Serpent Queens (Coopaz)

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Im becoming serpent queen but I need a king or queen. You see Im bisexual. So I could have either Queen or King so I don't know what I'm going to do yet. You guys see there is a new member of the serpents. She is really cute and the same age as me. She became a serpent because her parents didn't approve of her being Bisexual too.And her parents kicked her out so she came here right away because she already wanted to join the serpents she just didn't know if her parents would hate her.She is staying at my trailer which I lived alone in until now. My parents bought me a trailer because there wasn't enough room in our trailer so I moved in there. Right now I am in the trailer sitting by myself and Toni is in her room. Then she walks out and sits next to me.

T:Betts we need to talk
B:About what
T:I don't know if you feel the same way but I love you Elizabeth Jones
B:TT I feel the same way. I've loved you since you walked through the doors of the bar I fell in love with you
T:I want you too be my girlfriend
B:I would like that but there is only one issue with that
T:What's that
B:You have to become my serpent queen too if you end up being my girlfriend
T:I would love to be the serpent queen with you
B:Are you sure you want to be with me your whole life
T:Yes I'm sure about that
B:Then I would love to be your girlfriend

She says jumping into my arms and kissing me. We ended up making out for 5 minutes then break apart.

T:Do you know how long I wanted to do that
B:As long as me
T: probably
T:Are you going to tell your friends or wait
B:I think we should wait because if we don't everyone will sworm us with questions that I don't want to anwer just yet
T:Okay what do you want to do right now
B:Cuddle and watch movies
T:Okay Then

We get in my bed and cuddle. She turns on October Kiss and starts watching it. I just stare at her as if she was the only thing there. She is just so beautiful I'm happy to call her mine now. Me and her in 5 years are going to be together and be the serpent Queens together with 1 beautiful daughter  that we adopted together. She looks at me and catches me starring.

B:Just thinking about our future
T:We've been together 10 minutes and your already thinking about that
B:Why wouldn't I be
T:I don't know
B:Come on you are thinking the same thing as me
T:Okay I was.
B:What's you version
T:We are both the serpent Queens in 5 years and have 1 beautiful daughter that we adopted together
B:TT I was thinking the same thing
T:That is really funny
B:I know

We go back to cuddling and stay there for 10 minutes then we both fall asleep

5 years later

Like we said 5 years ago we are now the serpent Queens and have 2 daughters not 1 but 2. One of them is 2 her name is Rose Juliet Topaz-Jones and our other one is 5 and her name is Cali Morgan Topaz-Jones. They are little angles. Right now they are running around the bar with Jug,Sweet Pea, Reggie,Archie,Cheryl,My dad, and Jb. They are playing hide and go seek, me and Toni are upstairs in our office doing work for the serpents when the girls come running up and hide under our desks.

Cali: Don't tell anyone please Mommy's
B:Okay We won't

Then they all come running in.

Fp:We can't find them anywhere
B:Your telling me you lost my children
T:What the hell
Sp:We're sorry
B:Do you know the gholuies could have them
C:Betty chill
B:I can't chill the gholuies could have my kids because of you dummies
F:Betty we're sorry
B:I can't TT I can't
T:It's okay baby. Everyone out

They all leave and me and Toni start throwing a giggle fit.

T:Im surprised they believed it
B:Same here

The girls come out from under the desk and we lock the door.

B:You want to give your aunts and uncles a heart attack
B:Mommy's really good at making people look like there hurt and there is a secert exit so me and mommy can walk downstairs and go outside and pretend to find you guys all beat up
Cali:That sounds fun let's do it
T:Okay but I need you two to sit still when I do it

25 minutes later

We finally got the make up done and we brought the girls outside of the bar. Then go back inside and walk downstairs then head out side. Where we pick up the girls and bring them inside the bar, we find our family sitting at a booth looking upset. When they look up they all look relived but then worried.

K:What happened
A:Are they okay
B:They should be after we patch them up
Fp:How bad are they
T:Really bad
C:Let's go patch them up
B:To our offices

We walk upstairs and me and Toni start taking off there makeup. Everyone looks at us confused. But then start laughing when they realized what was happening.

Fp:Betty you really made me think I got my grandchildren hurt
B:you could have
J:We'll start keeping a better look on them from now on
T:You better

We all start laughing. Rest of the night we stayed upstairs and shared some laughs and memories that we had years ago. And that was the end.

A/N:Okay so this one sucks but I couldn't think because I had to kids yelling at me and my best friends yelling at me too sorry. Also sorry for spamming you guys with stories.

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