat there and let everything process. The gholuies had just attacked me, Veronica is alive, I'm hurt. Then I start crying and end up hiding my face in Sweet pea chest. But then I jump up and run to my bathroom and lock the door. I was going to end it all. I take my pocket knife from in my jacket and put it to my wrist I was really going to end it. Right as I was about to put it on my skin there was a knock on the door.

Sp:Betts you okay
V:B you sure
B:Im fine I promise
J:Betts open the door
A:Betty please
B:Go away
Sp:Babe open the door please

I didn't want to talk to them anymore so I ignored them and started cutting. The cuts got deeper and deeper until I fell on to the floor. Then everything went black.

Sp Pov

We all were yelling at Betty to come out then we heard a loud bang and that's when I had enough


They all move and I kick the door that ends up falling down. When it's all the way down I see betty laying there lifeless.


Me and Jughead run over to her see how she's doing. Her cuts were deep and since she had a cut on her arm from penny she was losing alot of blood. You can here veronica,Cheryl,and Toni crying. Archie, Reggie, and Kevin start mumbling this isn't really it's just a dream bettys okay. Fangs was pacing. Tears were leaving mine and Jugheads eyes Jb was in the living room so she doesn't know what's happening.

Sp:Jug we need to get her to a hospital do you have the truck or did your dad take it
J:My dad took it
A:We can use mine but we'll have to leave now if we want to save her

So I pick her up and carry her to Archie's truck I put her in the passenger seat. Reggie,Toni, and Veronica jump in the back and he drove off then Cheryl,Fangs,Jughead,Jb,And me all jumped onto our motorcycles and drove off. We all rushed into the hospital when we got there.

3 hours later

The doctor just came out asking for the parents of Betty. I'm scared. When Fp comes back he looks like he saw a ghost which scares me. He walks over to the group and sits in a chair. We all look at him with fear.

Fp:Guys she's okay

We all let out a sign of relief.

Fp:He told me some shooting news,
T:What is it
V:What's going on
Fp:Bettys Pregnant
Fp:Congratulations Sweet Pea your going to be a dad
J:Yeah congrats dude.
Sp:I can't believe this
T:Well believe it it's really happening

I have a huge smile on my face now.

Fp:Oh yeah you guys can see her she's in room 13820 second floor.

And I walk away to her room. When I walk in her head turns to me.

Sp:Hey princess
B:Did my dad tell you

I was messing with her but it's fun so

B:The baby idiot
Sp:I don't know what your talking about
B:Fine be stubborn then I'm not telling you
Sp:NO please tell me
B:Fine your going to be a dad in 6 months.
Sp:Wait really.
B:You can stop messing with me now.
Sp:I know I just wanted to hear you say it.

I give her a kiss.

Sp:You make me the happiest man alive
B:You make me really happy too
Sp:I love you and the little nugget in your stomach
B:I love you and the baby too.

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