Get away from me (Multiple Ships)

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B Pov

This is so annoying Jughead is being a dick yet again. Can he just buzz off or just back off. Right now I'm at the bar having drinks trying to forget about Jughead. Yes jughead is my brother and I love him but he just went through a break up so he pissed at me and is trying to "fix" my relationship with Sweet pea which is annoying. As I was having my 3rd drink I felt a pair of strong arm go on my shoulders. I quickly turn around and see a pissed jughead.

J:Let's go now. He said sternly.
B:I don't want to. I say with fear in my voice.
J:Now. He said angry af.
B:Why what's so important.
J:Your not allowed to be a serpent anymore.
B:Shut the hell up dad said he was fine with me being a serpent. He's king for crying out loud I don't think he would let me get hurt.

After I said that sentence he did something I never thought he would do to me. He pulled his pocket knife out and stabbed it in my arm. Right after he did I understood he's drunk. He then dragged it down my arm and I screamed which got every single serpents attention. I was now crying. Sweetpea, Cheryl,Toni, and Fangs were trying to get through the group of serpents to get to me. When they finally did they were pissed as well.

T:What the hell Jughead. She yells.

Sweet Pea and Fangs grabbed Jughead and dragged him outside. Me,Cheryl,and Toni followed them. My arm still hurt and all but I didn't want Sweet pea or Fangs killing Jug. We walk outside and see sweet pea and Fangs yelling at him instead of killing which is good.

Sp:Why the hell would you do that are you out of your mind. I will fucking kill you.
F: Do you even know what you did.
J:It's not my fault she deserves it.
Sp:Thats it you are being a huge ass.

He was about to punch him but I stepped in so he wouldnt.

B: Please dont.
F:Baby B he just stabbed you and you expect us to be cool with it which we aren't.
B:I know but he just went through a break up and he a dumbass drunk head.
Sp: Doesn't make it any better babe.
B:I don't care
F:Betty stop letting him beat you.
C:Betts I'm sorry to say this but it is kind of annoying seeing come to school or to the bar covered in bruises.
B:Oh you guys think that's Jug doing that to me. She says with a laugh
T:Ya who else would do it.
J:Betty don't
Sp:Shut up I still want to beat you up I don't care that your my girlfriends brother I will kill you.
B:Im done with the lying.
C:what do you mean B.
B:Yes Jug does abuse me but so does Fp and Gladys. I don't know if you guys have seen but Jb's gone and when I mean gone I mean gone. They killed her one day when they were very drunk. So now I'm there new punching bag.
J:It's not my fault your fun to hit.

I've had enough of my life of the drama of everything he said that and I bolted I ran as fast as I could to Sweet water river. I've been going there for years when ever I'm angery so I'm going there now but not to calm down to end it end it all. Once I got to the river I was dizzy I had forgotten all about the cut in my arm and how much blood I have lost. I walked up to the top of a cliff it was at the edge of the water where is was very bad. This is how I'm going to die by jumping off a cliff because of my stupid family. I was ready to jump.

No Pov

Betty was ready to jump but something was holding her back. It was her friends they were here family they were the one who was holding her back. She loved them with all of her heart from her boyfriend to her best friends. At this very moment as she's thinking about this her friends are running as fast as they can to get to betty. Once they made it they saw her at the top of a cliff.

T:Betts please don't
Sp:Betts don't jump I need you in my life please don't leave me.
B:I can't keep doing this life it's self.
F:Betty please we can help you.
B:You can't help me unless you can get my family to stop drinking. Or get me out of that house.
Sp:Betty you can move in with me just please come down.

Betty walks down from the cliff and walks over to her group of friends who bring her into a group hug. Once they let go of the hug. They all sit down. That sat in a circle but Betty sat in Sweet Pea's lap.

T:The secrets end now from now on we tell each other everything.
C:Then we should start now.
F:I'll start. So Uh my parents are both sick and neither of them are going to make it.
B:Fangs I'm so sorry.
F:I just don't know how I'm going to pay for everything once they are gone.
B:I'll give you exact money.
F:You don't need to do that.
B:It's fine I was planning on keeping the money I need and giving rest of it to the serpents once I'm queen which should be soon if any of the serpents heard about my parents.
F:Thank you baby B
C:I'll go next. I'm just going to say it my dad is dead and my mom abuses me.
T:Cheryl why didn't you tell me.
C:I was scared I was the only one.
T:Your coming to live with me.
C:Thank you TT
T:Well I guess it's my turn. Betty your parents are working with the gholuies and are paying me to keep my mouth shut.
F:Are you keeping the money
T:No I've been burning it or giving it to the serpents who need it.
Sp:Toni your doing the right thing just know that
B:Sweets it's your turn.
Sp: I killed Hiram Lodge.
Sp:Thats my secret.

They all nodded then sat there until they heard motorcycles coming there way. They thought it was just some random serpents but no it was Gladys and Fp Jones.

B Pov

My parents just drove over to where we all were.

G:Betty there you are you gave me a heart attack I had no idea of where you were.
Fp:Come on Baby girl we're going to the sisters to visit Jb.

They say that while walking closer to me so I just snuggle into sweet pea more. It was like I was saying save me because Fangs,Toni, and Cheryl stepped in front of me. Just then we hear sirens coming our way. Then the car stop behind the motorcycles and out hopped out and put hand cuffs on Gladys and Fp and they put them in the car then Archie,Reggie,Veronica and Kevin come running towards us.

B:There gone. I whispered so only Sweetpea could hear.
Sp:Ya they are princess your safe now.
V:B are you okay.
B:Ya but how did you know
A:Fangs called us saying they couldn't find you and that you ran off. So we went to the sation when Cheryl called Veronica and said your parents abused you so we told the Sheriff and we just hoped that they were coming to find you.

I feel my legs go weak. I don't know what wrong but I'm ready for my legs to give up. I try to grab onto Sweet Pea's arms to help me stand but it's too late I'm falling to the ground then cheryl and Toni's screams then black.

Sp Pov

Betty just fell to the ground and is out cold I have no idea what to do.

R:Sheriff help.
V:Help please

The Sheriff runs down to where we are and puts his hands on bettys head. He starts to do some medical stuff. I don't know I'm not a doctor but then betty starts to stir.

Sheriff:Miss can you hear me.
B:What happened
T:You past out B
Sheriff:You need to go home and don't go to school for 3 weeks.

She gets up with the help of me of course. We make it to our bikes after a very long walk back to the Whyrm. I drive betty to my place which is her new home. When we get into the trailer we walk over to my bed and cuddle.

Sp:Yes princess
B:Thank you. For everything.
Sp:NO problem babe.
B:Also with my parents in jail now with Jughead I'm the only one that can lead the serpents but I was hoping since I'm queen you'll be my king.
Sp:I would love to be your king.

Rest of that night we didn't do much besides cuddle and FaceTime fangs,veronica,archie,reggie,toni,cheryl,and kevin. And after that our lives were normal besides dealing with the gang.

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