Who hurt our baby girls (Sweet Pea X Fangs X Betty X Toni)

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SP Pov

Me,Fangs,Toni and Betty have been having a 4 way realtionship.Right now me and Fangs are in the blue and gold room waiting for betty and Toni to come back from there lockers. We were sitting and talking when we heard gasps and laughs coming from outside the Blue and Gold where Toni and betty's lockers are. So me and Fangs go out and see everyone huddling around both the girls lockers. Then we both see the gorgeus blonde's hair and the lovely Brunette/ Pink girls head through the group of people around them. Me and Fangs look at each other then push through the group of people. When we make it to the other side we saw Betty and Toni standing there both looking at each others lockers and both of them having threats on them. Toni's said
You should die just like the rest of your family you nasty Whore

That was written in Blood and had knives on it. Then we look at Betty's and it says:
Go to hells serpent slut go join everyone your mom has ever killed.

What the hell. Betty's locker had a vodo doll,Knives, and Blood everywhere. Who the hell did this to them they are wonderful girls. Me and Fangs look at each other one more time then Fangs grabs Toni from behind and hugs her so she can't get out of his grip. And I do the same to Betty. We carry them to the Blue and Gold and lock the door.They are now both sitting in a chair looking in front of them and both of them have no emitions on there face. I see tears in betty's eyes but they aren't falling down her face. Toni looks upset.The thing is neither of them have had real family in years. Betty's mom is Penny Peabody and murder inccoent people.Penny killed Betty's dad,sister, and brother infront of her. That only happened a few years ago.As for Toni, her parents kicked her out for being bisexual and the last time she went to see them she found both of them murded in there trailer. So both Betty and Toni have no one left. Me and Fangs wave our hands in front of both the faces so they snapped out of it.They finally did afterr 2 minutes or so.

F:Are my baby girls okay?
B:It's hurts but I'll live
T:Same here
SP:If you guys want to go home for the day we can.
F:Wow okay.How about you TT
T:I want to go home
SP:Okay who do you want to go home with you?
T:Both of you
F:Someone needs to stay with Betty though
B:You guys go I'll be fine.
SP:Are you sure Honey
B:Yeah I'm sure
F:Call us if you need anything
T:I love you
B:I love all three of you

Then we leave. I got a really bad feeling about leaving betty at school alone but ingored it.Betty is a strong girl she'll fight back.

B Pov

They just left and I was sitting in the blue and gold by myself. The truth is I'm not okay. That hurt a lot that people think of me as a slut and think that I should be killed like other people. I let a tear fall. But qucikly wipe it away when the door opens and in walks Cheryl and Jughead. Jughead came and hugged me.

C:We saw your locker are you okay
B:Yeah of course
J:Betty you don't need to be brave for us
B:I'm fine okay?
J:Where is Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Toni I thought they would have been with you.
B:Uh they took Toni home. She didn't take her locker very well.
C:SO they left you for rest of the day
B:Yeah I said it was fine
J:Betts I need the truth are you Okay?
J:Well me and Cheryl need to go somewhere but we'll see you at lunch okay?

Then they leave. I just sit there and think about life. What is wrong with it. But then Veronica Lodge walks in of course.

V:I saw your locker I have to say I love what you did with it
B:What do you want Veronica
V:Oh just to tell you that I'm the one who wrote that on your locker oh and that Topaz girls but it's not like you care about her
B:You son of a bitch
V:Wait you do know her
B:Bitch shut the fuck up you know that I'm dating her
V:Wait I thought you were with Sweet pea or Fangs.....Wait is Betty Jones in a 4 way relationship
B:Shut up Veronica
V:No one tells veronica Lodge to shut up

Then she punches me. So I punch back. We start fighting but then Mr.Weatherbee walks in and tells us to break it up and go to his office, so we do as he says and go to his office. When we get in there he looks at us and says point blank.

MWB:Miss,Jones you are suspended for 2 weeks and miss.lodge your free to go
B:What that's not fair she's the one who punched me first and your letting her off the hook
MWB:Miss,Jones you need to calm down. Miss.Lodge had nothing to do with this.
B:What the Fuck she's the one causing drama
MWB:Watch your language Miss.Jones and unless you want your suspension to be longer you better keep your mouth shut

SO Veronica leaves and he has to call my guardian which Which I don't have to he has to call Sweet pea.Great! So he calls Sweet pea and he picks up. When he picked up the phone I was told to leave the room so I don't know what's happening. I hear him tell me to come back in so I do.

MWB:Your ride will be here soon please go get your stuff and he ready to leave

I roll my eyes but leave. I got to the Blue and Gold where all my stuff is and grab it. Right as I was about to go to the front doors there is a knock. I look up and see Jughead and Cheryl standing there.

J:What happened to your face
B:Me and Veronica Lodge got in a fight
C:Are you okay?
B:Yeah of course I am.
J:Where are you going?

He says when I leave the room.

B:Got suspended for 2 weeks Sweets is coming to pick me up
C:That's not fair
B:It doesn't matter Veronica's dad owns the school so unless Mr,Weatherbee wants to be fired he can't give Veronica any trouble. But I'll see you guys later okay?
J:Yeah okay
C:Bye B
B:See ya C

Then I go to the front and wait for Sweet pea. 5 minutes later 3 motorcycles come rushing up and my 3 loves come rushing over.

T:Are you okay?
SP:What happened
F:Who do we need to kill
B:I'm fine, Nothing happened, and no one.
SP:Betty we just got a call from the school saying you were in a fight.
B:It's nothing
T:Betty! come on.
B:I'm fine can we just go!

They all sigh but nod. I get on the back of Sweet Pea's Motorcycle and we drive off. When we get home I run upstairs to my secert room. Which the others don't know about because it's in my closest and in my room. I hear them walk in my room but I keep walking into the room. When I get to my bed that was in the room. I just lay there and think. But 2 minutes later I hear the other 3 yelling my name but I ingore them.

Sweet Pea Pov

Betty just disappered we can't find her anywhere. I really worried about her. We keep yelling her name for 10 minutes but then we see the ladder outside and we look at each other and then climb down it. We think she went down it but I'm not sure.

B Pov

I hear them leave so I leave the room I'm in right now and go to my desk and look in the mirror. I see cuts and brusies all over my face.I sigh but then the door opens and in walks my 3 loves.

SP:Where did you go
T:Why couldn't we find you
F:Honey we're worried about you

I sigh and look down. I hear them move around then they make me look up.Now all 3 of them are in front of me.

SP:Bubba we're just worried you haven't been telling us anything 
T:Like we don't know how you feel Love we don't know if your hurt, scared, if you feel helpless
B:Veronica and me got into the fight she throw the first punch but didn't get punished for it. She's the one who wrote thoses things on mine and TT's locker. The only reason she punched me was because I told her to shut up when she started making fun of our reltionship.
F:Sweetie are you at least okay
B:I'll live.
T:Okay but next time come to us first baby please

We go in a group hug and we all just smile.Some people might have thought it is weird having a 4 way realtionship but we all love each other the same way.

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