Vaction (Coopaz)

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T Pov

Me and my bestie are going on vaction to Orlando,Flordia just the two of us. But what no one knows is that I love her a lot and I think Im going to tell her when we are there. Right now we are on the flight up there and I'm sitting next to her trying my best not to hold her hand. She looks at me with a smile.

B:TT this was a good idea to go on Vacation I need a stress free week. So this will do just the think
T:Well I saw that you were really stressed so I thought that you could use a break
B:God your the best TT

Then she looks infront of her again.

When they get to the place they're staying at

Right now me and Betty are unpacking our stuff. Then Betty jumps onto her bed and letting out a huge relieved sigh.

B:This is the life I want to live everyday
T:We just got here though
B:I know but there are no kids fighting or listening to parents arguments.
T:It's getting that bad
T:Okay Then

I say and jump on top of her

T:What do you want to do right now
B:I want to rest for a little bit then we can do something
T:Okay good plan

There last day because I'm lazy

Today is the last day we are here so im going to tell betty I love her. I'm really scared that she won't say it back but I'm going to take the chances. Right now Betty is at the SPA and I'm waiting for her to get back. I've been waiting for 30 minutes when the door opens.

B:Hey TT
T:B your back
B:Yeah that was really calming
T:Thats good
B:What did you do when I was gone
T:I was thinking a lot
T:You and Me
B:What about us
T:Betty I just going to say it I like you Betty like a lot.
B:TT so do I
T:Betts you know I'm talking about in a girlfriend way
B:Yes I do
T:But I always thought you were straight
B:Oh sweet sweet TT I thought you had a gay meter
T:I do
B:Well its not working because guess what I'm fucking gay bitch
T:That went south real fast
B:I know anyways TT I like you as a girlfriend way too
T:Well then Miss.Jones will you be my girlfriend
B:I would love to

Then I kiss her. I know we just started dating but I needed to kiss her so I did. She kissed back which suprised me at first. We break the kiss and look at each other.

B:I've been waiting to do that for like ever
T:Same here baby girl same here
B:You want to cuddle?
B:Who's bed is the question

So we get in my bed and cuddle. She falls sleep and I just enjoy looking at this beatiful lady infront of me.

2 days later

We are already home but haven't told anyone we are dating. But we are today. We are going to walk in school hand in hand.I know people are going to judge but we still are. Right now we are on our bikes driving to school. Once we get there we get off the bikes and head towards the door. I grab Betty's hand and she looks at me with a smile then we walk in. Once we walk in all eyes were on us. We heard whispers and gasps but we ingore them. We make it to the student lounge where all our friends will be. Once we get there Jughead,Sweet Pea,Cheryl, Archie, Reggie, Fangs, Kevin, and even Veronica Lodge looks at us.

C:Well isn't this suprising Betty am I right

She says with a giggle.

J:Well Well Well. I never expented this. My sister to end up she her best friend. I alwasy thought I was the only one for her.
B:Juggie your my brother and you can't expent me not to date someone.
J:But Betty

He says with a huge sigh. Then Veronica stands up

V:Betty I thought you were straighter
B:And I thought you were a good person not some snobby bitch guess we were both wrong
V:Oh please your just jealous that I'm so amazing
B:Hey guess what I don't care. You might be "amazing" but I'm serpent queen I'm 100 times better then you
V:Oh please

She keeps slowly walking up to us. Now her and Betty are face to face. This isn't going to end well.

V:I could bet you any day of the week.
R:Veronica that's where you are wrong
V:What are you talking about everyone loves me because I'm so amazing.
B:Veroncia the football team hates you so do the Vixens. No one in the blue and gold hates you. The farm of all things wouldn't let you join. which I kind of wish they did. The basketball, baseball, dance, soccer, and all the teachers hate you. Veronica face it if you dad didn't own the school or wasn't mayor we would kick you out of our town
V:Is this because I won't let you go to pop's anymore
B:Veroncia I bought pop's from you by the way
V:Wait what how
B:I had the higher amount of money.
B:Because I have the serpents to thank
V:Your lying
B:Call your daddy he's the one who sold it to me
V:No no no

She says running off.Betty then go's and sits next to Reggie and Archie. She whispers something in there ears and they all laugh.Then she gets up and leaves.

T:What's going on
A:She did something
T:What is that something

Then we hear kids laughing and veronica screaming. We quickly go out to the hall and we see Veronica covered in slime.

V:What is this
V:This is going to take forever to get out of my hair
B:Tick Toc
V:I'm going to get you back Betty Jones if it's the last thing I do.

Then she rushes off.Betty let's out a laugh. I go and give her a hug

T:That was evil
B:I know I'm the best

I let out a laugh. From that day on I known I wanted to be with this girl and only this girl. She is a  smart, adorable, caring, but also badass girl and she's the one who is meant for me  and I know that. I know she's the perfect on for me. It's like we are souldmates and meant to be together so that's what's going to happen. She's going to be Betty Anne Topaz one day I know it.

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