BF (Beggie)

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This is my birthday present to @fillie4life19 happy birthday

B Pov

I was standing in front of Archie Andrews right now who was confessing his feelings for me and begging me to date him but I cant, What nobody knows is that I have a boyfriend. Im sick of guys going after me so Im just going to tell him the truth.That I betty Jones is dating Reggie Mantle his best friend. God now Im scared. But here goes nothing.

A:Betty just go out with me I can treat you so right
B:Archie I have a boyfriend.
A:Really and who is that
A:I do not beileve you.
B:Then call him and ask him for yourself
A:Fine I will

He gets out his phone and calls him right now hes waiting for reggie to anwer the phone. Which he does.

A:Reggie hey man....... Yeah Im good I just got a quick question......... Okay so Im with betty and I was asking her out and she told me you and her were dating. Is that true........Oh okay Ill talk to you later......Bye

And he hangs up and sighs 

A:I hate him

He mumbles but I can here him.Im not going to lie he scares me sometimes. As his hands go into fists my phone chimes. I look at it and its from Reggie.

Messages between Betty (Baby B) and Reggie (My True Love)

My True Love:Betty Are you okay I know your with Archie and when we hung up I got a really bad feeling!!!!

Baby B: Im Fine calm down. He looks really mad though which is scaring me.

My True Love:Ill be there in a minute.

Baby B: You dont need to come Im fine I promies. Trust me

My True Love: Its not that I dont trust you its the point where I dont trust Andrews

Baby B:Okay then come I dont care anymore.

My True Love: I love you

Baby B: love you too

End of Convo

Now Reggies coming this is going to change everything of how Archie Reacts. Just as I finish texting Reggie, Archie comes over to me and grabs my arm.

A:You need to be with me
B:I love reggie not you

His grip tightens. It hurts a lot now

B:Archie let go of me your hurting me
A:I could care less. Your a serpent dating a bulldog you know as a fact that realtionship will never work and thats because the day the bulldogs want to attack the serpents Reggie will have to chose the bulldogs or your serpents and there asses. So Ill make this easier for you. Break up with him dont talk to him.Nothing no contact at all.
A:Then dont be shocked when he dumps you for the bulldogs and vixens.

His grip keeps tightening until I cant feel my arm at all.

A:So break up with him or your going to get your heart broken.
R:Archie let go of her.

Reggie said from behind him. He lets go of me and turns around.

A:Mantle there you are.
R:What the hell were you doing to my girlfriend
A:Telling her your going to pick the bulldogs over her and her serpents so she should leave you now
R:Andrews I know as a fact the bulldogs like the serpents and they love betty. Betty is a Vixen by the way. So is Cheryl, Toni, and Josie and they are all serpents too. And Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Jughead are on the football team and they are Serpents. So I hope you relize that the serpents are everywhere.
A:Ill kick the boys off the football team and have the serpents kicked off the vixens.
R:But the thing is archie your not the bulldogs caption I am. And as for kicking the serpents off the vixens you cant do that Betty is cheerleading caption voted from the vixens and cheryl and Toni as co-captions and Sweet Pea and Fangs are my co-captions so I think I should kick you off the bullldogs how about that.
A:You wouldnt do that
R:You want a bet.
A:Mantle I was telling Betty facts not threatening her so you can chill
R:Ill chill when you keep your hands off my girlfriend and dont talk to her at all.
A:Fine Ill leave her alone
R:Good Now go

Then he left into his house and Reggie walks over to me,

R:Did he hurt you 
B:A little

I say looking at my arm which had a huge red mark that is going to brusie.

R:This proves how badass you are
B:I know
R:Are we going to show the whole school that we are together on monday
B:Yes is that a question
R:Okay then
B: I got to go but Ill see you monday morning come pick me up
R:Okay bye love
B:Bye handsome

And then I get on my bike and drive home. Which I share with Sweet Pea, Jughead, Fangs, Cheryl, Toni, Josie, and Kevin. When I got there they all looked at me. But I ran upstairs with a smile on my face. I got to my room and fell on my bed. God Reggie has such a good affect on me. 5 minutes later there was a knock on my door.

B:Come In

The door opened and in walked everyone. They all sat on my bed and looked at me puzzled.

SP:Why are you so happy
B:Because I am
F:But your never this happy
C:It looks like your in love
B:Maybe I am

Once I say that Toni,Josie,Cheryl, and Kevin let out a squeal and Jughead,Fangs, and Sweet Pea stifflen.

F:Who is this guy
B:A boy you guys know
SP:And he thinks he is good enough for you
B:Yes because he is
J:I dont beileve he is
B:Well youll find out who it is on monday and then youll see
C:Betty come on who is it
B:Fine it is............................................ No one
T:Betty! Come on!
B:Nope you have to wait until monday
SP:Well thats towormorw
B:Yeah so you have to wait a night

Everyone leaves but Jughead.

J:You know Im just trying to protect you Im not trying to sound annoying
B:I know that
J:Okay well goodnight and sleep well
B:You Too

And with that he left. And I layed down with Reggie mantle on my mind.

The next morning

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