Be mine again (Betty X Sweet Pea)

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Betty Pov

The world always has its ways of saying go back to the people you love. But for me it isn't that easy. I live in New York city and work for a fashion company. I'm a model and photographer so my job gets really hard sometimes. Right after I graduated Yale I moved to New York. I never planned on working for this fashion company. My plan was to get a job at the New York news. But one day I ran into the owner of the fashion company and he asked me to work there because I am a perfect fit for the job. It was an amazing pay so I took it. I haven't been in Riverdale for 6 years which has been really hard but I survived. Right now I am on a flight to Riverdale actually because I am attending Archie and Veronica's wedding. I am very excited because I haven't seen anyone in 6 years so this is like a reunion type deal. The one person I am trying to avoid though is my ex-lover Sweet Pea Connor. We were together for 4 years but when I went to Yale the long distances was really hard so we broke up. I don't hate him at any means it's just I don't want to go through a heart break again. My plane just landed so I got off and got all of my stuff then went outside where I saw Toni Topaz waiting for me.

Toni: Hey Betts. Jughead wanted to pick you up but he got a last minute serpent mission or task whichever so he asked me to come and get you.
Betty: Well, thank you Topaz.
Toni: I see you still dress the same even though you're a fashion model.
Betty: I may be queen of the front cover but I will never shed my skin.
Toni: How long are you staying?
Betty: a week. I wish I could stay longer but they need me back in New York.
Toni: I completely understand I just wish you could stay forever.
Betty: Sorry but I can't.
Toni: Come on we need so get going.
Betty: Then onwards.

She laughs at me and we go and get into her car. We then head to the trailer park where I will be staying with my family. When we get there I see Fangs, Jughead, Jb, Cheryl, and my dad outside. I get out of the car and they see me and jump up. They all give me huge hugs then release me.

Fp: Hey Sweetie.
Betty: Hi Dad.
Jughead: Welcome home sis.
Betty: Why thank you. It feels good to be back.
Fangs: We've missed you like hell.
Betty: I've missed you guys too. I wish I came to visit earlier but I got really busy.
Cheryl: It's fine you're here now.
Jb: How long are you staying?
Betty: I was only able to get a week off.
Fp: Still means I get to see you for a week.
Betty: Okay I want to go on my old stomping grounds. Is there any way you may have sort of kept my bike?
Jughead: yes, We kept your bike.
Betty: Is it still in good shape?
Fp: It's still in perfect condition just like how you left it. No one touched your bike when you left. It's in the same spot.

I let out a giggle. Then run to the direction where I left my bike. I pulled to cover off and hoped on to it. I turn it on and start driving. Once I knew it worked perfectly I was off. The first place I went was Quarry. As I drove there I felt so free. It felt nice to be back in town and back on my bike. After 5 minutes of driving I made it to the Quarry. I got off my bike and walked over to the water. It looked so peaceful. It was really nice. I walked around and looked at all the places I have memories with my friends. I remember one time it was only Toni, Fangs, Sweet Pea, and I were in the water and there was a cliff that no one had ever made it up so I decided to try to climb it. Half way up my leg slipped so I only had my hands and one leg holding me up and it was really slippery, I heard Toni let out a little scream. Then Sweet Pea yelled at me to be more careful. I kept going and finally made it to the top where I found a path and a dog tag that said a quote the serpents go by "Never shed your skin." so I picked up the dog tag and jumped. I then told everyone that there was a path so Toni and Fangs got up and bulted to get up there. When they were gone I gave Sweet Pea the dog tag that he wore every day after that day. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I thought to myself that I spent enough time here so I got on my bike and drove to Pop's my next place.

No Pov

As Betty drove to Pop's she had a tall serpent on her mind. She never really moved on so she doesn' want to see him and bring back that heartbreak she went through. When Betty got to Pop's she saw multiple recognizable cars. And she was right on who they were. When she walks inside she sees Veronica, Cheryl, Toni, Fangs, Kevin, Archie, Jughead, Reggie, and Sweet Pea. She laughs remembering all the memories they had in that booth. She walked over to the bar stool and looked at Pop.

Betty: Hey Pop.
Pop: Elizabeth Jones is that really you.
Betty: Yeah it is Pop. It's been so long since I saw you.

Just then the bell rings signaling that someone else walked in. Betty turns her head and sees the parents of Riverdale. They all sit around her and she smiles remembering how much these people have done for you.

Hiram: Betty Jones long time no see.
Betty: Hi, Mr.Lodge.
Hermione: How's New York?
Betty: Really good. How's Riverdale been since I left?
Hermione: It's really good actually. Nothing like how it was in your high school year.
Betty: that's good.
Mary: Do you have a job Betts?
Betty: I work for a fashion company in New York. I'm a model and photographer.
Tom: Sounds like New York worked out for you.
Betty: Yeah, It did.
Sierra: Do you have a boyfriend or fiance?
Betty: No, I am single.
Fp: That's a good thing.
Betty: Dad!

Everyone laughs. Pop just then brings Betty her food so Betty tries to pay Pop but he shakes his head.

Pop: It's on the house. Count it as a little gift from me.
Betty: Thanks Pop.

So Betty gets up and walks over to the booth that has all of her friends.

Betty: I'll meet you at the trailer Jug.
Jughead: Okay.
Veronica: Betts, no hello to one of your best friends? Rude.
Betty: Hey V, sorry I've been going to old stomping grounds. I've got a few more places to go before I do anything else.
Archie: Well we are going to hang out before you leave right?
Betty: I'm here for your wedding so I have a feeling you will be seeing a lot of me in the next few days.
Reggie: How long are you staying?
Betty: A week is all I could get off.
Kevin: What's your job.
Betty: I work for a fashion company. I am a model and photographer.
Veronica: I bet all the guys drool when they see your photos.
Jughead: Can you not? I don't want that thought in my head.
Archie: Do you have a boyfriend?
Betty: I do not. I am a single girl living in a big world.
Fangs: We should hook you up with someone before you leave.
Betty: I'm going to go and you aren't doing that.

Everyone laughs as I leave. I got on my bike but was stopped when I heard someone call my name. When I turned around I saw someone I was trying to avoid. Sweet Pea was running over to me when I was getting on my bike.

Sweet Pea: Hey, Can we talk for a moment?
Betty: What's up?
Sweet Pea: I don't want everything being weird between us. I get that I just randomly broke up with you and didn't let you talk but I still want us to be friends. If that's what you want.
Betty: I don't know Sweet Pea. The day you broke up with me I became broken and it was really hard for me to get over you with no closer.
Sweet Pea: Just let me make it up to you. Please.
Betty: Well I'm only here for a week so this is the only chance you get to make it up to me. Only this week and if you fail I am never talking to you again.
Sweet Pea: Deal.

I smile then get on my bike and continue my adventure.

End of the week

I am so upset I am leaving today. I gave Sweet Pea the week like I said and he was nothing but sweet and caring. It brought back a whole bunch of old feelings. Right now I am at Sweet Pea's trailer because I spent the night last night because I got drunk then forgot I gave Toni my keys and she had already left so Sweets took me to his place. I got up and got dressed. Then I went to my house and went inside to get my things. I said goodbye to my family then headed to the airport. After going through all the security and everything I was waiting for my flight to be called. After about 45 minutes my flight was called but I didn't have to guts to leave. I stood up and thought about it. I would miss Sweets too much and the same goes for my family. The final warning for me to get on my flight was called but I couldn't do it. I watched as my flight took off then I heard someone call my name.

Sweet Pea: Betty, You aren't really leaving are you?
Betty: No, My flight just took off. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I would miss everyone way too much.
Sweet Pea: Really?!
Betty: Yeah, I'm back for good.

Sweets smirks then comes and hugs me. He puts me down then we kiss. It was something we both wanted to do all week I could tell but we didn't because we didn't want our hearts broken again.

Sweet Pea: Will you be mine again?
Betty: I would like nothing more.

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