Broken (Mulitple ships)

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Suicide warning also be ready to cry.
B Pov

Im sick of life why the hell is everything wrong with the world. My life sucks.First my mom takes my brother and sister way from me. Then my dad is put behind bars. And the serpents don't want to listen to anything I say I feel like the serpents are going to go down. Like Aaaaaahhhhh. God I need to end it all like Cheryl,Toni,Fangs,Jughead, and Sweet Pea won't miss me right. What ever I'll right them notes give them to them then go to Sweet water river and end it all. But who should I write a letter to first........ Toni

Dear, Toni

I'm sorry TT but I can't keep don't this anymore. I miss my brother and sister so much it physical hurts. I miss my dad a lot I feel lost without him. TT I'm sorry for leaving you but this is what is best not just for me but for you too. So I'm writting this one last time to say goodbye forever. You were and always will be my best friend. You were my right hand woman. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. And you have helped with the serpents so much so thank you. I'm giving you and Cheryl the serpents. Your now the Queens congrats it what you've always wanted right. I should have never been serpent queen you should have and now you are so congrats you deserve it. I'll miss you always T so for now it's goodbye I'll see you one day I hope.

Love, Betty Jones xoxo xoxo

Who should I do next maybe Fangs or Cheryl.......... Fangs. I know Cheryl,Jughead and Sweet Pea's are going to be the hardest to do. So I'll do Fangs first.


I'm sorry for leaving so early but it's what's best for the world. If I'm gone there will be less issues so that's what's going to happen. I hope you have a good life after I go. I hope you finally fall in love. And I just want to say thank you fangs. For giving me hugs when I would cry over my life.  Thank you for sticking around as long as you could. You've been really helpful. So I know that your mom needs surgey so im giving $100,000. That should hopefully cover the surgey cost and get you a little something extra. Fangs I will really miss you with all of my heart, I don't know what I would have done without so thank you, I love you forever and always.

Love, Betty Jones oxoxoxoxo

Now cheryl this is going to be the really hard one I know it


I know I saved you forever ago from doing what I'm doing and I'm sorry but I have to go. If  I don't go now I doon't know what I would do with my life. I know your probally crying your eyes but please don't cry. Just look at the sky smile and say goodbye because there is no way your getting me back sadly. Cher we have good memories remeber them. I love you with all my heart and I don't know how to tell you that enough. But thank you I know you bullied me a lot and we didn't really have a realtionship until now. But you were to one who made me stay alive for as long as I could. I was strong for too long. I should have already be gone. But I'm not because of you and rest of my family(Serpents) . Also I'm giving you and TT the serpents you guys are now the queen's congrats cousin I wish I could be with you right now but I can't. I don't want you too give up too. I need you to be there for TT, Fangs, and Sweets because I know they will end up like me if they have no one with them. I love you so so much Cher and you will always be my bestie.

Love,Betty Jones xoxoxoxox

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