Pranks (Swetty)

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SP Pov

SP: Hey guys,so Betty has been acting off lately and I don't know if I should ask or not. Shes's been really stressed lately because of this youtube channel so we're always filiming so she's never herself not because it's an act but because she is shy around cameras. With the prank war going on I never know what's real or not but she never knows with me. Which is why I'm really worried me. So to make sure I really didn't do something wrong I'm going to stop at her house and check on her. I won't be recording for personal reasons because it's best for Betty.

Stops recording

I take a breath then get on my bike and drive to Betty's.

After he gets to betty

I knock on the door and Toni anwers it

SP: Hey Toni is Betty here
T: Yeah she is
SP: Where?
T: Her room
SP: Can I come in and talk to her
T: Why?
SP: Because she's my girlfriend and I love her
T: Fine

I walk inside and go upstairs to Betty's room. I walk into her room to see her sleeping. I smile to myself, she's asleep and yet still so beatiful. I walk over to her then push a peice of her hair out of her face. She starts to stir, then opens her eyes. She looks at me then looks away.

Before Sweet Pea arrives

B Pov

B: Hey guys, so me and Pea aren't together right now. Which means it pranking time. So I've been acting weird lately to throw him off. So he is would come over. I'm going to be doing the passing out prank on him. I haven't been feeling the greatest lately and Pea knows so I'm hoping this really shakes him up. I just hope he doesn't get mad at me.

Not recording
Time passes to when Pea arrives

I 'wake up' and look at Pea then look away. I feel his eyes on my back.

SP: Baby?
B: Hey
SP: Are you okay?You look really pale. Are sick or hurt?
B: I still don't feel good
SP: So your not up for filiming today?
B: If you don't mind Love
SP: If my princess isn't feeling good then we're not filiming.
B: Thank you bubba

I turn around and hug him and he hugs me back. Then I 'pass out'. I can hear him but I can't see him so this is going to be funny to listen to. I really hope I don't laugh

SP Pov

Betty just passed out and once she does my heart just drops. Like really why does everything have to happen to her. Why not me for once. I lay her down and start talking to her.

Sp: Baby please wake up

She still doesn't so I put her head in my lap and stroke her hair.

Sp: Baby come on please don't do this to me. I made you a promise that I would never let you get hurt but if you do something like this to me. So please wake up I'm begging you.

Then she starts stirring and waking up. She opens her eye and looks at me in confusion.

B: What happened
SP: You passed out baby. Are you okay. Do I need to get you to a doctor. Like how are you feeling. 
B: My head really hurts
Sp: Do you need water
B: Yes please

I try to get up but she yelps so I stop moving.

Sp: What's wrong
B: It's hurts alot
Sp: What does?
B: My whole body
Sp: Do you need me to stay
B: Please. I think if you move it will hurt more
Sp: OK I will

We stay there for another minute. Then I tried moving again but she yelps,

Sp: Betty please tell me your joking because this isn't funny.
B: No it really hurts. It feels like what it felt like when I got into the motorcycle accident
Sp: Baby come on please just tell me this is a prank. I know that your in pain but I really hope this is a prank
B: No I'm really hurt
Sp: I'm calling the hospital
B: No please don't
Sp: Why not
B: because it is just a prank. I'm okay baby I just wanted to see how you would react.
Sp: I hate you
B: You love me

Then Toni walks in. Walks over to the closet and grabs the camera.

T: How's it feel to get pranked
Sp: You were in on it
T: Yeah because I'm team Betty all the way
B: Hell yeah you are
Sp: Baby that seriously wasn't funny. You gave me a heart attack
B: You deserve it after the last prank you pulled
Sp: I was really sick
B: No you weren't.
Sp: Yes I was
B: you fake throw up
Sp: Okay but I only did that because you did the throwing up blood prank on me
B: Okay sure

Then Betty and Toni walk away laughing.

Sp: Antionette Topaz and Elizabeth Jones get back in here
B: Im busy
Sp: Doing what
B: Thinking of a prank for Cheryl and Fangs
Sp: Can I help
B: Yes now get in here

I walk into the living room and go sit on the couch.

Sp: Any idea
B: Either pregant prank or break up
Sp: break up so then we can get into a fake fight to see how they react
B: Yes
T: I'll call them over
B: Wait what if we did an abusive prank
Sp: Cheryl would shot me with an arrow
B: right never mind. TT go call them please
T: OK I'll be back

She runs off to call them. Then Sweets looks me straight in the eyes

Sp: even thought this is fake I need you to promise me that you won't believe a single word I say
B: I promise but you need to promise me too
Sp: I do promise because your my princess and I love you
B: I love you too

Then Toni comes walking back in. Then throws a pillow at Betty.

B: Hey
T: Hey there on there way
B: What did you say that's making them come over
T: that you and Sweet Pea were fight and it was getting heated up. And that they should come over right away
B: Go to know
Sp: We're going to waiting upstairs in our room so they don't see us as soon as they walk in.

So we go upstairs and cuddle until Toni says there in the driveway. That's when we got into character.

Sp: Your so annoying. Your being over dramatic
B: Im being over dramatic? Your the one who got mad at me for talking to Kevin who let me remind you is gay
Sp: I don't care. You mean nothing to me.
B: I feel the same way about you
Sp: Maybe we should break up
B: Maybe we should

It looked like betty could cry right now. She's a really good actor so it would put good special effects to this prank. Betty runs downstairs and I sit on the bed.

B Pov

I just ran downstairs and ran into Fangs who was at the bottom of the stairs.

F: Betts what happened
B: He hates me
C: Sweetpea does hate you. He's just mad. About what though
B: I face timed Kevin all last night because his dad yelled at him about I forget what and now Sweet Pea thinks I'm cheating on him with Kevin
C: But Kevin's gay
B: I know

Then Sweet Pea comes downstairs and looks at me

Sp: Betty what are you still doing here get out
B: This is my house too
Sp: We broke up which means this is my house now
F: Dude what the hell you can't just kick her out
Sp: I just did
C How about you leave
Sp: NO this is my house
B: No it was mine
Sp: This is why I broke up with you because you always think your right when your not
C: That's just too far
F: She's nothing but loving and caring I just think your mad that we're taking her side
Sp: Sure
B: Sweet Pea get out
Sp: NO
B: Get out right the hell now
Sp: NO

Fangs walks up to Sweet pea and starts pushing him

F: She said get out so get out
Sp: NO do I need to spell it
B: Fangs and Sweet pea knock it off. It's just a prank chill
F: Wait WHAT
T: It's a prank dude
C: Oh good lord

We Lloyd start laughing we really did love seeing each others reactions for pranks because that's all we ever did.  It was really funny.

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