What the hell (Multiple Ships)

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Fp is a gholuie but Jughead and Betty don't know. And Fp doesn't know they're serpents

Fp Pov

The gholuies are planning on kidnapping the serpents king and queen. It's one of the best ideas we've had. They said me and 6 other gholuies are going to attack them at the bar. So as we planned we left when there was no one there. When we got there i saw some of the teens I have seen at my house. I start wondering who they were and why they are here. We keep sneaking around and then I see our target. A blonde girl and a brown haired boy. We start sneaking behind the queen but then the king saw us a grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him. Then a whole bunch of serpents come out of no where.

Sp:What the hell are you doing here.
Fp:We're here the queen what else.

Then the queen turns around and it relives my daughter. Then my son comes and grabs betty and starts walking away.

Sp:You need to leave mr.Jones now.
Fp:Let me see my daughter.
F:Your not going anywhere near her,
Fp:You can't stop me from seeing my own daughter
Malachai:Enough the gholuies are here for the queen and that's it.
T:Go to hell.
C:Leave now you peices of shit
K:You don't need the queen you want the queen and you guys will end up hurting her so no
A:Now leave
Penny:Stand down serpents let me see my daughter
Sp:You don't have a daughter anymore
V:Now leave
C:Before the serpents start to bite
Fp:Can I please just see my kids

Then they leave getting annoyed of the serpents,

Sp Pov

We were walking inside the bar and see betty and jughead sitting at the bar. We walk over and I give betty a huge hug.

Sp:You okay princess
B:Yeah I just found out my dad is a gholuie and is trying to kidnap me.
Sp:I'll keep you safe I promise
B:Can you stay at mine tonight
B:How about we just have one big sleepover what do you think.
T:I'll come

Then everyone nods there heads in agreement. So we all head to each others trailers then we drove to my baby's  house on Elm Street and we all went into Betty's room. And we start talking and hanging out. But then there was a loud slam from the door. So Betty and Jughead to up knowing it's there dad.

B Pov

B:Dad your home
J:And not drunk
Fp:Hey guys we need to talk.
B:No we have friends over we're busy
Fp:Sweetie please

He tries walking closer to me and hugging me but Jug pulled me back.

J:Stay the hell away from her
Fp:Son it's not what you think
B:SO your not a gholuie and your not trying to kill me
Fp:We're not trying to kill you darling.
J:Get out
J:Get out
Fp:This is my house you will not kick me out of it
B:Get out right the hell now.
Fp:No like I said this is my house you will not kick me out
B:Get the fuck out

Then he did the unthinkable he punched me then kicked me so now I'm on the ground in pain. Then I hear everyone run down stairs. I look up to see a pissed looking Sweet Pea. He helps me get up then hands me to Reggie and Archie who help me stand.

Sp:What the hell did you do
Fp:I---I didn't mean to.
F:You didn't mean to attack your daughter that's such a lie.
Fp:Betty i'm sorry

He tried to step closer to me but Reggie and Archie pulled me back and Sweet pea stepped in front of me.

Sp:Stay the hell away from her
Fp:She's my daughter
B:Forthsye Pendleton Jones || leave now
Fp:Elizabeth Anne Jones no I'm not going anywhere
J:Get out of here Forthsye
Fp:You guys I'm your father you can't kick me out or stop me from seeing you Guys

Then betty stands up by herself and walks to her dad and grabs him by the ear and dragged him to the door then she opens it takes his keys from him then slams the door in his face. Then she throws the keys and they land in the trash. Then she leans against the door and slides down and starts crying. So me being the best boyfriend ever I walk over to her and sit next to her then out her in my lap and confront her. She soon calms down then falls asleep in my arms so I carry her up to her room. I was about to leave but then I felt betty grab my wrist I turn around and look at her.

Sp:You okay baby girl
B:Can you stay please.
Sp:Yeah of course but can I ask if your okay.
B:Im don't feel safe anymore knowing I've lived with a monster the whole I've been here.
Sp:Your okay I'll keep you safe I promise

I get under the blankets and cuddle up with her. She cuddles up in my chest. I wrap my arm around her. God I hate seeing her in pain.

B:Thank you.
Sp:NO problem princess I'm always here for you
B:I love you Pea

I was in shock it's the first time we're saying I love you

Sp:I love you too Betts,

She then snuggles into my chest more which makes me chuckle. She only does that when she's blushing. Then she yawns.

Sp:Go to sleep honey I'm here.
B:Thank you for being here
Sp:Like I said before it's no problem now get some sleep you've had a long day.
B:Night Sweets
Sp:Night baby girl

She falls asleep almost instantly I pull out my phone and text Fangs saying that I'm not coming back downstairs that Betty fell asleep and asked me to stay with her right now,. He texts me back saying out that everyone was planning on going to sleep anyways. Once I put my phone away I look at the goddess in my arms. I smile then I went up falling asleep too. But I'm happy because I have the love of my life in my arms my best friends downstairs.  And I'm finally able to breath because I know my girl will be safe from now on.

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