Memory Loss (Beggie)

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So I'm going to start doing titles.
Southside:Toni,Fangs,Sweet Pea, Jughead,Reggie
Also Sweet Pea and Jughead is Betty's brothers

Jug Pov

Mayor Lodge has crossed the line this time. He brain washed the whole northside of town. We were going to have a serpents meeting and we were waiting for Archie,Betty, Cheryl, Kevin, and Veronica  to show up but then there was a huge bang so worried for my sister i called her. She was with Cheryl on the northside that's the only reason she was on the northside. Anyways when I called her she said she didn't know who I was or anything about the serpents.

Sp:Mayor Lodge is crazy
T:What are we going to do
F:None of them know who we are
J:My own sister said she didn't know who I was
R:And when I called her she said that same thing
T:We need to get them back now
R:The question is how
Sp:Well if you know betty well enough you will know she won't believe this much longer.

Just as he says that Reggie's phone starts ringing. He picks it up of course.

J:Reggie we don't have time for this.

As I said that he shushed me. I was so confused no one ever shushed me.

R:Hi-----This is------She's where------ is she okay---- What's happened-----Can I see her-----She's brainwashed now is she-----Yes I know that I'm not stupid----I'll be there in 15 bye.

And he hangs up.

T:Who was that
R:The hospital
T:What is everything okay
R:Betty and Cheryl passed out because they had to much gas in there body because of the brain washed stuff. But they were brought to the hospital and they're  in bad shape only because when they passed out they were in a car and betty was driving to the southside it's like they----
V:Most people did remember there normal lifes.

We all turn around to see Veronica,Archie, and Kevin.

F:How are you guys here and remembering
V:You can't stop us from seeing our real families
A:Bettys in bad shape but she does remember
K:We were all on our way to here but
V:But my dad doesn't want Cheryl and Betty to remember so he put gas in there car that made them pass out
Sp:I'm so done with Hirams tricks he's been after my family for too long
K:We can get to the girls it's just going to be really hard because it has to be one of her parents too.
Sp:I'll call dad. He'll go i don't know if my mom would if he's busy though.
J:Just call Dad then we'll figure it out

Reggie Pov

I'm going crazy without betty we've been together for 2 years and I love her so much. She's been with me my whole life, she's been with me through the hardest times of my life. I'm scared that I might have just lost her for good. I don't want that to happen.

J:Reggie, Betty is okay she's a fighter we'll get her back one way or another.
R:I know I'm just scared
J:SO am i Reg but we just need to trust that the gas will wear off.
Sp:Jug dad's going to meet us there we need to go
T:I'm coming too
V:We all are

We all go and get in our vehicles and drive to the hospital, once we get there we all hope out and walk into the waiting room waiting for Fp. Once Fp finally walks into the room we all walked towards bettys room but then Hiram Lodge comes in.

Fp:Hiram Lodge what are you doing here
H:I'm came to see my daughter
V:Like I said before you don't have a daughter anymore.
H:Oh I'm not talking about you I'm talking about betty
Sp:Stay the hell away from my sister
H:Now boys boys she's not your.
R:Your right but she's not yours either
H:But she is
A:But she's not
J:Shes a Jones not a Lodge
T:SO stay the hell away from her
H:What if I don't want to
C:Then eat shit

We turn around to see betty and Cheryl standing there looking perfectly fine.

B:Your nothing but a lying ass
C:You told us we were nothing just so we would be your puppets.
H: darlings that's not true I love you girls with all of my heart
B:You mean your cold and bitter one
H:Betty come on
R:Betts don't believe him please
Sp: Don't leave us for him
J:We need you
V:Forever and always b forever and always
B:We stand together we win together we lose together no matter what we are together so I'm saying now Hiram Leave right now and never come back go back to new York where you should be.
H:Fine you win this time but I will be back one day I say one day
B:When that day comes we'll be ready.

Then I walk over to betty and hug her and Toni does the same to Cheryl. Then Sweet Pea and Jug come hug betty.

B:I love you guys so much
Everyone:We love you too.

And with that day we never saw Hiram Lodge again he never stepped foot in this town again and he never came back only because he was a big scared cat. As for me and betty we've never been better.

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