Divorce (Swetty)

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Divorces are hard for most people to go through because you think you find your forever person but then you realize you didn't know that all the time you spent with that person and the love you gave them wasn't enough. So when Betty Jones decided that she wasn't meant to be with Nick St.Clair forever she filed for divorce which Nick gladly took because he didn't love her that much either. As the process for the divorce is going through Betty decided that she wanted to move back to Riverdale so that's what she did. Right now Betty is at her old home to see her family again.

Betty Pov

As I knocked on the home door I knew there was no going back so I did. But to my surprise when the door opened it wasn't my dad or brother it was Toni Topaz.

Toni: Betty what are you doing in Riverdale? Shouldn't you be in New York with Nick.
Betty: I moved back to Riverdale actually. I was hoping to see my dad and brother.
Toni: Well I'm warning you now we are all here.
Toni: Because we were all bored so we called Fp and he said we could have a little gathering since we haven't seen each other in a while.
Betty: Makes sense.
Toni: One more question before I let you in. Where's Nick?

I let out a sigh. I knew I was going to get this question a lot because me and Nick were always together no matter what.

Betty: We're getting a divorce right now. I moved back to Riverdale because I have a feeling if I was with all of you guys it would be much easier then just me by myself with Nick.
Toni: I'm sorry Betts. He was a decent guy but there is probably someone else better for you out there.
Betty: You're right. Now can I come into my old home?
Toni: Come on in.

She says with a laugh.

Cheryl: TT! Who's at the door and why are you taking so long?
Toni: Can I answer?
Betty: No I want to scare them.
Toni: Everyone is in the basement. I'll be down there and say that no one important was here.
Betty: Why thank you for letting me have my fun.
Cheryl: TT!
Toni: Sorry Babe! It's just someone trying to sell stuff!
Veronica: Well hurry up and get down here!
Toni: Okay!

Then she whispers.

Toni: You going to be okay by yourself for a moment?
Betty: I'm going to head up to my room before I come scare you guys. Or I'll probably just scare from upstairs.
Toni: Jb's up there so make her scream. I bet Fp and jughead will be up there in less then 10 seconds.
Betty: Thanks for the idea.
Toni: No problem. Now I better get downstairs before they yell at me again.
Betty: Good idea.

So Toni heads downstairs and I make my way upstairs where I find Jb walking in the hallway.

Betty: Hey Jb. I need you to be quiet for a minute. I want to scare everyone.

I say in a low whisper. She nods her head in response.

Betty: When I tell you to scream, scream as loud as you can.

She nods again.

Jellybean: I want a hug first.

She says which makes me giggle. I pull her into a hug and then we release from the hug.

Betty: Okay, when I get into my room scream and say there's someone in my room.
Jellybean: Okay.

I slowly make my way to my old room and see nothings changed since I left. Then I hear Jb scream then footsteps run up the stairs.

Fp: What's wrong Jb?

Dad sounds panicked.

Jellybean: Someone's in Betty's room.
Jughead: What!

Then my door is opened and I see all of my friends and family.

Betty: Hey guys.
Jughead: What? How are you home? Shouldn't you be in New York with Nick?
Betty: About that.... Me and Nick are getting a divorce and I have moved back to Riverdale.
Archie: WHAT!
FP: Why are you two getting a divorce Honey?
Betty: That's for me and only me to know.
Fangs: We won't be mad unless he did something like cheat on you or abuse you.
Betty: We just weren't in love, we just thought we were.
Veronica: So you're moving back?
Betty: I already did.
Kevin: Where are you living?
Betty: An apartment in the Pembroke.
Sweet Pea: How do you have that kind of money?
Betty: I lived in New York for four years. You can make good money in that amount of time.

Then Jughead runs and picks me up. I let out a little squeal and started laughing.

Betty: Juggie, put me down!
Jughead: Never Betts, I'm not letting you go ever again.
Fangs: He's missed you a lot.
Kevin: But to be fair we all have.
Betty: Well I am back for good.
Jellybean: Took you long enough to come back.

Then everyone goes into a group hug.

1 year later.

It has been a year since I moved back to Riverdale and I got a divorce with Nick. I am a free woman and I am happy about it. The only issue is that Sweet Pea and I are getting really close and we have been on a few dates but we haven't made it official. I want to ask him so badly to be mine but I don't want to rush anything. Right now it's me and Sweet Pea in his trailer just cuddling.

Sweet Pea: Betty can we talk?
Betty: Sure, what about?
Sweet Pea; Us.
Betty: What about us?
Sweet Pea: I want us to be official.
Betty: Pea is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?
Sweet Pea: Maybe? Only if you want to be.
Betty: I would like that a lot.
Sweet Pea: So I'm your and you're mine?
Betty: Yep.
Sweet pea: So I can kiss you?
Betty: If you want too.
Sweet Pea: Oh I do,

And he kisses me. It felt different from when me and Nick used to kiss. Like way different. This makes me feel so much more loved.

3 years later.

Right now Sweets and I are at Sweet Water River. We were sitting on the top of the cliff that is at the river we had a little set up. Sweets has been acting weird the last few days but I chose to ignore it because he has a right to a personal life that doesn't involve me. Right now we are watching the sunset but Pea starts standing up.

Betty: Where are you going?
Sweet Pea: I want to get a better look. Want to join?
Betty: Sure.

I start standing up and walk to where Sweets was standing and he hugs me from the side and I put my head on his chest.

Sweet Pea: I never want to leave this moment.
Betty: Neither do I.
Sweet Pea: That's why I want to do this.

Before I could answer I was out of his grip and he was on one knee with a ring in his hand.

Sweet Pea: I want you to be mine forever so that we can have so many more moments. I want you to be with me forever. So will you marry me?
Betty: Yes, a thousand times yes!

He gets up and picks me up. Then he puts me down and he puts the ring on my finger. After that we kissed. It was still full of love and passion like the first time we kissed.

Half a year later

Right now I was walking down the aisle with my dad by my side. It was the day I was marrying Sweets. I finally made it to the end of the aisle and the priest started the wedding.

After the ceremony because I don't know anything about that.

Priest: You may now kiss the bride.

So Sweets grabs me and kisses me with so much passion in the kiss. Everyone starts cheering then me and Sweets run down the aisle. When we got to the end and outside Sweets whispers in my ear.

Sweet Pea: Your all mine now,
Betty: All yours baby.

And that was how I got my happily ever after.

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