Me and My baby (Coopaz)

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Toni's Pov

I have been dating my girlfriend Cheryl Blossom for about a year and a half.But I think I'm in love with my best friend Betty Jones. We have known each other since we were in 1st grade. I joined the serpents when I was in 9th grade and betty has been a serpent her whole life because she is next in line for the serpents queen. I'm full on lesbian and betty is bisexual. I took a long time to think about it but I was going to break up with Cheryl and ask betty to be my girlfriend. I got dressed, left my trailer and got on my motorcycle and drove to Cheryl's. When I got there is just walked in because cheryl said anytime I come over just walk in that i don't have to knock or anything. When I was inside I heard moaning coming from her room. I slowly walked upstairs I walked to Cheryl's room what I saw made my heart stop. Cheryl and Chuck kissing

T:What the hell

 I yell they stop kissing and look my way

C:TT it's not what it looks like. cheryl says looking up at me
T:You know what cheryl we're over.Never call me or talk to me just stay the hell out of my life and your not welcome to be a serpent anymore 

I say as I walk out i hear her calling my name and getting up so I run out and speed all the way to Betty's trailer she lives alone since her family is so big that there's not enough room for her. Once I got there i just walk in because me and betty are best friends and she gave me a key for when ever I come over. I walk in and go to her room where I see her in a gorgeous outfit

 I walk in and go to her room where I see her in a gorgeous outfit

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T:Hot outfits Jones
She turns around and jumps into my arms. She's light enough for me to carry her.
B:I missed you Bae we haven't seen each other in like 4 days at least. She says that then lets out a giggle.I put her down and we stand there looking in each others eyes. The funny thing about us we have always called each other cute couple names. Cheryl didn't mind at the time because she only called me TT.

B:What are you doing here shouldn't you be with cheryl.She says sounding annoyed
T:I broke up with her after I caught her cheating. I say letting a weak smile.
B:Oh I'm sorry babe. She says the a sad smile
T:You know what I don't really care she cheated on me and it's not like I want to stay with someone who cheats. I say that and start crying I loved her and I thought she loved me too but she doesn't I guess

I start to cry my eyes out and betty grabs my hands she then makes me sits down on the bed she then hugs me and let's me cry in her arms. This felt right being in her arms and coming to her for help.

B:T I love you remember that I always have loved you and always will so just because one girl cheats on you doesn't mean that your not loved.
I take a minute to let that in and make sure that I don't do something dumb and reck my only good friendship.
T:Betty i love you too but I love you as more then a friend.
B:So do i Toni when you and cheryl first started dating I was jealous but you were happy so I went on with my life and try to ignore your relationship which as really hard but I did.
T:Betty why didn't you tell me I could have broke up with her sooner and got with you
B:Toni it's because you were happy and I didn't want to wreck that for you.........

She was about to keep rambling on and on so I shut her up with a kiss.she was shock at first but then kissed back. I straddled her. She started stripping my clothes as I did to her.We were making out for 25 minutes and did some other stuff but then we're interpreted by a knock on the door.
We let out a groan we got changed and walked to the door.
Betty opened the door and on the other side of the door was Fangs and Sweet Pea.

B:Hey what's up boys
F:Nothing but cheryl changed her Bio from TT with a heart to Chuck with a heart we wanted to see if you were okay and figured you would come here
T:Thanks alot boys but I have a new Girl in my life
Sp: OMG betty finally got a girl
B:Oh shut up i got one before you and you too fangs
Sp:What ever it's only because your cuter then us
T:Leave i was busy before you showed up
F:Wow at it already

With that betty slammed the door in their faces.I laughed.
We looked each other in the eyes.We kissed again and had a little more fun then last time

T:You know your the cutest thing I've ever seen.
As I said that she moaned.

25 minutes later

We were now lying in her bed naked and in each others arms. I was cuddling in her chest and she was stroking my hair.

T:Betts will you be my girlfriend i love you and this is not a rebound I promise you that but I want you to be my girlfriend from now until we are old and married.
B:Of course i would love to be your girlfriend babe

Rest of that night we were cuddling and talking and watching movies just being in her arms felt right more right then being in Cheryl's I'm happy I'm finally away from that devil but now all I can think is that Monday is going to be a living hell if the rumor gets around that Me and cheryl broke up. But I'll have my queen to protect me and help me though the fire.

T:Thanks you Betts
B:For what T
T:Loving me when I said I like you, for letting into your life as more then just best friends.
B:T I love you always have and always will and I promise you that if this is about cheryl I will help you through it.
T:Thanks you Princess

I snuggle more into her neck and we stay there for a little bit before my phone rang the ID said "Cherry" I let out a groan I didn't want to pick it up but then yet again I wanted to yell at her. So me being stupid I sit up and so did betty and hugged me while I answered it

C:Oh thank God TT I'm so so so sorry please come back to me baby
T:Cheryl it's over you cheated on me and you told me you loved me which was a lie because if you did you wouldn't have cheated.
C:TT Please i need you in my life
T:STOP calling me TT also you don't need me in your life because you cheated on me so if you needed me so badly you wouldn't have cheated.

And with that i hung up and cried in bettys shoulder. Betty just hugged me and said sweet little things in my ear. She was here for me unlike my parents or anyone else.

T:Betty don't leave me don't leave like all the others do and did. I said in between sobs I couldn't lose her not like I lost everyone else
B:T I'm not going anywhere I'm right here and always will be

Rest of that night I ethier cried in bettys arms or ate food and cuddled and laughed. By the end of the night we watch 6 movies and finished 1 whole show. God I love her and can't wait to spend rest of my life with her.

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