Please for us part 2

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Self harm warning.
T Pov

I have been eating and Betty hasn't been cutting herself but I've had a weird feeling lately whenever I'm near her. I keep shaking it off but I'm starting to get really scared now. Right now it's me,Fangs, and Sweet Pea. Bettys at pops meeting up with Jughead to talk Serpent business. Fun am i right. We were waiting for her to get home so we could go to the bar. We are sitting in the living room watching Jatie Vlogs on YouTube. They are like the best couple ever. We were sitting there watching the videos. When the door opens and in walks betty. She has cuts all over her face and looks like she could collapses. The 3 of us qucikly get up to her and Sweet pea picks her up.

Sp: What happened?
B: Ghoulies jumped me and Jug.
F: Did you drive here
B: Yeah of course I did. I'm fine
T: But your not
B: Yes I am
Sp: Betty you look like you could pass out
B: Im fine. I feel this pain almost all the time
Sp: I thought we told you to stop cutting
B: And I did it's just it hurts alot. The pain I feel you guys will never feel
F: But Betty we feel the pain you feel when you do something like this
B: Im fine. I promise
T: Betts come on don't be brave for us
B: I'm not being brave
F: You are
B: Sweets can you please put me down
Sp: Not until you stop this
B: I'm not doing anything
Sp: Come on please stop being brave

She sighs and I see the tears in her eyes. She then digs her head in Sweet Pea's neck. Me,Sweet pea, and Fangs look at each other worried

T: Betty?
B: Yeah
Sp: Are you okay
B: No
F: You want to talk about it
B: Kind of

We move back to the couch and sit down. Me holding bettys right hand, her sitting on Sweets lap, and Fangs holding her left hand

F: talk to us
B: V died.
Sp: And you didn't tell us
B: Thats the real reason I was with Jug, we weren't talking about serpent stuff. We were talking about how I need to cope and how I need to calm down
T: Why didn't you tell us
B: The way she died. I didn't think you guys would like it and become more protective
F: Princess how did she die
B; She committed suicide
Sp: That makes sense of why you didn't tell us
B: I didn't want you guys thinking I was like her
Sp: But your not
B: You don't know that
F: But we do
T: We've been with you long enough that we know who you are and you aren't that type of person
B: But what if I keep getting worse
Sp: Then we'll help you through it
T: Betty believe us when we tell you that we love you because we do and since we love you that means we won't leave you even if you are in dark times
B: Promise
F: We promise
Sp: Now let's go clean your cuts
B: Fine

She says with a sigh. She's been going through a hard time I know but she still worries me.

F: Wait betty Where's Jughead you said he got jumped too
B: The Whyrm. He went there after he made sure I was okay
T: How did you even escape
B: easy being sexy
Sp: what?
B: I looked at them with a smirk that made them lose there focus and Jug grabbed them and knocked them out
F: OK?
B: If a bunch of Gholuies come looking for me I'm not here
F: Betty!
B: They wanted what they can't have
Sp: Betty why would you make them horny
B: Because they want and need what they can't have ever
T: Betty if they show up here we have no one here to help besides the 4 of us and your not in good shape
B: I called back up

Then there was a knock on the door. Betty gets up and rushes to the door and opens it.

Fp: Betty hey. You needed back up
B: Yeah I did
Fp: Why
B: We're throwing a party
Fp: Why
B: Ghoulies.
C: What'd you do now
B: They jumped me and Jug so I looked sexy and now they want what they can't have
Fp: okay then we're throwing a party

Every one came in and we throw a party,every aged serpent was there and we just partied the whole night. The gholuies did show up around 9 but they got scared off by the serpents so we just partied the whole night. As for me and Betty we are fine. I kept eating and Betty never hurt herself after that.

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