I'm sorry TT (Coopaz)

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Warning suicide
B Pov
I was sitting at school. Right now I'm in science when we heard a gunshot. Archie, Reggie, Kevin, Veronica, Juguead, Fangs, and Sweet Pea who are in my class jumps up. Toni and Cheryl are the only ones who aren't in our class. They have mathematics right now. But we all look around in fear. Then all the serpents look at me. Im serpent queen so I know what to do.

B: Sweet Pea try and sneak to Laugauge and get everyone outside and safe through the window. Fangs and Jughead go to History and get every out through the window too, Archie, Reggie, Kevin, and Ronnie get out of here now. I'll text TT and have her and Cheryl get everyone out. As for everyone else I got it.
J: In unity there is strength
Everyone: In unity there is strength
B: Now gomm
J: Be safe

Everyone leaves and goes to do what I told them too. I text TT and tell her to get everyone out.

Messages between Baby Girl and TT

Baby girl: Princess there was a gunshot by my class room and I don't want anyone else getting hurt. I already gave the serpents jobs. I just need you and Cheryl to get everyone out of Math if you don't mind please.

TT: Sure Baby. But are you safe

Baby Girl: Yes Love I am. I'm going to try and get everyone out calmly by myself but I'll be out in a little bit

TT: Promise me you'll text me if anything goes wrong

Baby Girl: I'll try I promise

TT: I love you

Baby Girl: I love you too. See you soon.

TT: see you soon.

End of conversation

After i text her i put my phone away. Then I leave the room and go to the hall to see kids panicking.


They all stop and look at me.


They all look worried but do as I say. Everyone is outside. We hear 3 more gunshots but everyone keeps going. Once everyone is out even the serpents I go looking for anyone else. I keep going until I walk into the Science Lab. There he was the black hood standing there. He's looking at me. Then rasies the gun and shots. I let out a scream of pain then he runs off.

T Pov
We just heard someone scream by the sounds of the scream it's betty. All the serpents look at each other run. We all run inside and spread out to look for Betty. I'm with Jughead, Fangs, and Sweet pea. We turn into the Science Lab and there she is laying there with her eyes open but barely. I quickly rush to her side. I grab her right hand and look at her.

T: Baby come on stay strong your going to be okay
B: TT I'm sorry
T: No your not you did nothing wrong. Just don't talk and we'll get you out of here and get you help.
B: TT There's no time
T: There's always time

Jug, Sweet Pea, and Fangs join around us. Jug grabs her left hand. Sweet pea and Fangs are on opposite sides from one another.

T: Please just let us get you help
B: There's no time
T: Don't say that. Don't act like this is goodbye
B: TT We both know the truth there's no saving me this time
J: Betts come on please. Not now let us help you don't leave me. Don't leave us
Sp: Betty please just fight for a little longer you'll be okay
B: No you guys need to make sure everyone else is okay
F: We're not leaving you
J: Betty I just lost Mom (Alice)and Dad (FP). Archie and everyone else lost Fred. Veronica lost both of her parents too. Cheryl just lost her whole family. And almost all the serpents have lost there real family, please don't leave like all of those people
B: I can't keep fighting
T: We'll get you help just fight for a little bit longer
B: I'll try

We all get up and Jug picks up Betty. We start running towards the exit. We make it out side to see Tom Keller standing outside. He rushes over to us once he sees betty.

TK: Is she okay
Sp: NO we need to get her to the hospital
Tk: Follow Me

He walks over to his car and opens the door.

Tk: Meet me at the hospital I'll drive her

Jug puts her in the back of the car and then we all run to our bikes and ride to the hospital

3 hours later

She's been in surgrey for 3 hours. 3 fucking hours. Something could have gone wrong. She could be dead. Just as I was about to break and start getting mad the doctor walks out. It looks like he was looking for someone but then he looks at me then walks over to me.

DM: Your Toni Topaz right?
T: Yeah that's me.
DM: I'm sorry for the words I'm about to say but I'm sorry for your lose
T: She didn't make it
DM: Like I said I'm sorry

He walks away and I fall to the ground but then a Nurse walks over to me

Nurse: Toni Topaz this is for you

She hands me a letter then walks away. I open it and read it.

Dear, TT

My love I'm sorry that I left you but I couldn't keep fighting. I just wasn't strong enough. I know you see me as a hero but I'm not. I'm a failure. But i love you TT you are the best thing that ever happened to me. Im sorry TT for leaving you but just look to the sky and say goodbye and nothing else.

Love, Betts xoxo

I start to sob but then get up and run out side and go to the woods. I run all the way to Sweet Water River then I go to to a cliff. I need to join her. I promised her I would be with her always so im keeping that promise. I go to the top of the cliff look down then jump. Then all it does is go black,

No Pov

The news: We are sad to say Elizabeth Jones passed away from a shooter attack and Antionette Topaz passed away too but from suicide. Antionette was Elizabeth's girlfriend so everyone thinks Antionette went to join Elizabeth but we will never know. In other news there will be a funeral on July 24th for anyone who would like to say goodbye.

End of news

So betty and Toni did live happily ever after not in the way we thought they would but they did live happily ever after. So that's all anyone ever know they never know anything else but no one really cared but they did have have a good life even though it was really short.

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