After the Musical (Sweet Pea x Betty)

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This takes place after Midge dies and when the bulldogs go into the serpent meeting  and they start fighting.

B Pov

I was walking towards the serpent meeting even though I'm already late I'm still going. But of course I was stopped by Reggie.

Reggie: Hey, Jones where's your boyfriend.
Betty: At the serpent meeting. Why?
Reggie: Your coming with me and the bulldogs.
Betty: Why should I? You're nothing but a bulldog with flees.
Reggie: Let's go NOW!

He grabs my wrist and drags me to the meeting room. Then opens the door.

Jughead: Hey, This is a private meeting.
Reggie: You'll do as we say or your presious little Betty will get it.

He says pulling me infront of the group.

Sweet Pea: I think you should let her go right the hell now.
Reggie: Why, I think we should kill her just like one of you serpents killed Midge.
Jughead: It wasn't us who killed Midge.
Reggie: Then who did?
Fangs: None of us. None of us know her.
Reggie: You sure about that because it wasn't the bulldogs.
Betty: Reggie, we all saw the body and the blood. It said it was the black hood and that's who I think it was.
Reggie: Are you sure your not protecting your boyfriend after he cheated on you but you don't want to admit it.
Betty: Reggie, do you want to know why I know it wasn't my boyfriend or any of the serpents. It's because I have been getting threats from this person who says they are the black hood.
Archie: Yeah, Sure.
Betty: Archie, You know about this you just don't want to admit it. I told you when I trusted you and now you are being a dick because your with Reggie and you pretend like you don't want to be there for me when deep down we both know you care.
Archie: Yeah sure whatever you say. You are crazy just like your mother and father.
Betty: You little.......
Reggie: Watch your mouth, my bulldogs are holding and we can snap you in half.
Toni: Not before the serpents snap you in half.
Moose: Like you could.
Jughead: I see that you guys are very full of yourself.

By now the serpents were standing and ready to killl.

Reggie: We're going to start guessing names of who did it. And my first guess is you Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: You ass I know midge, yes, but, we were nothing but friends and I have a girlfriend.
Archie: Wait, what if it was Betty Jones herself. I mean let's face it we all know she likes guys and girls. I have seen the way she looks at Cheryl.
Cheryl: I'm her cousin dumbass.
Archie; Yeah, Right I don't believe that at all.
Toni: Geez, you bulldogs are dumber than I thought.
Fangs: Just give us the girl and leave.
Reggie; Not that simple.

Then Mr. Weatherbee walks in.

Mr.Weatherbee: Elizabeth just who I was looking for. We need to talk to you

The serpents give a look to me  then the Bulldogs let me go and I go with Mr.Weatherbee.

Mr.Weatherbee: I saw the way those boys were treating you that is no way for a lady to be treated thought I would step in. But what we are going to tell the bulldogs and your gang is that you have to go talk with the Sheriff. Because I think the bulldogs need to go to jail so you are going to talk to him. 
Betty: Thank you Mr.WeatherBee.
Mr.Weatherbee: It was no problem you are one of my favourite students you desever better.
Betty: I don't want to go back into that room.
Mr.Weatherbee: good thing the sheriff is already here.

We walk into his office and I see Sheriff Keller.

Sheriff Keller: Hey, Betty good to see you again kid.
Betty: Nice to see you too Mr.Keller.
Sheriff Keller: You want to scare the pants off of the Serpents and Kevin?
Betty: Yes, is that a question.
Sheriff Keller: I am going to put you in handcuffs and we are going to walk past them.
Betty: Okay.

So he puts the handcuffs on me and we walk out to and past the serpent meeting room. But instead of them being inside of it. They were outside of it. So I put my head down to make it more realistaic. When we walk past them I saw Toni, Cheryl, Jughead, Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Kevin become very worried. They didn't look happy.

Jughead Pov:

Betty just walked past us with her head down and she was in handcuffs.

Fangs: What is happening?
Toni: What did she do?
Cheryl: Is she covering for one of us?
Kevin: She would never hurt a fly and my father knows this so why is he arresting her?
Jughead: I don't know what to do.
Sweet Pea; Do we go to the station?
Jughead: We have class still. We can go after class. Because I don't know about you guys but I am very worried about Betty. Like what if she did something behind our backs and that's why she's being arrested.
Fangs: We'll do our next class and that's it.
Jughead: Fangs is right. Everyone meet at our bikes after next class.
Toni: Let's go.

After Class.

Everyone was at the bikes we were waiting for Fangs and that was it. Fangs finally shows up and we go to the station. When we get there we go inside to see Betty dancing in the middle of a circle of officers. She keeps dancing until she sees us.

Betty: Hey Guys.

We all just smile and laugh. She walks over to us. The music still playing.

Betty: TT, Cheryl. Join me?
Cheryl: Of Course.
Toni: Let's have fun.

The three girls walk back into the middle and start dancing. Sheriff Keller walks out of his office and laughs when he sees them. Then walks over to us.

Sheriff Keller: See you came looking for miss. Betty over there.
Jughead: Why did you bring her in?
Sheriff Keller: We a) wanted to arrest the bulldogs so we need her witness report and B) there is an investgion that we need her help with but I see she got busy.
Sweet Pea: That's Betty for you.
Sheriff Keller: Sweet Pea mind if I give you some advice?
Sweet Pea: Sure what is it?
Sheriff Keller: Stay with her, watch her like a hawk. Protect her at all cost. She is so happy, inccoent, and thinks she has all the freedom in the world. But she doesn't realize that one person can wreck that all.
Sweet Pea: Thanks for the advice. She does really desever the best.
Fangs: She desevers the world. She has done a lot for us and the serpents. And our way of repaying her is how?
Jughead: Fangs is right we need to do something for her.
Kevin: You guys have already done enough though.
Fangs: What do you mean?
Kevin: She always tells me how grateful she is for you guys and the serpents. She says she's happy you guys didn't leave her like most of the people in her life have.
Sweet Pea: She's such a dork.
Jughead: But yet again she means everything to us.
Kevin: Why don't you guys throw a party for her or something like that.
Jughead: Kevin you are so smart. We'll throw her a party at the Wyhrm.
Fangs: I don't plan parties.
Jughead: None of us do but we know to girls who do.

We all chuckle and conutine to watch Betty and the two other girls dance. After about 5 minutes they were done. They walk back over to us.

Betty: I have to stay here and do some stuff but I'll see you guys at home.
Jughead: How about the bar?
Betty: Sure I do love going there. I'll text you guys when I'm done.
Fangs: We'll all be there.
Betty: I'll see you guys then. Bye guys.
Everyone: Bye Betts.

We walk away and the boys stop outside. Cheryl and Toni look at us.

Toni: what's up?
Jughead: We need you guys to plan a party for betty for tonight.
Cheryl: FINALLY!
Sweet Pea: What?
Toni: She's been waiting for you guys to ask us since forever.
Cheryl: We already have everything.
Fangs: That fast.
Toni: Like I said she's been waiting since forever.
Cheryl: Let's go TT
Toni: We'll meet you guys at the bar.
Jughead: See you guys there.

At the Bar.

I walk onto the stage and everyone looks at me.

Jughead: Attetion Serpents. I have an annconcement.
Random Serpent: Where's Betty she's normally with you?
Another Random Serpent: Did something happen to her.
Jughead: betty is okay she's helping sheriff keller with something. But I do have something to say about Betty.

Everyone attetion was on me now.

Jughead: Betty has done something for every single serpent in here. Young and Old. So I thought it would be a good idea to do something for her.

Everyone starts cheering.

Jughead: What we going to do is throw a party for her. She has no idea so it will be special for her. I have already talked to Toni and Cheryl. And they have agreed to put something together for her so it is going to be tonight here.

Everyone starts cheering. Then the doors open and in walks Choni with stuff in there hands. The serpents automatically start helping out because they could barely see where they were going. The serpents start setting everything up and by the time we were done it was perfect for Betty. She's going to love it hopefully.

Sweet Pea: She is going to love it.
Fangs: Hopefully.
Sweet Pea: Both of you don't doubt yourselves she will always be grateful for whatever she gets.
Toni: Because that's Betty for you. She will always love whatever she gets.
Cheryl: She'll love it. We've been planning this for a while for her we just go off of what she says she likes.
Jughead: You guys did great.
Cheryl: Why thank you second favourite Jones.
Jughead: I only come in second. WOW.
Toni: Betty will always be first.
Fangs: She's right.

My phones goes off and I look at it. It's Betty.

(Betty and Jughead's text)
Betts: Hey Juggie, I'm on my way to the bar. Do you need me to stop and get anything on my way?
Juggie: No, All of us are good here.
Betts: Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Juggie: Okay. See you then.
Betts: Bye, Juggie.
Juggie: Bye, Betts.
(End of Convo)

Jughead: She's one her way!
Sweet Pea: Party's about to get started.

Everyone starts getting excited. 15 minutes later I hear a bike pull up.

Jughead: She's here.

Everyone gets ready. Then the door opens and in walks in Betty. She looks around in confusion. Then everyone starts cheering.

Betty: What is happening?
Sweet Pea: This is our way of saying thank you.
Betty: For what?
Fangs: For everything you've done for us hottie.
Betty: Is that so?
Jughead: Yeah. Because you are the best serpent ever.
Betty: Well thank you.
Sweet Pea: No come party with us.
Betty: Sure, I need to let loose after all.

That night all we did was party. Forgetting about what had happened that day and that week before. Forgetting about everything that was happening in our lives that was bad. Because we live in Riverdale that's the best thing you can do. We forgot about this for sakin town. We forgot about what side we lived on about how we dressed, what everyone thinks of us. We forgot it all.

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