Time of the month (Multiple Ships)

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No pov.

After everyone graduated they all went there different ways for those 4 years only to return to Riverdale because they missed it too much. After realizing they don't have anywhere to live Cheryl and Toni invited them all to live with them which everyone agreed too. The truth was Cheryl and Toni came back to Riverdale 3 years into their college lives because they missed Riverdale too much. When they moved back they built a house that had 10 rooms so by the time everyone shared a room they still had 4 spare rooms which could help if anyone ever got into a fight or if someone had kids. But yeah so everyone lives together the only issue with that is when the girls are on their time of the month. That is when everyone needs to run and hide. 

Betty Pov

Right now all the girls are in Cheryl and Toni's room. We are talking when we hear a knock on the door.

Cheryl: What!
Jughead: All the boys are going to the store do you guys need anything?
Betty: Tell Sweets code pink! Then tell him times 5.
Jughead: Okay? Is that it?
Cheryl: Can you buy us pizza?
Jughead: Yep, is that it? No one else needs anything?
Josie: Nope.
Veronica: We're all good.
Jughead: Okay, We'll be back in like an hour.
Betty: Thank you!!!!

I hear the boys laugh at what I think is me. We keep gossiping when all of a sudden Veronica gasps.

Cheryl: What?!
Veronica: I need pads and other stuff like that.
Cheryl: Shit so do me and Toni.
Josie: Same here but they probably already left the store.

I burst out laughing and they all looked at me confused.

Betty: Do you know when I told Jughead to tell Sweets code pink times 5.

Everyone nods their heads.

Betty: Well I was going through some of our stuff today and realized none of you guys had anything so I told Jughead to tell Pea to get us stuff.
Veronica: How did you know we needed it though.
Betty: You guys keep getting up right away in the morning and getting pain killers which you only do when you are on your period.
Cheryl: I'm really happy you know so much about us.
Toni: Agreed. How the hell are me and Cheryl even suppose to tell the boys we need that kind of stuff? It's embarrassing.
Betty: Well your welcome.

We all burst out laughing again. Then we heard the front door open and the boys shuffling around. We all began giggling thinking about crazy theories on why they are moving so fast.

Veronica: They want to try and get the makeup off their faces from the sample people.
Cheryl: They want to get the hell out of the house to go party.
Toni: They want to get rid of the stuff they bought because they are embarrassed about buying it.
Josie: They just want to get the hell away from us because they know what's going on with us so they need to run before the monsters come out of us.
Betty: I think that 3 certain boys want to see their girls.
Jughead: You're all wrong.

My back was to the door so I jumped causing me to fall backwards and fall off the bed. I hear someone walk over to me and I see Jug standing over me.

Jughead: Sorry Betts. Are you okay?

I don't know why I felt like crying but I did. I hate periods. I'm supposed to be a badass serpent but when I'm on my period I'm a marshmallow.

Betty: I'm fine.
Jughead: Really because you look like you're going to cry.
Betty: N--no I'm not going t--to c--c--cry.
Jughead: You're such a liar.

He says as he brings me into a hug. Sure enough I start crying. I have cried in front of everyone in the room right now but of course the people I have never cried in front of come into the room.

Kevin: Jughead what did you do to her? Why is she crying?
Fangs: What happened?
Reggie: Wait, Betty Jones is really crying right now?
Archie: Well crap this is a first.
Jughead: She's fine. She just fell and hit her head. She'll live.
Sweet Pea: Aw princess.

I hate this attention but I can't control myself when I'm on my period. Just then I felt myself being pulled out of Jughead's grip and into V's arms and I know it's her because of her scent.

Cheryl: Everyone out!
Kevin: Why?
Toni: She said out dude!
Josie: Listen to them and get out.

The boys look scared for a moment before they rush out. I laugh because they always get so scared when we act like this.

Veronica: You okay Betts?
Betty: My head really hurts but I'll live.
Cheryl: I can get you painkillers if you want.
Betty: Can you please?
Cheryl: Yeah, I'll be right back.

Everyone nods as Cheryl leaves. No one says anything. I just stay in V's embrace and we just sit there enjoying the peace.

Cheryl Pov.

I was going to get painkillers for Betty because of Jugrat. As I was about to enter the kitchen I heard the boys talking.

Reggie: Does anyone know what that was about?
Fangs: Nope, I'm not dating any of them so I don't know.
Kevin: I have a feeling but I don't want to say anything because I feel like they'll get defensive.
Archie: I have a good clue too but I'm not a detective so I'm not 100% sure.
Jughead: I know for 100%. Betty's my sister and never acts like this besides for one week.
Sweet Pea: I know too.
Jughead: My question is why did the other girls act that way?
Sweet Pea: Geez, all of you are stupid.
Fangs: Wait, you know?
Sweet Pea: Yes, It's pretty obvious.
Archie: Are you going to tell us?
Reggie: yeah, I don't want my girlfriend hating me forever.
Sweet Pea: They're on their time of the month.
Fangs: You don't know that.
Reggie: Actually that makes sense.
Sweet Pea: And I know I am right because Betty asked me to get 5 period kits that we made up together. There are 5 girls in this house.
Fangs: If that is so I'm going into hiding.
Kevin: I think we all should. Girls get all emotional when they are on their periods. Like we saw betty cry because she got hurt.
Archie: Everyone needs to save themselves.
Jughead: No, We aren't running from them. Yes they will be more sensitive then normal but we need to be here for them. As boyfriends and best friends. Like we live with them we can't hide every month because they are on their periods now can we?
Sweet Pea: Jughead's right.

I have had enough of listening to them. So I start walking in the spot so they know I was there then walk into the kitchen. I walk to the cabinet and grab the meds I was coming for then look at the boys. They were giving me a weird face.

Cheryl: What?
Sweet pea: Nothing.

And they all put their hands up in defence.

Cheryl: Okay, Well I gotta get this meds to betty because of you Jugrat.
Jughead: I said sorry.
Cheryl: Don't care you still caused her pain.
Sweet pea: Is she okay?
Betty: My head will bruise that's it.

I jumped not knowing Betty was there. I turn around and see all the girls standing there.

Veronica: Liar you have a concussion.
Fangs: You shouldn't be moving if you have a concussion.
Betty: I'm fine. I bet I could do a backflip without getting dizzy.
Jughead: Can we not try that theory?

Betty rolls her eyes and starts walking to the back door.

Toni: Where are you going?
Betty: Outside, It's really hot in here.
Josie: I agree. Why is it so hot in here?
Kevin: We turned the A/C off because it was like an iceberg in here.
Betty: Why did you do that? Now it's too hot.
Cheryl: We are going outside for a little bit.

I say as I drag all the girls outside.

Jughead Pov.

Archie: Yep they're all on their periods.
Fangs: Yeah, Betty and Josie both had mood swings.
Jughead: Can you blame them though. They have to go through at least a week of pain. I remember coming home so late and Betty was balling because she couldn't move.
Sweet Pea; We just need to be understanding.
Archie: We'll survive this.
Fangs: I think that's an understatement Andrews. If we can handle this crazy town and all it's drama, we can handle 5 girls on their periods.

We all laugh then go outside where the girls are.

Jughead: We're sorry. We don't understand what you go through but we will try our best and make it feel like everything is normal and we will do something when you ask.
Betty: We're sorry too. We lashed out at you guys multiple times and you guys don't deserve that.
Cheryl: I think we can say all is forgiven now.
Sweet Pea: yeah, all is forgiven.

Us boys join the girls on the porch and as for what is going to happen this week. I think it's going to be very interesting.

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