This Is Not The End Of Us (Sweet Pea X Betty)

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Betty Pov

"Sweet Pea I swear to god just leave me alone!" I yelled furstated that he wouldn't leave. "Babe, come on you can't be serious. I didn't do anything wrong." He says back calmly. "She was all over you and you did NOTHING to stop her. God why don't you just go and date her instead of me. I mean she is my sister so there wouldn't be any difference in gentics." I yelled again. The problem right now is my little sister, who is only younger by a year, decided to flirt and be all over sweet pea. And he didn't stop her. I had to pry her off of him because of how tight she was holding onto him when she hugged him. So here we are back at his trailer afterwards fighting about it because me being me. I'm jealous because this always happens. Girls go and drool over him when he just stands there doing nothing. "Betty, like you said she's your sister. You can't get mad at me because she decided to flirt with me tonight. And besides I love you not her." He says while running his hand through his hair.

"Look, I love you too. But why don't you just go with someone else. You clearly don't want to be with me. I mean you always have girls at your feet begging for attention. Just go be with those girls who are good enough." I say while calming down and sitting down of the couch, putting my head in my hands. "Betts, it this what this is about. You don't feel good enough because of how other girls act around me?" Sweets ask while kneeling down in front of me. "Look, Pea. I just want you to be happy. And seeing you with girls at your feet begging for your attention and the smirk on your face when it happens. I just can't get out of my head that you deserve those girls over me. Those girls could probably give you so much more than I could." I say as tears start coming out of my eyes.

"Betty, look at me." He says sternly. I look up at him and when he sees I'm crying his eyes soften. "I want you not them. They may beg for attention and I might be a douche and give them a cocky smirk. But I want you. I don't care what they could give me because you are all I want. When I wake up in the morning I want you cuddling me, not those random girls out in the world who are just attention seekers.You. That is all I want. So please stop saying these thing about yourself like how you aren't good enough because I know for a fact that you are perfect in my eyes and nothing will ever change that." He says while he rubs his thumb up and down my cheek. 

"Thank you, for that and for loving me. Even during my darkest times." I smile. "Well I'm never leaving so get use to me being here and listening to me ramble about how perfect you are when you are down. Because I'm in this for the long run." He says with a chuckle. "I'm not going anywhere either so you will always have to deal with my annoying ass." I say with a giggle. "So are we good now. Or are you still sad because I will give you a whole ass speak about how much of an amazing, breathtaking, unbelievely goreous, outstanding, brillant, smart, badass, and perfect girlfriend you are." He says with a smirk. "Have I ever told you I love you." I say with a giggle.

"I believe you have but I love hearing you say it." He says while wrapping his arms around my waist and hugs me. "Well I really do." I say with a giggle. "And I love you just as much probably even more." He says while picking me up. "What are you doing?" I ask with a giggle. "We are either going to my room to cuddle or to the bar to see Fangs, Toni, and Jug. Which do you want" He says/asks. "Let's go to the bar. You deserve a break to see Fangs and Jug for having to deal with my annoying ass." I say with a laugh. "You aren't annoying or an ass. You do have a fine ass though." He says walking out of the trailer. I roll my eyes as he puts me down on the ground so I could get in my truck. I get in then he gets in. I wanted to drive but I knew Pea wouldn't let me so I just stayed where I was. 

"To the bar!" Sweets yells then starts the truck and drives off. The whole drive was full of laughing and horrible singing done by me and sweet pea just "enjoying" my show. Once we get to the bar I quickly get out and run inside to find Toni. I found her behind the bar like normal. I quickly walk over and go behind the bar to help her. "Excuse you Missy. This isn't one of the nights I asked for help with." Toni says with a laugh. "Yeah, well, I want Sweet Pea not to worry about me and being back here will make him not worry. And I just like being back here." I say. "What did you do?" She asks knowing something happened because I didn't want Sweet Pea around me. "My sister got a bit clingy and I took it out on him. I felt like I wasn't good enough for him but he changed my mind. But I still want to give him space because I still feel bad." I say and as I finish talking Sweet Pea walks over with Fangs and Jug. "What can I get you boys?" Toni asks. "Three beers and for my girlfriend to not give me space." Sweet Pea says as Jughead and Fangs chuckle. "I can get you the beers, as for the girlfriend part sorry but she's mine now." Toni says kissing my cheek and walking to grab the beers. "Hey, she may want to give me space. But it's not the end of us." Sweet Pea say rolling his eyes. 

"Yes, we aren't over and we never will be but you need to go have fun and not worry about me sometimes." I said while giving him a look. "Fine, just if any guys bug you tell Me, Fangs, Jughead, FP, or Toni and we will deal with them. Okay?" Sweets Pea says before walking away with their drinks. I just simply nod. When the walk off I look at Toni. "He's in love with you and will never let you go." Toni says with a laugh. "I know, and I love him just as much." I say as my smile gets bigger. "My shift is done, want to go hang out with them." She suggests. I nod and we head over to three boys. I walk behind Pea and wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his back. "I love you" I mumble into his back. "I love you too. Forever and Always." He says which makes Fangs and Jughead grown. "Stop being chessy and let's play pool." Jughead whines. "You're just jealous you don't have a girl." I say with a giggle. That started a playful fight between me and Jug, which gave everyone a good laugh. The rest of the night was simple nothing really happened. Besides that fact that me and Sweets are in this for the long game no matter what.

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