He hurt me (Multiple Ships)

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Betty and Jughead are really close siblings, Charles is Betty's boss. Everyone knows B works for the FBI

B Pov

We're all at a field having a little party when my phone starts to ring. It's charles. Right now I'm with Jug so I look up at him and he looks down at me.

B:I'll be right back I've got to take this

And with that I walked away to a fence that wasn't that far away. I picked up the phone.

B:Charles what's up
Ch:I need you to do something for me
B:Liked what
Ch:We have a case for you
B:What type of case
Ch:There are girls a over riverdale that are getting rapes and everytime we get the same persons description. We need you to go undercover as an poor teen girl that's lost and get his attention. Then we want you to go with him if he offers. We our planning on tracking you and take him down before he can do anything to you. Okay?
B:Okay.But when do I leave
Ch:Meet us at Elm Street in 10 minutes
B:Okay bye

He hung up I looked at the people I'm around them remember I need someone to be on speed dial if he does really rape me.

B:Toni,Cheryl, and V can you come here for a second

They walk over with smiles on there faces

T:What's up B
B:Im going on a mission for the FBI but I might end up getting raped in the process.
C:What do you mean
B:Look I can't get in the info but is it okay if you guys are my speed dial just in case
V:Of course B
C:Ya cousin
T:Yeah B
B:Thank you so much but right now I have to go can you make something up for me
V:Ya and good luck
B:Thank V bye

I ran off to my motorcycle and drove to Elm Street. Once I got there i saw Charles car. I walk up to it and knock on the window. That's when everything went black.

Cheryl's Pov

After we told everyone betty was "sick" so she left we all started talking. I all of a sudden had this weird feeling in my stomach.

C:TT something doesn't feel right.
T:I have that same feeling

Then v walks over

V:Guys I have a bad feeling about betty

Thats when everyone's phones went off for a live message.

On Video:
There's a man standing there with a mask on.
Man:Hello People of riverdale or should I say people closest to Elizabeth. I have your princess and she's not harmed right now but In a little bit she will be. The next 2 hours are a test to see if you can figure out who I am and where I am if you don't find her in those 2 hours she will die. Oh and also Cheryl, Toni, and Veronica remember here case for today and hurry I'm getting horny. (I cringed writing this I'm srry😦)

Then it ended.

Sp:What was he talking about

He says looking at us

T:Bettys not sick she had to go some where for the FBI
C:She said it had something to do with a case on rape
F:And you let her go
B:Guys help

We turned around to see betty standing there with blood all over her and cuts.


We all run over to her. Sweet Pea helps her stand. Toni looks to see how deep the cuts were. And I was just staring at her in fear.

F:Betty What happened
B:Charles he said the FBI Fired him because of me
R:Why you
B:He has a chrush on me. So whenever we worked together he never did his job right
Sp:Did he do anything to you

With that she broke down. She was now broken because of that sicko. I've had enough so I walked off to my car and grabbed my arrow.

C:Betts sweetie where is that son of a bitch.
B:5 seasons room 115
C:Thank you I'll be back.
T:Cheryl no
C:I'm going if you like it or not
T:Then I'm coming with you
R:Me too
J:Me too
A:I'm coming
J:Me,Sweetpea, and Veronica will stay with betty. We'll bringing her to my trailer so just meet us there when your done.
T:K bye

With that we all go our different ways

No Pov
2 hours later

Everyone was at the trailer now and betty's in her room with Cheryl,Toni, and Veronica she is a mess and it's like she broken that charles did break her for good. And speaking of Charles let's just say Cheryl put 4 arrows in him and got beat up by everyone else that was there.

Sp:Guys what are we going to do she's broken
J:I don't know he broke her
R:He's a son of a bitch
J:Well at least he's in hell now.
Sp:Let's be honest do you really think we would let him get away with

Just as Sweetpea says that Veronica,Cheryl, and Toni walk over with tears on there face.

J:What happened
T:She's broken we'll never be able to fix her again
Sp:What she say
C:That she's worthless, that she doesn't deserve to be loved or to even be alive.
V:He fucking broke her that son of a bitch broke her

Archie walks over to veronica and hugs her. And Reggie hugged Cheryl and Jughead hugged Toni.

Sp;Fangs your pretty quite what's up
F:This isn't the first time he's done this to her
J:Wait What

He Says when turning him and Toni around.

F:He use to take her after every mission and beat her so one day I followed her and found him hitting her and beating her. I of course attacked him and he fought back until I knocked him out. I asked betty how long he had been hitting and beating her and she said 2 weeks and that was 3 weeks ago
J:SO this has been happening for 5 weeks
F:Yeah I'm sorry
C:Fangs don't be sorry you attacked him when he was hurting betty Thats the best thing you could do.

Betty then walked out with a blanket wrapped around her she also had red puffy eyes with bags under them. Sweet Pea was on the couch so when she saw him she walked over and curled herself up in a ball on his lap

Sp:How you doing baby girl
B:I could be better
Sp:Are you going to make it
B:As long as you guys are here with me ill be okay
C:Betty we'll always be here
V:We'll never leave your side
J:Betty as long as we're here you have to tell us this stuff
T:B how long
B:5 weeks
R:Betty next time come to us okay
B:I'll always come to you guys from now on
Sp:You better

Sweetpea then started to tickle betty and she let out a giggle and then everyone joined in. That night was laughed and as for Charles he was found dead the next day but everyone was happy about it. As for Betty.Sweetpea, Cheryl,Toni, and Jughead helped her though it.

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