Boss Love (Beronica)

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V Pov
My boss Elizabeth Jones is one of the hotest girls Ive ever met. She's nice, caring, and I think she likes me too. Not just because I like her but because of the way she looks at me. We'll be talking and I'll catch her staring at me long and lovely. I know I probaly wrong about it but I'm going to ask her out today. I know the rules are noramlly don't date people you work with but that rule doesn't matter here. Betty wants everyone to find someone made for them so she doesn't follow that rule. Betty just called me into her office so I'm walking inside the office. I go and sit down and look at her.

B:Good your here
V:What can I do for you Miss.Jones.
B:V how many times am I going to have to tell you don't call me that
V: A lot
B:Listen Ronnie we need to talk
V:Are you firing me
B:What no of course not 
V:Okay thank god
B:I needed to tell you that I like you V
B:I know it must sound weird having your boss tell you they like you but I do
V:I like you too Betts I was going to tell you tonight before you closed up.
B:Okay so I'm not crazy
V:What are you talking about you've never been crazy
B:I felt that if I told you. That you would want to quit because you don't want me here.
V:I would never quit.
B;And I'm glad that you won't

Then I walk over to her and hug her. She was shocked at first but then hugged back.

V:Would you like to be my girlfriend
B:I would love too
V:Good because I want to able to call you mine
B:And now I am

We break out of the hug and I walk back to my seat because people don't need to know we are dating. I know it's weird getting a girlfriend but not wanting to tell anyone. We just sit there and talk about "work" when Fangs walks in. He's betty's second hand man. He's always been her second hand man he'll never be anything else.

F:Betts that buyer you wanted to talk to is here. But I don't think you'll like who it is
B:I know who it is
B:Wanted to talk to the buyer I did my research
F:Are you sure your going to be okay by yourself
B:Yep I'll be fine

Then she walks out. Who could the buyer be that Fangs is worried. I leave her office and go to mine. When I get in there since I share an office with Toni, Cheryl, Josie, Kevin, Sweet Pea, Jughead, Reggie, and Archie it was loud until Fangs came inside it with me. Then they all run up to us and start asking questions.

J:Is betty okay?
SP:Why is she here
T:Has she gone mad
C:DId you ask to go with her
R:Why would you let here do something so stupid.
F:Guys calm down
A:How can we she's with a mad person
J:You don't know do you?
V:Know what?
SP:The buyer is Betty's mom she abandoned her and Jug when they were 16 years old with her Dad and sister. The buyer is her so we don't know if they are going tk fight or not
V:Oh God

We just go and sit and continue working because why not if Betty needs us she can come get us.

B Pov

Right now I'm with my mother who left me with the rest the family besides Jug. I standing in front of her with my arms crossed

G:Betty sweetie I missed you
B:and you are
G:Your mother
B:I know I was messing with you
G:Okay let's get down to business
B:Okay what do you want
G:What you know I want to buy your company
B:No end of story goodbye
G:No I'm not leaving
B:Why not your not having my company
G:but you shouldn't own this company I should I could run it so much better then you

Then they come and take her away

G:Elizabeth I'll get you back for this I should own this company not you

She says while getting dragged away. Everyone came rushing out of there offices to see what's happening. Veronica, Toni, Jughead, Cheryl, Fangs, Kevin, Archie, Reggie, Josie, and Sweet pea come to my side to make sure I was okay.

Sp:What did she say
B:She want to buy the company
J:You didn't let her right
B:Of course not
F: Good we don't want her as our boss
B:I would never let that happen. You guys should know that by now
R:You gave me a heart attack when I told who you were talking with
B:You really think she would hurt me
A:No we thought you would hurt her
B:Good to know that's how you think of me
V:Your a badass how else do you expect us to think
B:I don't know just you guys make me think I'm this person you fear
T:We don't other people do
C:Okay enough about this let's get back to work
B:I don't want to. Babe come to my office
T:What did you just call Veronica
Sp:since when have you guys been together
B:Less then an hour ago
J:Good to know my sister is dating
A:Good to that we don't have to watch your guys sad way of flirting
B:Uh it's only going to get worse
R:dam it

Everyone goes to there offices and me and Veronica go to my office. I go and sit on my chair and veronica comes and sits on my lap.

V:Of course I'm comfy your very comfortable to sit on
B:That was really weird of you to say but okay
V:Hey that's the truth and it always be

We just sit there and cuddle on the chair. Everyone after awhile got use to me and veronica dating and everyone approved which i really appreciated. And that's just the story of how I got together with my lovely girlfriend Veronica Lodge.

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